June 8, 2017

Texas bans mutilating babies in abortion, selling their body parts

Texas Governor Greg Abbott
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed a law Tuesday protecting babies from dismemberment abortions, preventing aborted babies' bodies from being sold, and requiring that babies killed via abortion are buried or cremated rather than treated as medical waste.

Senate Bill 8, the Texas Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act, also makes partial-birth abortion illegal. A federal law aleady bans partial-birth abortion. The procedure involves delivering all of a live baby except her head and then stabbing scissors into the base of her skull, sucking her brains out, and then removing her head after it's been destroyed. It's a form of late-term abortion that is illegal under federal law; other methods of late-term abortion are legal even hours before a baby is to be born.

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Insurance companies are refusing to pay for treatment… but offering to pay for suicide

Euthanasia Treatment
A Nevada doctor has said that insurance companies in states where assisted suicide is legal have refused to cover expensive lifesaving treatments for patients — but have offered to pay to end their lives.

Dr. Brian Callister, associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Nevada, told the Washington Times that two separate insurance companies refused his request to transfer patients to California and Oregon for procedures not performed at his hospital.

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June 7, 2017

Male suicides and abortion-related mental illness–the evidence mounts

A puzzle showing a man holding a bottle about to feed a little baby
I don’t believe I’ve even seen a more powerful representation of the price men pay when their unborn children are aborted, especially over their objections.

The graphic appeared in the Daily Telegraph. It’s a puzzle showing a man holding a bottle about to feed a little baby.

Only the pieces where the baby should be are missing.


The very sympathetic story, written by Corrine Barraclough, is tellingly headlined, “Piecing together the pain of loss for men after abortion.”

Here’s her lead which nicely sets the reader up for a series of surprises:

THERE are some times in life when you don’t join the dots until you have a conversation that’s like switching on a series of light bulbs.

This week, I had one of those. I put down the phone absolutely stunned.

We know male suicide rates are soaring.

Did you know male suicides and abortion-related mental illness are interrelated? Neither did I. It’s poorly understood by professionals too.

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Why even the slightest deviation from militant pro-abortion orthodoxy unnerves the Democratic Party

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards
Whenever there is a suggestion that there exists even the slightest space between Democrats and 100% support for abortion on demand , you can expect what we’ve seen over the last month or so–oodles of laments that (as Amy Irvin wrote in Cosmopolitan magazine yesterday) “Anti-“Abortion Democrats Put Women at Risk.”

To be fair Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards gives Ms. Irvin and her associates real reason to lament. He does not furrow his brow and talk about being “personally pro-life” and then follow NARAL’s line without the slightest deviation. He actually signs pro-life bills and actually files amici briefs in support of pro-life legislation. So you can understand why the subtitle to Irvin’s post is “Take a lesson from Louisiana.”

But the to-ing and fro-ing from the likes of pro-abortionists such as Irvin is not about genuine pro-life Democrats, who, alas, are as rare nowadays as hen’s teeth. They throw a conniption when there is even the slightest suggestion there is room in the Democratic Party for pro-lifers.

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How can there be climate ‘accord’ without protection of the unborn?

U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi criticized President Trump for pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord but failed to mention that part of God's creation is all human life.
In order for man’s dominion over the earth to be rational and well ordered, he must first and foremost respect the gift of life given by God to every human being from his creation (biological beginning/conception/fertilization). In other words, without respect for the human person, the environment as we know it cannot survive. So when President Donald J. Trump announced that the United States would pull out of the Paris climate accord, I was astounded to read what allegedly Catholic pro-abortion former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to say about it.

You see, the word “accord” means consistency or harmony with others. And in the case of the environment and its protection, there can be no harmony when babies are killed under cover of law. Man cannot be the steward of an environment that enables him to kill his progeny.

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June 6, 2017

March for Life Wants Justice Department to Investigate Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood in New York
The March for Life, along with over a dozen other organizations, signed a letter released Tuesday asking Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI acting Director Andrew McCabe to investigate Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the selling of fetal tissue.

“We, the undersigned representing millions of Americans, strongly support an investigation into paid fetal tissue transfers involving Planned Parenthood,” the signers write.

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Teen pregnancy rate falls 42.6 percent after UK cuts sex-ed, birth-control funding: study

Pregnant Girl
The Effect of Spending Cuts on Teen Pregnancy" analyzed data in England before and after contraceptive-based sex-ed expenditures were slashed -- cuts that were criticized by liberals and praised by Christians

The Paton and Wright research team used statistics from 149 municipalities between 2009 and 2014 and found that after sex-ed budgets were cut, teen pregnancy rates fell by 42.6 percent.

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June 5, 2017

Sharon Osbourne: Having an Abortion Was the “Worst Thing I Ever Did”

Sharon Osbourne
Sharon Osbourne, reality star and talent-show judge on the British X Factor TV show, suffered three miscarriages due to damage to her cervix after having had an abortion at age 17.

She recounted: “I had an abortion at 17 and it was the worst thing I ever did . . . I went alone. I was terrified. It was full of other young girls, and we were all terrified and looking at each other and nobody was saying a bloody word. I howled my way through it, and it was horrible. I would never recommend it to anyone because it comes back to haunt you. When I tried to have children, I lost three — I think it was because something had happened to my cervix during the abortion.”

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Cecile Richards: We’re a Target of “Fake News.” But She Can’t Name a Single Example

Cecile Richards
Last week, Cecile Richards sat down for an interview with Kara Swisher at Recode, a media and technology conference in California. When asked about the impact social media has had on her abortion chain, Richards quickly brought up “fake news.”

Planned Parenthood’s claims about the Center for Medical Progress investigation quickly come to mind, but Richards refused to give any examples. Instead, she changed the subject and argued that Planned Parenthood has strong public support.

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Video: Assisted Suicide Becoming Only Treatment Option for Terminally Ill, Disabled

Brian Callister, associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Nevada.
“It’s a lot cheaper to grab a couple drugs and kill you than it is to provide you with life sustaining therapy,” Dr. Brian Callister of Reno, NV told the Patients’ Rights Action Fund. “Simple as that.” His words appeared in a sobering video PRAF released exposing the shockingly limited treatment options available to terminally ill patients.

One particular option, however, is becoming increasingly available to patients – that is, if you can call it an ‘option’ at all. Physician assisted suicide, now legal in California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, Washington State, and Washington, D.C., has been recommended more and more frequently. Yet the healthcare professionals recommending assisted suicide are not necessarily doctors. Insurance companies are beginning to cash-in on the fact that legalized assisted suicide proves less expensive than covering life-saving procedures. “They want to do whatever the least costly thing is,” Dr. Callister told PRAF.

In the video, Dr. Callister related how insurance companies denied life-saving procedures to two of his terminally ill patients yet asked whether they had considered physician assisted suicide.

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June 1, 2017

Vimeo on witch hunt against ‘malicious’ video exposing Planned Parenthood

Video hosting services, including Youtube, Facebook, and now Vimeo are on a witch hunt against the latest undercover Planned Parenthood video, deleting instances of it wherever they find it.

The shocking video put out by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) shows what really happens on the inside of a secretive abortion conference run by the National Abortion Federation.

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National Right to Life commends draft rules protecting rights of conscience

President Donald Trump
Draft rule changes to the Affordable Care Act and HHS coverage mandate that would protect moral and religious rights of conscience began circulating in Washington this week. National Right to Life commends President Trump and his administration for this latest effort to protect moral and religious rights of conscience.

“Rights of conscience are extremely important to the right to life movement to protect medical professionals, religious institutions, and employers from being forced to participate in abortion,” said Carol Tobias,” NRLC President. “We commend President Trump for keeping his campaign promises by supporting these rights of conscience.”

“No one should be forced to participate in abortion against their religious or moral convictions,” Tobias said. “If enacted, these rule changes will help promote a policy that protects pro-life rights of conscience with regard to abortion.”

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Planned Parenthood's services are declining...except for abortion

Planned Parenthood Clinic
The controversial abortion provider Planned Parenthood has lost over half a million unique patients in five years, but its abortion figures remain the same – a consistency its critics have blasted.

“While non-abortion services are declining, Planned Parenthood continues to perform a record number of abortions – over 300,000 per year,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, Susan B. Anthony List president.

“They've performed more than 1.6 million abortions in the last five years alone.”

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Reflections on Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report

Planned Parenthood's annual report
Planned Parenthood, the mega-abortion provider, begins its latest annual report with this spit-in-your-eye assurance:

We have been here for 100 years, and we’ve been fighting for reproductive health care and rights since day one. We’re going to be here for another 100 years — and then some — and though the path forward isn’t an easy one, ours never has been. Planned Parenthood has weathered some intense storms in our history, and we’ve come out of each one stronger, smarter, and fiercer than ever before.

So take that, all you troglodytes. We’re still raking in $1.3543 billion a year in revenues; still the recipient of $554.6 million in “Government Health Services Reimbursements & Grants” (this under the last full year of the Obama administration); still hauling in $445.8 million in private contributions and bequests; and still the darling of Hollywood which cannot say enough wonderful things about the wonderfulness of pulling tiny arms off of little torsos.

Take a few minutes and read PPFA’s annual report.

It is vitally important to know that PPFA lives to kill.

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May 31, 2017

Numerous Planned Parenthood closures not missed

Planned Parenthood Clinic
President Donald Trump has submitted his proposed $4.1 trillion budget to the United States Congress, part of which denies federal funds to organizations that provide abortions – including Planned Parenthood. It calls for sending those dollars to the more than 10,000 federally qualified medical centers located across the country that do not provide abortions.

As a recognized expert on Planned Parenthood, Jim Sedlak of the American Life League told OneNewsNow that women living in poverty actually do not miss the abortion clinics – evidence that was provided last week by the nation's largest abortion provider:  “These qualified health centers provide a wide range of services – a lot more women services than Planned Parenthood does – and so they're able to cover not only what Planned Parenthood does, but they're able to cover a huge range of services, including providing primary care … which Planned Parenthood does not do,” Sedlak explained.

The massive abortion business has closed down more than 300 clinics in the past two decades and has provided fewer health services – while increasing abortion.

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May 30, 2017

Abortionists describe in gruesome detail the abortion procedure, YouTube censors [video]

Planned Parenthood under cover video screen capture
Pro-abortion lawmakers in the Illinois Senate and House voted in May to force state taxpayers to pay for Medicaid and state employees' procedures to selectively end their pregnancies.  Some of those procedures are done at Illinois' Planned Parenthood facilities.

Someone should show the abortion advocates so giddy last week about the bill's passage the latest video from the Center for Medical Progress in which abortionists describe in gruesome detail how they perform late term abortions.

But YouTube took it down as of Friday morning - viewers see the following now:

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No more excuses, group tells GOP – defund Planned Parenthood

Defund Planned Parenthood
So far this session, the measure that would defund the abortion-provider has been attached to what is called a "reconciliation bill," but likely the provision will be stripped from the bill in the Senate. Rob Chambers, vice president of AFA Action, suggests there's a better way.

"Congress has used the pro-life legislation for far too many years as a political football when they add it to other pieces of legislation, either to get something passed or to use it as a poison pill," he explains. "We believe passing a standalone bill would increase the possibility of getting Planned Parenthood defunded."

In January, Congresswoman Diane Black (R-Tennessee) introduced a standalone bill: the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2017 (H.R.354), which would remove funding for a one-year period. However, despite having more than 140 co-sponsors, the legislation is "collecting dust" as it sits in the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, according to AFA Action.

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Vision 2020 - Week 18 - Rep. Deb Conroy (D) and Rep. Fred Crespo (D)

Petitioning Heaven

Vision 2020 and the Illinois Federation for Right to Life would like to invite you to join us in praying for our state legislators.  We will send out information about a couple different state representatives each week for you to pray over.

Consider sharing this information with your ministry partners, your church family, on your website and/or your Facebook page.

We know that prayer changes things.  And we know that NOTHING is impossible with God. So let's join our hearts and voices together and petition heaven on behalf of the great state of Illinois!

Some of our legislators need prayer that God will open their eyes and change their hearts (or move them out of their positions) and some need prayers that they will have the strength, courage and boldness to be able to stand firmly against the opposition as they fight for life and family values.

Rep. Deb Conroy (D)
46th District
Email: repdebconroy@gmail.com
Rep. Fred Crespo (D)
44th District


May 25, 2017

Interstate abortion ban could slow human trafficking

Abortion Law
U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) has reintroduced the Child Custody Protection Act (S.1173). It would prohibit transporting minors across state lines for abortions in states where parental consent or notification prior to their child’s abortion isn’t required.

The bill, says Portman, will “strengthen the effectiveness of state parental notification laws and ensure that parents and their daughters fully understand the consequences of the decision.”

The bill only bans interstate transportation of minors as a means to circumvent existing laws and does not interfere with current parental notification laws already in effect in some states.

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National Right to Life Convention ~ Milwaukee WI - June 29 - July 1

National Right to Life Convention
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