October 24, 2019

Simone Biles, Once a Foster Child, is Now the Most Decorated Gymnast of All Time

Drawing of Simone Biles
Credit: Denish C / Flickr
Simone Biles broke records and barriers to become the most decorated gymnast ever. She won five out of the six available gold medals at the World Championship in Germany on October 13. When she was only three years old, however, she was put into foster care due to her mother's addiction problems. She bounced between foster homes for years before her grandfather and his wife finally stepped forward. 
“Although I was young when my foster care ordeal began, I remember how it felt to be passed off and overlooked,” she wrote. “Like nobody knew me or wanted to know me. Like my talents didn’t count, and my voice didn’t matter." 
“Finding a family made me feel like I matter. Finding a passion, something I loved and was really good at, made me feel like I mattered.”
With that motivation, Simone went on to be the greatest gymnast of all time. With her platform, she wants others to know the importance of adoption. “[…] My road to success began the day my grandfather and his wife officially adopted my sister and me.”

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