August 9, 2016

Obama opening door for human-animal hybrids

Obama opening door for human-animal hybrids
In an aggressive move before the end of its second term, the Obama administration announced Thursday that is wants to allow scientists to engineer human-animal hybrids.

This latest attempt by President Barack Obama of reportedly seeking to manipulate and destroy human life through unethical experiments comes after his earlier move to overturn limits set by the Bush administration, when the former president set regulations so that taxpayers would not be forced to fund embryonic stem cell research.

Even though health officials insist that the process will take place in a highly controlled environment, pro-life advocates have expressed grave concern over the federal government’s announcement this week to lift a moratorium on taxpayers funding of various controversial experiments that use human stem cells to create animal embryos that are partly human.

Click here for more from OneNewsNow.

Prolife Ob-Gyn files lawsuit against Gov Rauner, claims new law stifles freedom of conscience

Dr. Anthony Caruso is one of the plaintiffs in lawsuit filed against Governor Rauner
Dr. Anthony Caruso is one of the plaintiffs in lawsuit
 filed against Governor Rauner
An Illinois doctor and two pregnancy care centers filed suit in state court against Gov. Bruce Rauner Friday after he signed a bill into law that forces doctors and medical facilities to promote controversial health care procedures, regardless of their ethical or moral views on the practice.

The Alliance Defending Freedom is representing the plaintiffs, including Dr. Anthony Caruso, who practices medicine in Downers Grove at the Bella Baby OBGYN center, as well as the Pregnancy Care Center of Rockford and Aid for Women, a Chicago non-profit that runs six pregnancy help centers and two residential programs, as reported by the Chicago Sun-Times.

ADF sent a letter to Rauner in May on behalf of numerous pro-life physicians, pregnancy care centers, and pregnancy care center network organizations advising him that the bill, SB 1564, would violate federal law and therefore place federal funding, including Medicaid reimbursements, in jeopardy. ADF also warned legislators about the problems with the bill last year. The lawsuit claims the new law, which is actually an amendment to the existing Illinois Healthcare Right of Conscience Act, violates state law and the state constitution.

Click here for more from Illinois Review.

Abortion Cartel Files Fourth Lawsuit Against David Daleiden

David Daleiden
David Daleiden
David Daleiden has been hit with yet another lawsuit stemming from his videos exposing Planned Parenthood's illegal sale of baby body parts. The most recent lawsuit was filed by employees of Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities, who sold fetal tissue, and by employees of the University of Washington (UW) and other laboratories, who purchased the parts of aborted babies. The University of Washington is named, along with Daleiden, as a defendant in the suit.

After learning that the University of Washington had purchased fetal body parts from Planned Parenthood, David submitted a public records request seeking information about the transactions, including invoices and purchase orders, from the University. The request was made in February of this year.

Inexplicably, UW waited a full five months to notify Planned Parenthood and the other parties that the records would be released this week. Planned Parenthood immediately filed the class action lawsuit to prevent Daleiden from receiving the information, citing, among other things, Planned Parenthood's constitutionally protected "right to associate" with buyers of fetal body parts.

This lawsuit comes just as Daleiden was cleared of bogus criminal charges, also intended to silence him, in Texas.

Click here for more from Christian Newswire.

August 4, 2016

Springfield Planned Parenthood to provide surgical abortions

Beginning Thursday, August 4th, 2016 Planned Parenthood in Springfield is offering surgical abortions.  This new service is igniting local pro-lifers and Springfield Right to Life.

“I think it’s a sad day for Springfield,” Tim Moore president of Springfield Right to Life said.

At this location, Planned Parenthood has only offered “medication abortions” since 2010 in which patients take one pill (RU486) at Planned Parenthood and a second pill at home to kill and miscarry the unborn child.

Pregnant adolescents and women up to 18 weeks gestation will have to make an appointment to receive this "service".  Surgical abortions can take up to a few hours where two lives go in and only one comes out alive if there are no complications.

Study finds skyrocketing rate of abstinence among Millennials

The number of young adults born in the 1990s who report they are not having sex is more than twice as high as it was for the Baby Boomer generation, a sign they have learned from the fallout of the sexual revolution, experts tell LifeSiteNews.

The study found that 15 percent of Millenials aged 20-24 said they had not had sex since age 18, more than those born in the late 1960s (six percent), 1970s (11 percent) or 1980s (12 percent). That is lower than their fellow Millenials born in the previous decade.

Click here for more from Life Site News.

Kaine tells CNN he is “fully committed” to repealing of the Hyde Amendment but also supports it

Tim Kaines says he supports all of Hillary Clinton’s political agenda.

Let’s see how Tim Kaine can explain his position on the Hyde Amendment, a provision of an annual bill which eliminates public funding for abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother, is credited with saving over a million lives.

Yes, no, no, yes, I’ll check it out….what’s the latest? Glad you asked. Here’s how the Hill’s Jonathan Swan explains it:

Kaine, who says he personally opposes abortion but will support all elements of the Democratic presidential nominee’s agenda, created confusion over his stance Sunday when he said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that his position on the Hyde Amendment had not changed.

“On Hyde, my position is the same. I support the Hyde Amendment. I haven’t changed that,” he said.

“As the vice president, I have to get comfortable with the notion that I can have my personal views but I’m going to support the president of the United States, and I will.”

One of the “elements of the Democratic presidential nominee’s agenda” which pro-abortion Hillary Clinton passionately embraces, is gutting the Hyde Amendment.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

August 3, 2016

Planned Parenthood VP calls Pro-Life politicians the “4 horsemen of the anti-abortion apocalypse”

Planned Parenthood was out in full force at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. In their typical tactless fashion, the abortion activists were busy distributing “protect yourself from Trump” condoms to passers-by. The message: Donald Trump wants to “take away your rights.”

That message was echoed by Planned Parenthood’s vice president, Dawn Laguens, when she told liberal media pundit Tammy Haddad that Trump was no friend of the “reproductive rights” crowd.

Per the abortion group’s typical name-calling, Laguens referred to Pro-Life politicians Marco Rubio, Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, and Scott Walker as the “4 horsemen of the anti-abortion apocalypse.” She also called the group the “anti-abortion squad.”

Laguens is afraid that as president, Trump will nominate Pro-Life justices to the Supreme Court of the United States, which would be a boon to Pro-Life legislation. On the other hand, if Planned Parenthood’s heavily-funded candidate (Clinton) is elected, abortion zealots are virtually guaranteed to own the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

Illinois Law forces referrals, encouragement for abortion

Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner has signed into law a bill (SB1564) forcing pro-life people to violate their faith and conscience.

It requires all healthcare professionals to refer for abortions and discuss the benefits of abortion - regardless of what their personal feelings about abortion may be or the dictates of their conscience that they would never in a million years recommend or suggest an abortion to anyone

The U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, and the law, scheduled to go into effect in January, forces a particular speech. The Constitution also provides for freedom of religion.

Alliance Defending Freedom will be filing a lawsuit.

Click here for more from OneNewsNow.

August 2, 2016

Reflections of the most pro-abortion presidential candidate ever

The Democratic convention has been a slick production — and that’s a compliment.

There were plenty of ghastly goofs and questionable emphases, but on the whole Marks is correct. The Democrats, whose embrace of the darkest side of the lethal pro-abortion worldview also speaks volumes, were on their game in producing a show that camouflaged the party’s lurch to the left.

But the Democrats’ unlimited, unrestrained, and unconditional promotion of abortion on demand paid for by you and I was not hidden. It was broadcast, loudly and often, to delegates who cheered when NARAL Pro-Choice America’s Ilyse Hogue talked about her abortion (“it was the wrong time” to have a baby).

Clinton’s pitch was compare and contrast between herself and GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

Oh, what tangled webs we weave…. Tim Kaine and the Hyde Amendment

Since the beginning of the month pro-abort Sen. Tim Kaine has gone from saying, “I have traditionally been a supporter of the Hyde amendment, but I’ll check it out,” to opposing it, according to Clinton’s campaign manager, to being “committed to carrying out Secretary Clinton’s agenda,” although “not personally for repeal of the Hyde Amendment, according to a Clinton spokesperson, to telling CNN today, “I have been for the Hyde Amendment and I haven’t changed my position on that.”

Two quick points. The CNN host didn’t ask Kaine the obvious question: whether he did or didn’t personally support the Hyde Amendment, was he still “committed to carrying out Secretary Clinton’s agenda” which includes overturning the Hyde Amendment? The answer doubtless would have been yes.

Second, forcing taxpayers to pass for abortions is a losing position, no matter how many times Clinton and her supporters tell you otherwise.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

August 1, 2016

Gov. Rauner Signs SB1564 The Amendment to the Health Care Right of Conscience Act

On July 29, 2016 Gov. Rauner signed SB1564 (The Amendment to the Health Care Right of Conscience Act).  He did not betray the pro-life movement.  He was never with us.   He has stated without hesitation that he is pro-choice.  Any statements he made during his campaign indicating that he would stay away from “social issues” should have been viewed for what they were – meaningless campaign verbiage to garner votes.  Any deals or discussions behind closed doors with pro-lifers should have been recognized as a tactic to pacify and mislead.

Signing SB1564 was simply Rauner being Rauner.

The legislative fight against SB1564 was a shining example of how various pro-life groups can mobilize and work together.  The grassroots was energized and once again demonstrated what a great resource we have available when pro-lifers are informed and engaged.

We fought nobly to defend life, women and religious liberty.  So signing SB1564 reveals that not only is the Governor anti-life, he is not a friend of women and does not respect individuals with deeply held religious convictions.  Attacking Pregnancy Resource Centers is particularly ugly.  We need to be clear that we are dealing with a Governor willing to pursue such a course of action.

We need to recognize that we must change the make-up of the Illinois General Assembly.  We need to garner all our resources and work together in the upcoming elections.  We need to set aside any differences we may have and harness the strength of unity in purpose and commitment.

If we fail to do so then we have betrayed the pro-life movement.

Click here for more on SB1564.

Dawn Behnke
President, IFRL

July 28, 2016

Where do the Presidential Candidates Stand on Abortion?

Not surprisingly, the candidates have very different views on abortion. Here is an overview of their positions on abortion-related issues.

Abortion on Demand

Donald Trump said, “Let me be clear – I am pro-life,” adding, “I did not always hold this position, but I had a significant personal experience that brought the precious gift of life into perspective for me.”

In contrast, in the U.S. Senate Hillary Clinton voted to endorse Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision which allows abortion for any reason. She says, “The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights,” later adding she believed this to be true even on the unborn child’s due date.

Partial-Birth Abortion

The partial-birth abortion procedure – used from the fifth month on – involves pulling a living baby feet-first out of the womb, except for the head, puncturing the skull and suction out the brain. The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2007, in a 5-4 decision.

In 2000, in his book The America We Deserve, Donald Trump wrote that after consulting with doctors about the partial-birth abortion procedure he concluded that he would support a ban on that method.

In 2003, Hillary Clinton voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (voted to allow partial-birth abortions to continue) every chance she got.

Nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court

The next president may have the opportunity to appoint three or four justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In May 2016, Donald Trump released a list of eleven conservative judges whom he would consider for a Supreme Court vacancy, saying, “By the way, these judges are all pro-life.”

Hillary Clinton has said that she would only nominate Supreme Court justices who would uphold the decision that legalized abortion on demand, saying, “I would not appoint someone who didn’t think Roe v. Wade is settled law.”

Vice Presidential Candidates

The contrasting positions of the vice presidential candidates are listed.

Donald Trump chose Indiana Governor Mike Pence to be his running mate. Mike Pence had a solid pro-life voting record on abortion during 12 years in the U.S. House, including votes for passage of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. As governor of Indiana, Mike Pence champions pro-life measures.

Hillary Clinton chose U.S. Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate. Tim Kaine voted against the pro-life position in the U.S. Senate every chance he got, even voting against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Tim Kaine co-sponsored a bill (S.217) that would nullify virtually all state limits on abortion, including late abortions.

Party Platforms

The party platforms reveal a great contrast on abortion.

The Republican Party Platform affirms “that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life,” opposes using government funds to perform or promote abortion or to fund abortion providers, and supports legislation to assist babies who survive abortion.

The Democratic Party Platform supports abortion on demand, and calls for repeal of the Hyde Amendment (which restricts the use of federal funds for abortion). The platform also supports government funding of abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.

Feel free to download and share the flyer. Follow this links for a downloadable version of the flyer, “Where do the Candidates stand on Abortion?

Even a former Obama staffer thinks the Democratic platform is extreme

The Democratic Party platform has drawn the ire of critics – including a member of Barack Obama’s former campaign – who say its extreme positions on abortion shut out millions of pro-life voters.

The abortion plank in the platform shows a sharp departure from previous years. Gone is the call for abortion to be “rare.” Instead, “reproductive health” is considered “core to women’s, men’s, and young people’s health and wellbeing.”

The platform calls for a broad expansion of abortion access, including overturning the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal dollars from directly funding abortions, and the Helms Amendment, which bans federal dollars from funding abortions abroad. The proposal would overturn decades of U.S. policy.

Click here for more from CNA Daily News.

July 27, 2016

Understanding who Tim Kaine really is, not who some would want him to be

For some, Tim Kaine is a classic Rorschach test. Not that his true identity as a card-carrying pro-abortion Democrat is actually at issue, but there are various segments of those active in politics who are determined to see in him an image of their liking.

Just so we’re clear, NRLC knows exactly who he is. We have written about Kaine multiple times of late. He’s in the bag for the Abortion Industry and his choirboy face doesn’t change anything.

Likewise our opposite numbers know that they can count on Kaine, early, often, and always. Here are a couple of tweets from Cecile Richards:

But…. there are those fire-breathing pro-abortion feminist militants for whom nobody—or at least no man—could possibly be sufficiently zealous to be Hillary Clinton’s vice president. Kaine votes the right way, says all the right things, for heaven sakes he even co-sponsored a bill in the Senate to turn the pro-life legislative landscape into a wasteland. But not enough.

Kaine was chosen because he is lock-step with Clinton on abortion and because he comes off “moderate” enough to perhaps fool some.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

July 26, 2016

All charges dropped against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt

Vindication is sweet, especially when a wrongfully accused defendant, in this case David Daleiden, bucks the system rather than accept a plea bargain.

According to the Houston Chronicle, prosecutors with the Harris County District Attorney’s office dropped all charges again Daleiden and Sandra Merritt before the pair could pursue their legal motion to quash the charges at a hearing this morning.

Daleiden and Merritt were charged with crimes as serious as they were bogus—tampering with a government record (for using false identification to gain access to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast), a felony with a possible jail term of 20 years. Daleiden was also charged with a misdemeanor–soliciting the sale of fetal tissue. Harris County Court at Law Judge Diane Bull dismissed the latter on June 14.

This morning Daleiden characterized the dismissal as “a resounding vindication of the First Amendment rights of all citizen journalists, and also a clear warning to any of Planned Parenthood’s political cronies who would attack whistleblowers to protect Planned Parenthood from scrutiny.” He added, “Planned Parenthood tried to collude with public officials to manipulate the legal process to their own benefit, and they failed.”

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

Marist Institute for Public Opinion shows strong majorities against federal funding of abortion and limitation on abortion

According to the Knights of Columbus summary of the poll:

By almost 20 points, a majority of Americans (56 percent to 37 percent) do not believe that healthcare providers should be forced to perform abortions against their conscience or religious beliefs. This includes 6 in 10 Latinos (61 percent) and 4 in 10 who identify as pro-choice (41 percent).

And, as you would expect, the public disagrees with last month’s Supreme Court decision torching two provisions of HB 2, the 2013 pro-life Texas law.

78 percent want abortion clinics to be held to the same standards as other outpatient surgery centers. “About three quarters of those who identify as pro-choice (74 percent) agree, as do strong majorities regardless of party affiliation,” according to the poll.

“In addition, 70 percent of Americans want doctors who perform abortions to be required to have hospital admitting privileges. …Pro-life and pro-choice adherents are also equally likely to support such a requirement at a rate of 7 in 10 for each group (71 percent).

Finally, “The majority of Americans in favor of abortion restrictions has been consistently around 8 in 10 for the better part of a decade," said Barbara Carvalho, director of the Marist Poll. “Though self-identification as pro-life or pro-choice can vary substantially from year to year, the support for restrictions is quite stable.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

Killing is never medical care

Dr. Philip Dreisbach is one of six physicians who joined with the American Academy of Medical Ethics to legally challenge the California assisted suicide law has written an important article that was published in the Wall Street on July 24 titled: Why are they trying to make us kill our patients.

Our state’s (California) physician-assisted suicide law instantly removes penal-code protections from a vulnerable segment of the population deemed “terminally ill.” The law allows anyone labeled as terminally ill to request assisted suicide—but it also accepts heirs and the owners of caregiving facilities to formally witness such requests, even though the probate code does not even accept “interested” parties as witnesses to a will.

The law does not require an attending physician to refer the patient for psychological assessment. It thus does not allow for screening for possible coercion, or for underlying mental conditions that could be behind the suicide request—unless the patient has signs of mental problems, which may not be visible to a suicide-specialist doctor they may not even know. In these and other ways, the law devastates elder-abuse law and mental-health legal protections, and it deprives those labeled as terminally ill of equal-protection rights that all other Americans enjoy.

All of us in the practice of cancer care have seen patients, diagnosed with so-called terminal illness, who have experienced a marvelous remission of disease. Very little is absolute—except death itself.

Killing is never medical care. There is no circumstance when any compassionate, competent physician would prescribe a deadly drug to any patient. If “medical practice” has any meaning, it definitely does not include using drugs to willfully kill a patient or for a physician and pharmacist to supply a lethal drug so that a patient can kill himself.

The American Medical Association has spoken for all physicians by stating: “Physician-assisted suicide is fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer, would be difficult or impossible to control, and would pose serious societal risks.”

The irony here is that the medical community has strongly objected to facilitating the death of felons on death row, but that same medical community is now expected to help kill the innocent.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

DNC’s First Night and Clinton’s Abortion Extremism

Like every other political convention, the opening night of the Democrats’ national convention in Philadelphia was a mixture of good, bad, and indifferent speeches. Clearly at the top of the list was First Lady Michelle Obama whose remarks the media swooned over.

To be even clearer, cable networks such as CNN and MSNBC swooned over every Democratic speaker’s utterances. The difference is—as a political speech–Mrs. Obama’s observations were first rate.

But, as a pro-lifer, I couldn’t help noticing that for all the talk about children and families and uplifting one another and pro-abortion New Jersey Sen. Corey Booker’s “Declaration of Interdependence,” one member of the human family was conspicuous by her absence: the unborn child.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

July 25, 2016

Defamation lawsuit against Planned Parenthood in Aurora to continue

Friday, a Kane County Circuit Court judge denied Planned Parenthood of Illinois and its former head Steve Trombley a motion to dismiss a defamation lawsuit brought against them by the Thomas More Society. The suit alleges that Planned Parenthood lied when it tried to tie the Pro-Life Action League to violence in four separate public communications.

Planned Parenthood bought full page ads in the Daily Herald and Aurora Beacon News suggesting the Pro-Life Action League had a "well documented history of advocating violence." The ad included a photo of a bombed-out abortion clinic in Michigan.

The first ad, which ran in the Beacon on September 6, 2007, was followed by a “cease and desist” letter from the Thomas More Society on behalf their clients. This letter demanded a “prompt and public retraction of false, libelous, and malicious statements.” Planned Parenthood responded with an ad that was more inflammatory and accusatory than the original.

Click here for more from Illinois Review.

July 22, 2016

Actress Mila Kunis On Second Pregnancy: ‘I Have a Human Inside’

Hollywood constantly flaunts pro-abortion media (think: Obvious Child, Scandal). So when a big-name actress like Mila Kunis uses pro-life language, it’s a rarity.

On Wednesday, Kunis (That ‘70s Show, Black Swan) appeared on Live with Kelly to discuss her role in the upcoming film Bad Moms, which hits theaters July 29. But the interview first and foremost focused on Kunis’ second pregnancy with husband Ashton Kutcher.

From the beginning of the segment, co-host Kelly Ripa asked the 32-year-old star about her current pregnancy with “baby number two.”

“I do have a human inside,” responded Kunis. “Just one.”

Click here for more from Natioanal Right to Life.