October 30, 2019

Paralympic Champion Follows Through with Euthanasia Plans

Marieke Vervoort, a gold medal winner in the 2012 London Paralympic Games for the 100-meter wheelchair sprint, recently followed through on an announcement that she would have a medically-assisted suicide. After the 2016 games in Rio de Janeiro, she told fans that she would not only be retiring but also looking into euthanasia due to the progression of her neuromuscular condition. Her athleticism was her career, so, understandably, she would find it difficult to adapt to losing that part of her life, but for her to take this drastic action is saddening, to say the least.

It shows her hopelessness at the idea of living out her life with this condition and communicates to others that medically-assisted suicide might be a viable option if they feel similarly about medical difficulties in their own lives. People surrounding those facing medical difficulties need to facilitate their emotional and medical needs with meaningful relationships and palliative care so that they are not left feeling hopeless.

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