Interestingly, Planned Parenthood's total number of clients dropped by 10%, while abortions increased by over 8%.
The report shows that Planned Parenthood committed an all-time-high 383,460 abortions in its 2020 fiscal year. That is up from its previous record of 354,871 in its 2019 fiscal year.
Planned Parenthood no commits over 41% of the world's abortions.
By comparison, Planned Parenthood only offered 8,775 prenatal services in the 2020 fiscal year. That is up slightly from 8,626 in 2019, but generally trending downward from its 2010 peak of 31,098. On a similar note, Planned Parenthood aborts 200 children for every adoption referral.
The number of abortions Planned Parenthood commits each year is about the same as the number of prenatal services the corporation has provided in the last 20 years combined.