November 4, 2019

Pennsylvania Representative Calls Early Miscarriage “just some mess on a napkin.”

During a debate on legislation that would require burial or cremation for the bodies of babies who die from miscarriage or abortion, Rep. Wendy Ullman made the statement “Not to be…not to be concrete…An early miscarriage is just some mess on a napkin.”

The Pennsylvania House Health Committee was debating HB 1890 when Ullman made the statement demeaning the value of preborn children in their early stages of development. Preborn children, without the help of legislation like this, are treated as medical waste after death. This legislation, which has been upheld by the United States Supreme Court, calls for human lives to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their age.

Abortion advocates argue that these kinds of laws decrease access to abortion by increasing the cost that abortion facilities must pay to dispose of bodies.

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