November 4, 2019

Connecticut Supreme Court Uses Pseudo-Science Term to Rule Embryos "Marital Property"

The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos could be destroyed at the request of a mother even though the father objected. They were ruled "marital property" and the couple who created them had previously agreed to destroy them in the event of divorce.
A quote from the decision includes the term “pre-embryo,” which isn't a scientific term and was constructed purely for the sake of politics.
“Pre-embryo is a medically accurate term for a zygote or fertilized egg that has not been implanted in a uterus,” the court wrote. “It refers to the approximately 14-day period of development from fertilization to the time when the embryo implants in the uterine wall and the primitive streak, the precursor to the nervous system, appears. An embryo proper develops only after implantation.”
A textbook would say something entirely different. The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology (6th ed.), by Keith Moore and T.V.N. Persaud, says this:
The term “pre-embryo” is not used here [in their book] for the following reasons: (1) it is ill-defined; (2) it is inaccurate…(3) it is unjustified because the accepted meaning of the word embryo includes all of the first 8 weeks; (4) it is equivocal because it may convey the erroneous idea that a new human organism is formed at only some considerable time after fertilization; and (5) it was introduced in 1986 “largely for public policy reasons.”
By controlling and manipulating the language by which many understand the development of human life, those who don't care about what happens to preborn children can have a powerful influence on how politicians respond to the issue.

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Pennsylvania Representative Calls Early Miscarriage “just some mess on a napkin.”

During a debate on legislation that would require burial or cremation for the bodies of babies who die from miscarriage or abortion, Rep. Wendy Ullman made the statement “Not to be…not to be concrete…An early miscarriage is just some mess on a napkin.”

The Pennsylvania House Health Committee was debating HB 1890 when Ullman made the statement demeaning the value of preborn children in their early stages of development. Preborn children, without the help of legislation like this, are treated as medical waste after death. This legislation, which has been upheld by the United States Supreme Court, calls for human lives to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their age.

Abortion advocates argue that these kinds of laws decrease access to abortion by increasing the cost that abortion facilities must pay to dispose of bodies.

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Pennsylvania State Representative Privately Apologizes Five Months After Harassing Pro-Life Mom and Teens

Pennsylvania State Representative Brian Sims privately apologized to the family of Ashley Garecht via mail five months after harassing her and her teenage daughters and attempting to dox them for praying outside a Planned Parenthood clinic. The message on the card Sims sent read:
“Dear Ashley, I want to reiterate my sincere apologies to you and your family. I regret the harm that I caused and I have learned a great deal from this. I can only ask for your forgiveness and I wish you all the best in the future. Sincerely, Brian Sims.”
According to Life Site News, Sims had not apologized to the family before sending this care. He did, however, apologize to the Planned Parenthood facility for the negative press this incident generated.

In the original video, Sims said:
“What we’ve got here is a bunch of … pseudo-Christian protesters who’ve been out here shaming young girls for being here. So, here’s the deal, I’ve got $100 to anybody who will identify these three, and I will donate to Planned Parenthood.”
The Garecht family accepted his apology, but also stated, “It is our sincere hope that Mr. Sims will modify his conduct in the future and that he will stand in defense of all citizens who exercise their First Amendment rights in the public square, including those who advocate for life outside of abortion facilities.”

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November 1, 2019

World Medical Association Declares Opposition to Euthanasia

This month, the World Medical Organization (WMA) released a declaration of its stance on euthanasia, including all forms of medically assisted suicide. Unlike many other organizations, the WMA took a strong stance which reinforces the value of human life, as doctors should:
"The WMA reiterates its strong commitment to the principles of medical ethics and that utmost respect has to be maintained for human life. Therefore, the WMA is firmly opposed to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide."
Furthermore, it stated that doctors should be given the right to conscientiously object to killing a patient in any area where such actions are legal:
"No physician should be forced to participate in euthanasia or assisted suicide, nor should any physician be obliged to make referral decisions to this end."
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Senate Bill Could Prevent Pro-Life Groups from Receiving Foreign Aid

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) inserted an amendment into an omnibus funding bill which “would prop up the abortion industry and overseas promoting of abortion with federal funds,” and create a “vehicle to harass pro-life recipients” according to a letter to senators from March for Life Action.

H.R. 2740, the omnibus funding bill with this amendment, was pulled from a vote on Thursday, but the entire bill or a new bill that still includes this language could be reintroduced. Congress has until Nov. 21 to pass an appropriations bill to fund government agencies in the 2020 fiscal year.

The amendment increases aid to domestic groups that support abortion and also creates an enforcement mechanism against "discrimination" of aid beneficiaries on the basis of sex, “including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy.” March for Life Action is concerned that this enforcement mechanism could prevent pro-life groups from receiving aid which they currently use to provide life-affirming care.

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October 31, 2019

Michigan Governor Unveils New York-Like Abortion Law

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
On October 29, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and pro-abortion allies unveiled the “Reproductive Health Act.” This bill, if passed, would allow unlimited abortions in the state of Michigan up to the moment of birth

Although it has not yet been introduced to a legislative body, it has been confirmed that the bill would:

  • Allow minor teens to have secret abortions without their parents’ consent—or even knowledge.
  • Allow abortion facilities to ignore health and safety regulations that other medical clinics follow.
  • Allow abortion facilities to refuse to provide informed consent to women.
  • Allow walk-in abortions with no waiting period.
The bill may also allow taxpayer dollars to fund abortions and allow nurses and physician assistants to perform surgical abortions.

“They’ve already passed a bill to ban a safe procedure that has saved women’s lives,” Governor Whitmer said, referring to a bill that outlaws abortion procedures in which doctors forcibly tear a baby apart limb from limb in order to remove it from its mother's womb. “And as they know, I’m going to veto those bills if they ever have the backbone to send them to my desk.”

4 Year Old UK Girl Told ‘You should have been aborted!’

While walking her two children to school, Emma Ross was confronted by a man who noticed her four-year-old's wheelchair. “The man was yelling in her face, saying she shouldn’t have been born, she was a drain on the NHS, a drain on society and that I should have had her aborted if I’d known she was going to be disabled,” Emma said according to the Mirror. Hertfordshire Police are investigating the incident as a hate crime.

Quinn Ross, the four-year-old girl, suffers from Perthes disease, a hip condition which makes walking painful. She can only walk 10-15 steps at a time without the wheelchair, but after the incident, her mother says that Quinn is afraid to leave her home in her wheelchair. In the United Kingdom, disabilities are frowned upon to the point that parents can get the permission of judges to "put down" their children after they are born.

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October 30, 2019

Paralympic Champion Follows Through with Euthanasia Plans

Marieke Vervoort, a gold medal winner in the 2012 London Paralympic Games for the 100-meter wheelchair sprint, recently followed through on an announcement that she would have a medically-assisted suicide. After the 2016 games in Rio de Janeiro, she told fans that she would not only be retiring but also looking into euthanasia due to the progression of her neuromuscular condition. Her athleticism was her career, so, understandably, she would find it difficult to adapt to losing that part of her life, but for her to take this drastic action is saddening, to say the least.

It shows her hopelessness at the idea of living out her life with this condition and communicates to others that medically-assisted suicide might be a viable option if they feel similarly about medical difficulties in their own lives. People surrounding those facing medical difficulties need to facilitate their emotional and medical needs with meaningful relationships and palliative care so that they are not left feeling hopeless.

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Joe Biden Denied Communion Over Abortion Stance.

Credit: Marc Nozell / Flickr
A Catholic Priest in North Carolina denied communion to former Vice President and current presidential candidate Joe Biden because of the candidate's support for legal abortion.

“Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other and the Church. Our actions should reflect that. Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself outside of Church teaching,” Fr. Robert Morey, pastor of St. Anthony Catholic Church in the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina said to the Catholic News Agency.

Canon 915 of the Code of Canon Law states that “Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.”

Joe Biden has stated that he would increase funding to Planned Parenthood while during his campaign for the 2020 presidential election, flipping on his previous stance that taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund abortions.

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Alabama Abortion Ban Blocked by Courts. Legislators Welcome Decision and Plan to Challenge Roe v. Wade.

Credit: Nicolas Michaud / Flickr
An Alabama law that was planned to go into effect November 15 was blocked by a preliminary injunction from U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson after the ACLU went to court to stop it. Alabama legislators welcome the decision and plan to use the injunction to take the abortion issue up to the Supreme Court to challenge Roe v. Wade.

Alabama passed the Human Life Protection Act in May; a law that banned abortion at all gestational ages except to “avert (a mother’s) death or to avert serious risk of substantial physical impairment of a major bodily function.” There is also an exception if a licensed psychiatrist diagnoses a mental illness and has a “reasonable medical judgment that she will engage in conduct that could result in her death or the death of her unborn child.”

Republican state Rep. Terri Collins said in a statement,
“Our law was designed to overturn Roe v. Wade at the Supreme Court level, and today’s ruling is merely the first of many steps on that legal journey. I remain confident that our mission will be successful and appreciate the support of millions of citizens who support our effort to preserve unborn life.”
Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall has also declared that he will work to bring the case all the way to the supreme court.

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October 29, 2019

Judge Allows Student Attacked in Washington Post Article to Sue

US District Judge William Bertelsman partially reversed his ruling which prevented a defamation suit against the Washington Post from progressing further. This decision moves a young student one step closer to having his day in court against the news giant and bodes well for lawsuits against other outlets.

Nick Sandmann, who was portrayed in numerous media outlets after a charged confrontation between a Native American man and students from Covington Catholic High School. The students were at the Lincoln Memorial waiting for a bus after participating in the January March for Life in Washington, D.C. when the man walked up to the group while beating a drum. The students were trying to drown out racist taunts from the nearby Black Hebrew Israelites when the event occurred. Nick was captured on video looking the man in the eye while he beat his drum, and the media jumped to conclusions about the short clip without waiting for context.

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Missouri's Last Abortion Clinic Facing Closure due to Health Violations

Credit: American Life League
The Missouri Department of Health denied the renewal of the St. Louis Planned Parenthood clinic's license, the only remaining abortion facility in the state after it did not comply with health protocols.

The Department of Health cited “unprecedented lack of cooperation” and “failure to meet basic standards of patient care, and refusal to comply with state law and regulations protecting women’s health and safety that resulted in numerous serious and extensive unresolved deficiencies including multiple that involved life-threatening conditions for patients.”

The Planned Parenthood clinic would not perform required pelvic examinations as a “preoperative health requirement,” according to the state. In addition, doctors refused to provide interviews and the clinic was not prepared for a case of "extreme hemorrhaging."

A judge and the Administration Hearing Commission both granted a temporary stay of the health department’s decision while the case is reviewed. The clinic will be allowed to stay open during that time.

The Fairview Heights Planned Parenthood facility was created in preparation for a situation such as this since Illinois' liberal abortion legislation facilitates women crossing the border to obtain abortions there.

Planned Parenthood Publishes Book to Answer Teens' Questions about Sex

Planned Parenthood released a book designed to inform young people about sex titled “In case you’re curious: Questions about sex from young people with answers from the experts.” The book was written by Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) as a continuation of its In Case You're Curious (ICYC) project. Using its ICYC branding, PPRM provided a phone number that young people could text to ask questions about sex, and Planned Parenthood would respond with answers. Planned Parenthood claimed that it responded to 14,176 texts by 2017.

The book features nine chapters, each with different groups of similar questions. Many of these important questions are presented as part of illustrations that seem to be designed for children. An illustrated elephant couple, for example, asks “When should I start having sex?” An owl asks, “Is emergency contraception an abortion?” This is paired with fairly mature material and explicit illustrations of the human body.

Parents should be aware that materials like this are becoming increasingly accessible to children. They should take action to inform their children about human sexuality in a responsible way before others (like Planned Parenthood) take that opportunity away. If Planned Parenthood answers questions like “When should I start having sex?” or “Is twelve too young to know I’m Bi?” before a parent does, those parents will have missed out on an incredibly important teaching moment for their children.

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October 28, 2019

San Francisco Mayor Bans City Employees from Travelling to States with Pro-Life Legislation on Business

Effective January 1, 2020, San Fransisco public employees will not be allowed to conduct business with or embark on work-related travel to states that ban abortion between 20 and 24 weeks.

In total, this list includes Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. This is very similar to a recently-announced Illinois bill that would prevent state workers from traveling to states with abortion restrictions.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed called the move a stand “against states that put women’s health at risk and that are actively working to limit reproductive freedoms,” and said that while “tax revenue from San Francisco alone may not be sufficient to encourage states to rethink their laws, if other cities and states follow San Francisco’s lead, the financial pressure might be enough to prompt policy changes.”

Jury Sees Screenshots of Delivery Form for Fetal Body Parts

Among many other things, jurors in the ongoing legal battle between Planned Parenthood and undercover journalists saw 2012 screenshots from a website which detailed a variety of options for ordering fetal body parts.

“You have one drop-down menu for the kind of body part you wanted. They had about 50 to a hundred different body parts listed. You could get a heart, you could get a heart with veins and arteries still attached, you could get a brain, you could get kidneys, you could get genitals. You could get the scalp. Really, anything you could imagine,” Daleiden said.

The website had menus for specifying gestational age, the number of specimens, and shipping methods. One could receive the body parts with same-day, overnight, or ground Fed-Ex shipping.

The testimony helps show that Daleiden was focused on exposing violent actions of abortion facilities which were altering abortion procedures in order to obtain intact body parts. A California privacy law that Daleiden is accused of breaking also says that someone who records others while trying to expose violent activities is exempt from punishment.

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October 25, 2019

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Against Freedom of Conscience

Credit: Becket Law Press Release
Little Sisters of the Poor, an organization made up of nuns who assist the impoverished near the end of their lives with nowhere else to go, lost in a battle against the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for their freedom of conscience in the face of the Affordable Care Act.

In its ruling, the 9th circuit stated, “the statute delegates to HRSA [Health Resources and Services Administration, a component of Health and Human Services] the discretion to determine which types of preventative care are covered, but the statute does not delegate to HRSA or any other agency the discretion to exempt who must meet the obligation.”

The Supreme Court overturned the original lower court ruling against the Little Sisters of the Poor in 2016, and President Trump issued an executive order which provided religious entities with exemptions to covering contraception. Pennsylvania and California responded to the latter by suing the federal government, however.

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Heartbeat Bill Advanced in South Carolina House

South Carolina's Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee passed a bill in a 4-3 vote which would, if passed, ban abortion after a heartbeat is detected. Doctors who commit abortions after a heartbeat can be detected could face criminal charges if this were to become law.

House Bill 3020 requires that abortionists have mothers listen to their childrens' heartbeats and doesn't include exceptions to the rule for cases of incest or rape, per an amendment introduced by Sen. Richard Cash.

“Whether you mean to or not, you are punishing a person wrongfully for something he or she had nothing to do with," he said.

The bill passed in the House earlier this year, but will soon be voted on in the full Senate Medical Affairs Committee before it gets to the Senate floor. If it passes both votes, it will be sent back to the House of Representatives before going to Gov. Henry McMaster, who has already voiced his support.

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Oklahoma Judge Issues Temporary Injunction Against Abortion Pill Reversal Law

An abortion clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with the help of the Center for Reproductive Rights, persuaded Oklahoma County Judge Don Andrews to issue a temporary injunction against SB 614, a law that would require abortionists to tell their patients about abortion pill reversal at least 72 hours before her scheduled abortion. Judge Andrews said that he wanted to hear additional arguments at trial before he would allow the law to take effect.

There are two kinds of pills involved in chemical abortions. In the days after a pregnant woman takes the first kind of pill, taking abortion reversal pills can counteract the effects and save a pregnancy. Oklahoma would join Arizona, Arkansas, South Dakota, Utah, Idaho, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Kentucky in the list of states with abortion pill reversal notification laws.

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Daleiden Defense Shows "20/20" Report Including Undercover Journalism of Fetal Tissue Sales

October 24ths proceedings of the Planned Parenthood vs. Center for Medical Progress ended with the jury watching an episode of ABC's "20/20", in which an undercover producer spoke with a businessman involved with the sale of fetal tissue. David Daleiden, an undercover journalist for the Center for Medical Progress, said that the report was the inspiration for the videos he produced with the CMP. He exposed Planned Parenthood's sale of fetal body parts with a series of videos including undercover footage of discussions with abortionists who even admitted to altering abortion procedures to collect intact fetal body parts.

The "20/20" report, which you can watch above, is extremely similar to the content Daleiden is currently being sued for producing. In an ironic moment, then-President of Planned Parenthood Gloria Feldt was interviewed by Chris Wallace. She told him "It seems totally inappropriate. Where there is wrongdoing, it should be prosecuted and people who are doing that kind of thing should be brought to justice."

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October 24, 2019

Simone Biles, Once a Foster Child, is Now the Most Decorated Gymnast of All Time

Drawing of Simone Biles
Credit: Denish C / Flickr
Simone Biles broke records and barriers to become the most decorated gymnast ever. She won five out of the six available gold medals at the World Championship in Germany on October 13. When she was only three years old, however, she was put into foster care due to her mother's addiction problems. She bounced between foster homes for years before her grandfather and his wife finally stepped forward. 
“Although I was young when my foster care ordeal began, I remember how it felt to be passed off and overlooked,” she wrote. “Like nobody knew me or wanted to know me. Like my talents didn’t count, and my voice didn’t matter." 
“Finding a family made me feel like I matter. Finding a passion, something I loved and was really good at, made me feel like I mattered.”
With that motivation, Simone went on to be the greatest gymnast of all time. With her platform, she wants others to know the importance of adoption. “[…] My road to success began the day my grandfather and his wife officially adopted my sister and me.”

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