January 23, 2020

Donald Trump to be First President to Attend March for Life in Person

March for Life 2015
Credit: American Life League / Flickr
President Trump announced that he would be the first president in U.S. history to attend the March for Life rally this Friday.

The March for Life Rally in Washington D.C. has been an annual event since the first anniversary of Roe v. Wade (decided in 1973), but no president has ever attended the event.

March for Life president Jeanne Mancini gave this statement:

"We are deeply honored to welcome President Trump to the 47th annual March for life. He will be the first president in history to attend and we are so excited for him to experience in person how passionate our marchers are about life and protecting the unborn. From the appointment of pro-life judges and federal workers, to cutting taxpayer funding for abortions here and abroad, to calling for an end to late-term abortions, President Trump and his Administration have been consistent champions for life and their support for the March for Life has been unwavering. We are grateful for all these pro-life accomplishments and look forward to gaining more victories for life in the future."

Video: The True History of Roe v. Wade

Live Action News created a video showing the little-known history of Roe v. Wade and its companion case Doe v. Bolton. In both cases, the plaintiffs were taken advantage of by activist lawyers. Neither ever attended hearings and both became pro-life.

To learn more about the history of this questionable decision, click here. To learn more about the plaintiffs "Jane Roe" and "Mary Doe," who are now pro-life activists, click here.

President Donald Trump Declared Jan 22, 2020 "National Sanctity of Human Life Day"

Yesterday on the 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, President Donald Trump declared the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day.

"Every person — the born and unborn, the poor, the downcast, the disabled, the infirm, and the elderly — has inherent value. Although each journey is different, no life is without worth or is inconsequential; the rights of all people must be defended. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, our Nation proudly and strongly reaffirms our commitment to protect the precious gift of life at every stage, from conception to natural death," he wrote.

"As a Nation, we must remain steadfastly dedicated to the profound truth that all life is a gift from God, who endows every person with immeasurable worth and potential. Countless Americans are tireless defenders of life and champions for the vulnerable among us. We are grateful for those who support women experiencing unexpected pregnancies, those who provide healing to women who have had abortions, and those who welcome children into their homes through foster care and adoption. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, we celebrate the wonderful gift of life and renew our resolve to build a culture where life is always revered."

January 22, 2020

Pro-life Representatives Mark 47th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Credit: Flickr / Phil Roeder
Pro-life legislators in the House of Representatives commemorated the anniversary of Roe v. Wade with speeches pushing for adoption of life-affirming legislation such as the Dignity for Aborted Children Act and the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

The Dignity for Aborted Children Act would require aborted children to be buried or cremated. This would protect remains from being discarded in places such as the late abortionist Ulrich Klopfer's basement, where he hid over 2,000 bodies of aborted children.

The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would require medical facilities to provide children who are born alive in spite of abortion procedures to give the same medical treatment any other child would receive after birth.

Live Action News compiled links to speeches from many pro-life representatives. To watch them and read more, click here.

Study Suggests Babies can Feel Pain Before 24 Weeks Gestation

A new study co-authored by John C Bockmann and Stuart Derbyshire, the latter of whom is pro-choice, suggests that, contrary to pro-abortion rhetoric, unborn children can feel the pain caused by abortion before their 24th week of gestation.

The study, titled "Reconsidering Fetal Pain," explains that other studies that came to the conclusion that unborn children cannot feel pain before 24 weeks gestation operated under the assumption that certain parts of the child's neuro system hadn't developed enough. This study suggests those parts may be unnecessary. “More recent evidence calling into question the necessity of the cortex for pain and demonstrating functional thalamic connectivity into the subplate is used to argue that the neuroscience cannot definitively rule out fetal pain before 24 weeks,” it reads.

The researchers explained further,

"...current neuroscientific evidence undermines the necessity of the cortex for pain experience. Even if the cortex is deemed necessary for pain experience, there is now good evidence that thalamic projections into the subplate, which emerge around 12 weeks’ gestation, are functional and equivalent to thalamocortical projections that emerge around 24 weeks’ gestation. Thus, current neuroscientific evidence supports the possibility of fetal pain before the 'consensus' cutoff of 24 weeks."

Derbyshire remains pro-choice in spite of his own study's conclusion. He says that abortionists should, “consider some form of fetal analgesia during later abortions.” Even if Derbyshire rejects the truth that these unborn children represent human lives that deserve protection, perhaps his research can help further the cause of pro-life advocates in the political sphere.

Click here to read more.

January 21, 2020

Wisconsin to Consider Amendment Giving Personhood to Preborn Children

Wisconsin Capitol
Credit: Jake Pfaffenroth / Flickr
Wisconsin legislators are considering legislation that would allow voters to decide on a "personhood amendment" which would make preborn children a protected class under state law.

Matt Sande, a representative of Pro-Life Wisconsin, told OneNewsNow why the amendment is necessary.

"In the Declaration of Rights of our state Constitution, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness only applies to the born human being," Sande explains. "There is nothing nefarious in this; our founders were not contemplating legal child-killing 150 years ago. But from a pro-life perspective, it is an error."

Passage of this amendment would allow Wisconsin lawmakers to exercise more control over the abortion industry with legislation.

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Representative Says Democrats Should Educate White House on Value of Foreign Aid for Family Planning

Rep. Ami Bera (D-Calif.)
Rep. Ami Bera (D-Calif.) told Devex.com that Democrats should, “educate the President and folks in the administration about the value” of US aid for overseas family planning programs.

“Let’s go in an area that we talk a lot about: the youth bulge. That is [a] national security issue in sub-Saharan Africa. You can play off of that,” Rep. Bera said. “If you want to address the youth bulge, part of that is empowering women and girls. Part of that, at a minimum, is providing voluntary family planning and so forth.”

U.S. aid for family planning overseas has subsidized abortion and forced sterilization for women overseas in the past. Programs that receive aid for family planning tend to focus on population control, shown by Representative Bera's use of the term "youth bulge" when discussing this issue with Devex. The organizations who are mostly concerned with population control will make it their goal to get women to have fewer children regardless of their wishes.

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January 20, 2020

Pro-Life Activists Arrested at New Jersey Abortion Clinic

Credit: Michael Coghlan / Flickr
Five pro-life activists were arrested Saturday at the “Options for Women” abortion center in Plainfield, New Jersey.

The activists were acting as a part of the Red Rose Rescue campaign. While advocating for the lives of unborn children at the New Jersey clinic, they gave out roses with notes attached. The notes read, “You were made to love and to be loved...your goodness is greater than the difficulties of your situation. Circumstances in life change. A new life, however tiny, brings the promise of unrepeatable joy.” The contact information for crisis pregnancy centers was also printed on the notes. This is not the first time pro-life activists have been arrested at abortion centers, and it is unlikely to be the last.

“The Red Rose Rescue is an act of charity for women who feel for whatever reason they must have their innocent unborn children killed,” said spokeswoman Lisa Hart. “Those who took part were willing to embrace risks for these women and their babies. We will go into the very places where the unborn are put to death and extend help to the moms.”

She further explained that activists participating in the Red Rose Rescue campaign will stay at abortion centers even if their message is rejected to stay in solidarity with the children being killed there.

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January 17, 2020

Planned Parenthood Plans to Spend $45 Million to Elect Pro-Abortion Candidates in 2020

Planned Parenthood, an organization that admits receiving 37% of its overall revenue from taxpayer funding in its 2017-2018 annual report, revealed to CBS reporter Kate Smith that it plans to spend record amounts in 2020 to support pro-abortion candidates.

Smith reported this move is “the biggest electoral effort in its history: a $45 million spend to support presidential, congressional and state-level candidates in the 2020 elections who support abortion rights.”

The abortion corporation wants to stop the recent influx of abortion regulations from states around the country and maintain the role of other states (like Illinois) as abortion havens for women who cannot access abortion in their own states. Smith explained Planned Parenthood's reasoning further:
"There is so much at stake if you are an abortion rights activist. I mean, last year, you saw an unprecedented number of abortion restrictions and bans across the country. This is not just the south and Midwest we’re talking about. I think there was 38 different states introduced at least some of these restrictions. They are really leaving no stone unturned. Every single state they are looking at, and how can they either find candidates that are less hostile toward abortion rights, or in some cases, finding candidates that are particularly open to reproductive health. For example, I spoke to a volunteer activist in Colorado. She was telling me that Colorado, their Planned Parenthood affiliates see patients from 38 different states."
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Genetic Researchers Paid Women to be Artificially Inseminated so they Could Study Embryos.

A recent study led by CooperGenomics reproductive geneticist Santiago Munne took advantage of impoverished women by paying them to be artificially inseminated. Living embryos were flushed from their bodies and studied for the purpose of developing a new method of fertilization that is cheaper than in vitro fertilization, while also allowing doctors to destroy embryos with certain genetic conditions.

“What this essentially does is use a woman’s body as a petri dish,” Laurie Zoloth, a bioethicist at the University of Chicago, told NPR. “And there’s something about that that seems so profoundly disturbing.”

This study further stigmatizes genetic conditions, takes advantage of impoverished women by allowing them to sell their bodies for much-needed income, and even paid for the abortion of any children whose embryos weren't flushed from their mother's body.

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January 16, 2020

IL Rep. Dan Lipinski Under Fire from Democrats over Support for Louisiana Abortion Regulation

U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL)
Credit: American Life League / Flickr
U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinksi (D-IL) is facing backlash from his party for his support of a Louisiana law that would require abortionists to maintain admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their facility.

Rep. Lipinski signed a friend of the court brief alongside 200 other Congress members to support Louisiana's law as it faces a Supreme Court Decision. For this, he is being heavily criticized by other members of his party, some of which argue he shouldn't be considered a Democrat at all.
Lipinski has also fallen under scrutiny from pro-life advocates in the past for his aye vote on the pro-abortion Equality Act. The Representative from Cook County voted in favor of the Equality Act, arguing that other aspects of the bill were positive enough that he could support it while trying to strengthen conscience protections afterward.

Rep. Lipinski offered this response to Live Action News when asked to comment:
The Louisiana law in question requires hospital admitting privileges for physicians performing abortions. I signed the amicus brief because I agree with the intention of the law as stated by the author, Democratic Louisiana State Representative Katrina Jackson: “If you are going to perform abortions in the State of Louisiana, you’re going to do so in a safe environment and in a safe manner that offers women the optimal protection and care of their bodies.” This is not an “undue burden.”
Click here to read more. 

Virginia General Assembly Votes to Ratify Expired Equal Rights Amendment

Virginia's Senate and House of Delegates voted Wednesday to ratify the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment). The ERA (which legally died in 1979) now has the support of 38 states according to activists, the number required to ratify the amendment into law.

The ERA simply states "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." Advocates believe that if this language were to be inserted to the Constitution of the United States, any legislation that would limit access to abortion would become unconstitutional. They argue that abortion regulation is discriminatory because it forces women to give birth when they don't want children. Since giving birth does not affect men in the same way, they see any regulation as discriminatory.

“This is an attempt to air-drop into the Constitution a sweeping provision that could be used to attack any federal, state, or local law or policy that in any way limits abortion — abortion in the final months, partial-birth abortion, abortions on minors, government funding of abortion, conscience-protection laws, you name it,” said National Right to Life Senior Policy Advisor Douglas D. Johnson.

The Department of Justice issued an opinion restating the fact that the Equal Rights Amendment died over 40 years ago, and cannot be added to the constitution. David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, said, “NARA defers to DOJ on this issue and will abide by the OLC opinion, unless otherwise directed by a final court order.”

The House of Representatives is expected to vote on H.J. Res. 79 in the future, a resolution that would retroactively change the ratification deadline. Advocates claim that the resolution can pass with simple majorities in the house and senate. Constitutional amendments must pass the house and the senate with two-thirds votes in both houses before being passed onto the states for consideration.

NRL’s Johnson said, “This resolution is a legislative mutant – nothing like it is described in the Constitution. Its authors claim it can reach backwards in time and change the terms of a constitutional amendment resolution that a different Congress passed with two-thirds votes nearly 48 years ago – and even more remarkably, this mutant resolution can accomplish this time-warping feat on the strength of simple-majority votes.”

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January 15, 2020

9,000 Attend Chicago March for Life

Credit: Pro-Life Action League via Facebook
9,000 pro-life advocates attended the March for Life Chicago events on Saturday in spite of the cold temperatures.

Because of growing attendance, this year March for Life Chicago became event with a convention, a youth rally, a Catholic Mass, and more. Pro-life politicians, religious leaders, leaders of pro-life organizations, and others gave addresses at a rally that immediately preceded the march. Each of them spoke with the theme: “Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman.”

Alex Lehan, a student who gave a speech at the event on behalf of the pro-life organization weDignify, told Live Action News this theme was important for women to hear. She told the Live Action News that simply shouting pro-choice mantras (like protestors at March for Life Chicago who chanted "my body, my choice") doesn't offer support to women who are vulnerable and need to be lifted up. “You have options that are loving and life-giving. You are strong enough (to choose life),” she said.

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Massachusetts Superior Court Rules Against Assisted Suicide

A Massachusetts superior court released its decision Friday that assisted suicide, “is not authorized under Massachusetts law.”

Near the end of its 24-page decision, the court listed several reasons why it believed assisted suicide should not be legalized in the state of Massachusetts.

"First, the Legislature could rationally conclude that difficulty in determining and ensuring that a patient is “mentally competent” warrants the continued prohibition of MAID [Medical Assistance in Dying]."

"Second, the Legislature could rationally conclude that predicting when a patient has six months to live is too difficult and risky for purposes of MAID, given that it involves the irreversible use of a lethal prescription."

"Third, the Legislature could rationally conclude that a general medical standard of care is not sufficient for those seeking MAID [citing testimony that assisted suicide is not a medical treatment or procedure]."

"Finally the Commonwealth produced expert testimony that the permissible end-of-life alternatives potentially involve far less risk than MAID because they occur in hospitals or other institutions devoted to medical treatment and involve numerous physicians and staff personnel… MAID, on the other hand, potentially takes place in an uncontrolled environment, without assurance that the patient will administer the medication when close to death and without physician oversight."

These reasons largely build on the fact that legal assisted suicide laws can easily lead to unnecessary death, especially when patients are able to access assisted suicide drugs for use outside of medical facilities.

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January 14, 2020

Former Planned Parenthood Worker Speaks about Company Policy Harming Patients' Future Children

Credit: Blake Patterson / Flickr
In a webinar created by And Then There Were None, former members of the abortion industry shared their experiences watching Planned Parenthood endanger women in its rush to complete abortions quickly and secretly.

One of these workers shared that the clinic she worked at did not give some women a necessary shot after they had an abortion. In cases where a woman has Rh-negative blood and their preborn child has Rh-positive blood, abortions or miscarriages will cause antibodies to form within the mother. If another child with Rh-positive blood forms in the woman's womb in the future, these antibodies can attack the child and cause complications or a miscarriage. To prevent this, abortionists are supposed to give these women RhoGAM shots. Jayne said the Planned Parenthood at which she worked was in too much of a hurry to protect women from this danger.
"[A]t Planned Parenthood, because of the high volume and high-speed, patients were not – you only have 45 minutes to see a patient, and that’s when they come in, as soon as they come off the table it’s one blood pressure. You only take three blood pressures and they’re out the door, even if they’re groggy. [It] doesn’t matter because they have to keep moving. So, if you’re in charge and you have your 10 patients, there’s no way that you’re going to – things are going to get missed. And in this case, many cases, many times these patients were leaving, and not being given that shot – the RhoGAM."
Jayne further said that she was not allowed to contact patients who were told to leave without receiving the shot. Planned Parenthood policy tells employees not to contact former patients so they can keep their abortion secret if necessary. In this case, it valued that secrecy over the fertility problems their abortion procedures might cause.

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Woman Talks about her Repeated Forced Abortions

Christine Loughead at about age 16
Christine Loughead spoke with Live Action News about her life experiences receiving forced abortions. If you want to read her full story, click here.

Christine Loughead had a difficult upbringing which included the separation of her parents, being raped by a 24-year old man when she was 12, and being sent into the government's care shortly after that. While in the government's care, she faced more abuse and often lived with women who made prostitution and drug use major parts of their lifestyle. Loughead was able to live independently under a program run by a group of nuns when she reached the age of 15, but she also became pregnant during this time. She told her social worker, who told her to meet at the Health Sciences Centre in the Women’s Hospital in Winnipeg.

When they met at the hospital, the social worker told Loughead that she had to get an abortion since the stipend given to her by the nuns would not cover the costs of providing for a child. She eventually had the abortion against her will, and the exact same situation happened a second time within a year.

“...they said, ‘No, no, no.’ So I thought, I’m obviously not meant to have kids. They are clearly telling me I’m too broken to be a mother,” Loughead said.

She had a total of five abortions over the course of her life because she believed these lies. Later in life, she believes that coerced abortions happen far more often than people think. Furthermore, she believes that her life would have changed positively had she been allowed to give birth to her first child.

Now Loughead is married and seeking legal assistance for a legal case against the hospital and the state government.

Click here to read more.

January 13, 2020

Baby with Spina Bifida Expected to Walk after Surgery in the Womb

After receiving surgery in her mother's womb, Kaelyn Murphy is expected to be able to walk in spite of a spina bifida diagnosis.

While Amanda Murphy was 20 weeks into her pregnancy, her daughter Kaelyn Murphy was diagnosed with spina bifida, a condition that causes the spinal cord to form improperly. Most children born with this condition are never able to walk. When the family was told Kaelyn was eligible for a new treatment that would allow her to walk, they sprung at the chance. Eoin Murphy, Kaelyn's father, appeared on the radio to discuss the amazing procedure that helped his daughter.

“We found out at 20 weeks and the operation had to be [done] by 26 weeks or it couldn’t be done. So we didn’t have much time to soak it all in. It was a massive shock,” Eoin said.

“So what they would do is Caesarean my partner Amanda, open her up, cut a little slit in the sac the baby is in turn the baby around so the opening in the back would be visible. They would sew it up and they would put her back in. And let baby try [to] heal itself whilst in mummy’s womb. That is what was done. We feel so fortunate.”

Preborn children diagnosed with spina bifida are often aborted by parents who believe they would suffer too much to make their life worth living. While that logic will never hold true, now they have another reason to give their child a chance.

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Paralympic Athlete Talks about the Discrimination she Faced while Pregnant

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson with her family
Eleven-time Paralympic gold-medalist Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson expressed her frustrations with how people responded to her pregnancy on a BBC program entitled “Stumps, Wheels and Wobblies.”

“The first thing I was offered at my first scan was a termination because people were like: ‘You should not have children,” she said. “We had a discussion about ‘was I trying for a baby?’… and the individual had some quite complicated views on disability.”

Grey-Thompson's doctor told her they were concerned that people with disabilities would “breed” and “spread.” The doctor's opinion was the very definition of eugenics. He would rather have Grey-Thompson abort her daughter because her daughter might have a similar disability.

She also recalled being approached by a woman in the street who couldn't comprehend someone like her possibly wanting to give birth to a child. She gave a synopsis of this conversation in the interview:
“[The stranger] poked me and said: ‘How did you get pregnant?'” 
‘I remember screaming at her in the street: “I had sex with my husband. How do you think I got pregnant?”‘ 
‘She was like: “Oh well, that’s disgusting.” 
And I said: “I think he’s quite good looking, actually.”
Discriminatory attitudes against disabled women have become more common as abortion has become acceptable. Doctors and strangers have no right to impose that kind of decision on a mother, but because Grey-Thompson was disabled, they felt empowered to do so.

Click here to read more.

January 10, 2020

Canadians Concerned as Euthanasia Increases Organ Donations

As the rise of euthanasia increases the number of organ donations in Canada, ethics questions are being raised.

Between the months of January and November 2019, patients who died by euthanasia gave 18 organ and 95 tissue donations. This is an increase of 14% over donations in 2018, and 109% compared to donations in 2017. Some politicians expressed concerns that patients considering euthanasia might be influenced by doctors telling them that they will be able to make organ and tissue donations if they choose to die.

“The concern that I have is that it muddies the waters in terms of the patient making a decision freely, without any degree of coercion or influence from anyone,” Conservative Member of Parliament Michael Cooper told the Catholic News Agency. He further stated that the decision to donate one's organs “should not be part of the conversation” and stay “completely separate” from the decision to die via euthanasia.

If patients are convinced by others that being euthanized to save others is a noble act, then they are more likely to choose that option. Persuading desperate patients in this way is a manipulative and emotionally abusive act aimed at a vulnerable individual.

91-Year-Old Mother's Life Support Threatened in Legal Battle Against her Wishes.

Arline Lester
Arline Lester, a 91-year-old mother in New York, is caught in the middle of a legal battle over her right to life support.

Arline stated in an old will that she did not want her life to be prolonged in case of severe infirmity, and now her two sons have taken sides over whether that still applies. She was recently deemed mentally capable of making her own decisions and updated her living will. The updated will says that she wants the opportunity to remain on life support and recover. One son has moved to have Arline's life support removed per her old will, while the other has gone to lengths to help protect her.

Ed Lester says that he will take care of his mother after she leaves the hospital, and recorded a video to publicize her desire to live. He asks her if she wants to stay alive, to which she responds by nodding her head and mouthing the words "I want to stay alive."

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