October 1, 2019


The July 12, 2019 issue of The Flinn Report revealed that The Department of Healthcare and Family Services has proposed an amendment (“proposed rule change”) to the Medical Assistance Programs (89 IAC 120; 43 ILL Reg 7599). The proposed rule change will “expand the type of providers who can presumptively enroll pregnant women in the Medicaid program.” (See The Flinn Report, dated 7/12/19, Vol. 43, p.2).

If this proposed rule is approved by the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, (JCAR), Planned Parenthood, and other abortion providers will have the authority to determine independently if a pregnant woman qualifies for Medicaid benefits.

The ability to conveniently approve women for Medicaid benefits at their site and then immediately provide an abortion will encourage women to use their services. There is also financial incentive to find all women eligible for Medicaid benefits.

JCAR is the legislative committee that reviews rules that are proposed by State agencies. It is composed of 12 legislators. It is bipartisan. The committee members will vote on this proposed rule and determine if it will go forward.
The current members of JCAR are:
Sen. Don Harmon, D-39, Co-Chair 
Rep. Keith Wheeler, R-50, Co-Chair 
Sen. Kimberly Lightford, D-4 
Sen. Tony Munoz, D-1 
Sen. Sue Resin, R-38 
Sen. Paul Schimpf, R-58 
Sen. Chuck Weaver, R-37 
Rep. Tom Demmer, R-90 
Rep. Mike Halpin, D-72 
Rep. Frances Ann Hurley, D-35 
Rep. Steven Reick, R-63 
Rep. Andre Thapedi, D-32

PLEASE contact these legislators ask them to exempt Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities from this rule change. 

Representatives Push to Repeal Hyde Amendment

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass. appeared in a video published on Monday which advocates for the passage of the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance Act (EACH Woman Act), a bill that would repeal the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment was passed in 1976 and bans Federal funds from being used for abortions except in cases of rape and incest.

Proponents for the amendment claim that the Hyde amendment is harmful to women's health because it makes access to abortion income-based rather than a human right. Repealing the Hyde amendment could easily open the door to government-funded abortion in all states. Click here to read more.

Report Says 22% of Undergraduate Students are Parents, But They Have Less Access to Financial Resources

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report in August stating that 22% of undergraduate students are also parents, but over half of them didn't leave school with completed degrees. The report also stated that these students had less access to financial aid than students who didn't have children. This is especially troubling when the U.S. Dept. of Education has a program created specifically to empower students who need financial assistance to pay for childcare.

CCAMPIS (Child Care Access Means Parents in School) does help many parents pay for childcare while they receive college educations, but even more parents were waitlisted between 2016 and 2017 and never received any assistance. Furthermore, the GAO study reviewed college websites for mentions of CCAMPIS, but only one-third of the websites visited referenced the program. Click here to read more.

Woman with Disability Says Culture Criticized Her Giving Birth but Accepted Abortion

In a Quartz article entitled "As a disabled woman, my abortion wasn’t questioned—but my pregnancy was", Australian feminist and disability activist Nicole Lee wrote about her treatment during two different pregnancies. In one she chose to abort her child, and in the other she chose to keep them. In the instance where she chose to abort the child, nobody questioned her decision or gave her support before or after the procedure. When she chose to complete a later pregnancy, she was often questioned for her decision. Through these experiences, Lee came to the conclusion that the culture surrounding her either did not want her to give birth or simply didn't believe she was physically capable, even though her disability did not prevent her from doing so.
“Imagine you are about to welcome your second child into the world, and everyone is expecting you to fail. This is vastly different to how other women are treated. It was certainly vastly different to how my older (able-bodied) sister was treated while pregnant: I wasn’t showered with congratulations from shop assistants when shopping for baby gear the way my sister was.”
Click here to read more. 

September 30, 2019

Indiana Senators Introduce the Dignity for Aborted Children Act

In response to the 2,246 bodies of aborted children found in abortionist Ulrich Klopfer's home, Senators Mike Braun (R-Ind.) and Todd Young (R-Ind.) have introduced the Dignity for Aborted Children Act. This bill, if passed into law, would require that women who undergo abortions would be given the option to keep their aborted child's body or give the abortion facility permission to dispose of the remains. Abortionists who did not bury or cremate the remains of aborted children would face a fine and up to five years in prison.

In response to the introduction of this legislation David N. O’Steen Ph.D., executive director of National Right to Life, stated, “The Dignity for Aborted Children Act addresses the need to treat the remains of an aborted child with the dignity she deserves.” Click here to read more.

Man Who Admitted to Killing His Mother Cleared of Murder Because He "Acted Out of Love"

Langley Lodge care home in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
Credit: East News Press Agency
Robert Knight was cleared of murder after he admitted to pushing his 79-year-old mother off a balcony. The 53-year-old son was visiting his mother at a nursing home in the United Kingdom when he pushed her off a balcony, giving her brain damage and causing her death not long after. He immediately called the nursing home staff and admitted to killing his mother, and did not resist police when they arrested him. He told authorities that he couldn't stand to watch his mother deteriorate due to her dementia, so he spent several days planning what he might do to end his mother's life.

Judge Samantha Leigh described Knight's actions as "mercy killing" and sentenced him to 60 days of rehabilitation with no jail time. He spent 9 months in jail awaiting his trial but is seemingly getting away with murder because of his mother's medical condition. Click here to read more.

House Members Warn Against Relaxing Restriction on Abortion Drug Mifepristone

Fifty-three members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to the FDA to argue against Planned Parenthood's request that restrictions be removed from the distribution of the chemical abortion drug mifepristone. The drug has been linked to thousands of complications and 24 deaths in the United States alone, and a generic version of mifepristone, which up to this point had only been sold under the name Mifeprex, has been approved by the FDA.

An excerpt from the representatives' letter states, “We vigorously opposed calls by Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion advocates to remove the REMS [Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy] for mifepristone. Allowing the drug to be available without medical supervision will have dire consequences for women and children.” Click here for more.

September 27, 2019

Former Klopfer Patients Who Regret Abortions Seek to Identify Their Children

Former Klopfer patient Trenevia Ivory attends a press conference
. Screenshot KMOV4 / WSBT.
After 2,246 bodies of aborted children were found in the garage of deceased abortionist Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, former patients are reaching out to find if their children are among them. When going over Klopfer's estate, his lawyer found Klopfer's collection of bodies and contacted authorities, who are now conducting an investigation. Right to Life South Bend says that a growing number of women who were patients of Dr. Klopfer have been contacting them wanting to know if their children are among them. They want DNA testing to be performed on the bodies so that they can be identified.

Authorities have determined that the remains are over two decades old, and the investigation is ongoing. Click here to read more.

Abortion Decriminalized in Australian State of New South Wales. Remains Illegal in Only One State.

The New South Wales Legislative Assembly voted to approve the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill Thursday Morning; legalizing abortion up to 22 weeks for any reason. Additionally, late-term abortions will be legal as long as they have the approval of two medical specialists.

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher stated in response to the bill's passage, 
"The Abortion Law Reform Act 2019 may be the worst law passed in New South Wales in modern times, because it represents such a dramatic abdication of responsibility to protect the most vulnerable members of our community. Since the abolition of capital punishment in New South Wales in 1955, this is the only deliberate killing ever legalised in our state.”
South Australia is the only remaining state in Australia in which abortion is a criminal act. Right to Life Australia warns that the state is considering legislation that is even more progressive. Click here or here to read more.

Physically Healthy Man with Depression Killed Via Euthanasia in British Columbia

Alan Nichols with his brother
A recent court decision in Canada removed terminal illness criteria for euthanasia in that country. This very quickly led to the death of Alan Nichols. Alan was 61 years old and physically healthy, but he suffered from chronic depression. He was admitted to a hospital after being found dehydrated and malnourished. Once he arrived, however, he lived one month before he was given a medically-assisted suicide.

Family members attempted to convince him not to undergo the procedure, but it was administered regardless. “He didn’t have a life-threatening disease," his brother Gary Nichols said to CTV News. "He was capable of getting around. He was capable of doing almost anything that you had to do to survive. I didn’t think he had a sound mind at all.” The hospital approved his request to die and would not allow his family to have any say in the matter. They attempted to argue that he was not facing imminent death and he was not of a sound mind to request assisted-suicide, but the hospital would not release documents explaining its reasoning and said that only Alan could give permission to release them, which he did not. The family is now working with the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition to achieve justice for Alan's death. Click here for more.

September 26, 2019

UK Announces Plans to Fund Overseas Abortions

United Kingdom International Development Secretary Alok Sharma announced Monday at the United Nations that the UK plans to spend £600 million on “family planning supplies” for third-world nations over the next five years. The funding provides some health care services, including medication designed to help prevent death during childbirth, but a large portion of the services the UK plans to provide for these nations are related to abortion. Sharma said this during her address:

“The UK has been at the forefront of global efforts to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights for women and girls living in the world’s poorest countries. This UK aid will help give millions of women and girls control over their bodies, so they can choose if, when[,] and how many children they want. That is a basic right that every woman and girl deserves.”

Catherine Robinson, a spokesperson for Right to Life UK, pointed out in a statement of her own that "The British public does not want its taxes being used in this way. 65 [percent] have stated they are opposed to their taxes being used to fund overseas abortions.” Click here for more.

September 25, 2019

Canadian Man Commits Assisted Suicide Because he Can't Find Care

Sean Tagert
Sean Tagert was diagnosed with ALS, otherwise known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease" in 2015. It is a terminal condition which reduces one's control of their muscles over time, including the ones that allow them to breathe. Sean was determined to live for as long as he possibly could in order to enjoy the time with his six-year-old son but recently chose physician-assisted suicide under Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying law.

He fought ALS for five years and became a symbol during that time, but eventually, he needed full-time care. He was completely paralyzed and required a ventilator to breathe, but he could only find 24-hour care that wouldn't separate him from his son. As a result, he chose to die. Tagert's death has outraged many and has sparked claims that his inability to find suitable care was directly linked to its cost. Click here for more.

Donald Trump Speaks to UN about Abortion

President Donald Trump addressed the United Nations in New York on Tuesday. Near the end of his speech, he spoke out against members of the UN who sought to impose abortion on nations that still outlawed the practice.
"Americans will also never tire of defending innocent life. We are aware that many United Nations projects have attempted to assert a global right to taxpayer-funded abortion on demand right up until the moment of delivery. Global bureaucrats have absolutely no business attacking the sovereignty of nations that wish to protect innocent life. Like many nations here today, we in America believe that every child, born and unborn, is a sacred gift from God."
To read more about the UN's recent debates on abortion or watch President Trump's full address, click here.

Live Newborn Found in Texas Dumpster

An apartment tenant found a newborn baby in a dumpster Saturday morning. She was taking out her garbage when she heard crying and called 911 soon afterward. When police arrived, EMS personnel had to perform CPR to revive the baby boy. The child was brought to a nearby hospital, where he appears to be healthy. Staff estimated that he wasn't even a day old.

Texas has numerous locations where babies can be dropped off with no questions asked. Children 60 days or younger can be left at fire stations and hospitals if a parent feels as though they can't provide, and there are no consequences for doing so. Police are attempting to track down the parents of this child in order to establish a medical record. Click here for more.

Patient Mix-up in South Korea Resulted in Abortion

A tragic accident occurred in Seoul, South Korea this August when a nurse mistook one patient for another. This accident resulted in a child being aborted. The doctor confused a patient who needed to receive nutrients to help support her pregnancy with a patient whose child had already died but had not miscarried yet. Because the doctor did not check the name of the patient, she started performing the incorrect procedure.

The nurse started by injecting anesthesia into this mother, who slept through the abortion and did not understand that her child had been killed until the next day. She called the clinic because she was bleeding and learned that her child was killed. The doctor and nurse have admitted negligence and a police investigation was launched Monday. Click here for more.

September 24, 2019

New Maine Law Requires Insurers to Pay for Abortions and Lowers Qualifications Required to Commit Them

Gov. Janet Mills
A law that went into effect Thursday requires certain health insurance plans to pay for abortions, while also allowing less qualified individuals to perform them. Some physician assistants and nurses will now be allowed to commit abortions.

Gov. Janet Mills said this on CNN after signing the bill in June:

"Every woman in Maine should be able to access sexual and reproductive health care when and where they need it. While other states are seeking to undermine, roll back, or outright eliminate a woman's right to make her own personal medical decisions, Maine is defending the rights of women and taking a critical step towards equalizing access to their care."

Pro-lifers fear that the law will result in more abortions, violate conscientious objections of insurers, and harm mothers who have less-qualified medical personnel committing abortions on their preborn children. Click here for more.

Canadian Catholic Hospital Required to Offer Euthenasia

St. Martha’s Regional Hospital in Antigonish, Nova Scotia will now be required to kill patients who ask to be euthanized. The Nova Scotia Health Authority recently implemented a policy change that seemingly goes against an agreement set between the health authority and the Sisters of St. Martha in 1996. Tim Guest, the authority's vice-president of health services, had this to say:
“This approach respects the 1996 Mission Assurance Agreement with the Sisters of St. Martha that lays out the philosophy, mission and values of St. Martha’s in accordance with its faith-based identity, while also meeting the legislated obligation to ensure that [assisted suicide and euthanasia] is available in the Antigonish area for those who request and meet the criteria to access that service.”
A euthanasia advocacy group called Dying with Dignity Canada said it hopes other provinces will see this and use it as a model for enforcement of euthanasia legislation in their own jurisdictions. Click here for more.

September 23, 2019

New Bipartisan Bill Increases Minimum Action States Must Take to Reduce Sex-Trafficking

Credit: Ira Gelb
Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R-MO) and Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) recently introduced the Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Act. The new legislation, if passed, would require states to use language prohibiting the purchase of sex as a minimum measure in preventing sex trafficking.

The bill states “if a government has the authority to prohibit the purchase of commercial sex acts but fails to do so, it shall be deemed to have failed to make serious and sustained efforts to reduce the demand for commercial sex acts.” If the bill is passed, those who purchase sex from traffickers or prostitutes can face legal consequences. If this bill successfully makes sex-trafficking and prostitution less profitable throughout the United States, the women and children (born and unborn) who are often hurt in these practices will be better for it. Click here for more.

Nebraska Man Denied Memorial Ad in Paper for Aborted Son

Brad Allen at Protest with Life Runners
Credit: Life Runners Facebook Page
The Omaha World-Herald denied a father's request to publish a memorial ad for his aborted son. Brad Allen's son was conceived during an affair that he had with a neighbor. After reconciling with his wife, Allen pled with the mother not to abort.
“In the struggle for my child’s life the mother’s ‘right’ to an abortion utterly overwhelmed my right to protect and provide for my own child,” Allen said. “I couldn’t even bury my own child. I’m now discovering my right to even memorialize my own child is being overwhelmed. I didn’t expect the Omaha World-Herald to deny me that.”
Originally, Allen's ad was denied for directing readers to donate to a pro-life organization called Life Runners, but he removed the mention in later iterations to attempt to comply with the paper's demands. Click here for more.

September 20, 2019

Guttmacher Report Shows Significant Abortion Decrease

The Guttmacher Institute is a pro-abortion organization that publishes a report every few years detailing developments in the number and kinds of abortions taking place in the United States. Its most recent report (which shows information up to 2017) showed a 7% decrease in abortion between 2014 and 2017. For context, the institute found 862,000 abortion occurred in 2017, 926,000 in 2014 and 1. 6 million in 1990. This is still a very large number of abortions, but it is also nearly half of its all-time high now. However, 18.4% of pregnancies still ended in abortion in 2017. The study also notes that fertility rates decreased between the years 2014 and 2017.

The report has statistics regarding the usage of different abortion methods and changes in the number of abortion providers. Click here for more.