September 7, 2017

VIDEO: Every baby is a little miracle…

From having written about many of Pampers’ commercials in the past, they are often awesome. They affirm not only the importance of babies, they also remind parents that “Every baby is a little miracle to celebrate, support and protect.”

And since they often begin with sonograms, pro-lifers see this sentiment as apropos not just for babies once they are born, but from the beginning of the baby’s developmental journey.

If you watch “For every little miracle,” I promise you will (as did I) forward the link to many of your family and friends.

The overarching point they make is…it doesn’t matter. Whatever the circumstances, babies are a gift, a treasure, to honor and protect and (my words here) to marvel at.

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As many as 1.5 million additional online suicide searches following “13 Reasons Why”

13 Reasons Why Screen Capture from Netflix
Reuters Health reported that a study appearing online in JAMA Internal Medicine found that “Online searches related to suicide spiked right after Netflix released ‘13 Reasons Why,’ a popular series about a teen girl who takes her own life”.

The study appeared online on July 31 but it was not until a friend forward the Reuters Health story (written by Lisa Rapaport) to me today that I was aware Google search volumes for queries about suicide were 19 percent higher than expected in the 19 days following the show’s release, reflecting 900,000 to 1.5 million more searches than there otherwise would have been.

Why is this significant? Rapaport quotes lead author John Ayers of San Diego State University in California, who said, “The more someone contemplates suicide, the more likely they are to act,” adding, “Searches often foreshadow offline behaviors.”

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Cecile Richards’s contribution is not to the “prevention of human disease” but to multiplying the deaths of unborn babies

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards
Have you ever heard of the Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service Award? Me, neither.

It’s self-described thusly: “Since 1945, the [Lasker-Bloomberg ] Awards Program has recognized the contributions of scientists, physicians, and public servants who have made major or advances in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human disease.”

Sounds pretty prestigious. Guess who won The 2017 Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service Award?
Cecile Richards, head honcho of Planned Parenthood, whose chief claim to fame is she presides over a killing machine that brutally disposes of 330,000 babies every year–in the neighborhood of seven million since it rolled out the machinery of death.

The “human disease” for which PPFA is the “cure” is “unwanted” unborn babies.

The euphemism drenched summary for why she [PPFA] received the award is “for its 100-year history of advancing reproductive health and rights and advocating for greater access to health care for all people.”

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September 6, 2017

Abortion group promotes post-Harvey 'outreach'

Houston Floods 2017
National Abortion Rights Action League is urging people to donate funds to the Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity to provide abortions free of charge for victims of Hurricane Harvey.

American Life League President Judie Brown says it's horrific that the pro-abortion groups view abortion as a "solution" to Harvey's tragedy.

"Because they honestly believe that aborting babies is a charitable act," she says, recalling that the same "offer" was announced after the 9-11 attacks.

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David Daleiden, attorneys, fined $200K by controversial judge

David Daleiden Speaking
The Center for Medical Progress lead investigator, David Daleiden, along with two of his attorneys, faced Judge William Orrick again on Thursday. The men walked away with an almost-$200,000 fine after being held in contempt of court for releasing videos after the Planned Parenthood-connected judge had issued a gag order.

The Washington Times reports:
U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick said the $195,359 tab would compensate the National Abortion Federation for “expenses incurred as a result of the violation of my Preliminary Injunction Order,” which had banned the release of the video footage taken at NAF meetings.

Mr. Daleiden’s attorneys, Steve Cooley and Brentford Ferreira, were included in the sanctions intended to ensure “current and future compliance” with the order.

Mr. Daleiden described the sanctions as an attack on his rights to defend himself. Matthew Geragos, an attorney for Cooley and Ferreira, told the Associated Press that he is appealing.

Judge Orrick has come under fire because of his longtime ties to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, as Live Action News reported last summer. The judge’s wife has displayed her support for the abortion corporation on social media as well. Despite his clear conflict of interest in the case, Orrick has been allowed to stay on it and has consistently ruled against the pro-life leader and his group.

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September 5, 2017

Federal judge blocks dismemberment abortion ban in Texas

Court Gavel
Federal District Judge Lee Yeakel issued a temporary restraining order against enforcement of the newly passed Senate Bill 8, dubbed the Pro-Life Dismemberment Abortion Ban, which criminalizes killing a preborn child by pulling him or her apart limb by limb in the womb.

Abortion businesses Planned Parenthood and Whole Woman's Health sued for a preliminary injunction against the pro-life ban, which was to go into effect September 1.  The abortion conglomerate argued that banning the dismemberment procedure places an "undue burden" on women seeking second trimester abortions.

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Vision 2020 - Week 29 - Senator Thomas Cullerton (D) and Senator Don Harmon (D)

Pray for our legislators that they will...

"Trust in the Lord with all their hearts and lean not on their own understanding; that in all of their ways they will submit to Him,
    and He will make their paths straight;
that they will not be wise in their own eyes;
    but will fear the Lord and shun evil."
Proverbs 3:5-7 (NIV)

Vision 2020 and the Illinois Federation for Right to Life would like to invite you to join us in praying for our state legislators.  We will send out information about a couple different state representatives each week for you to pray over.

Consider sharing this information with your ministry partners, your church family, on your website and/or your Facebook page.

We know that prayer changes things.  And we know that NOTHING is impossible with God. So let's join our hearts and voices together and petition heaven on behalf of the great state of Illinois!

Some of our legislators need prayer that God will open their eyes and change their hearts (or move them out of their positions) and some need prayers that they will have the strength, courage and boldness to be able to stand firmly against the opposition as they fight for life and family values.

September 1, 2017

Pro-lifers fight to burst the bubbles in Chicago

Bubble Zone
A pro-life legal organization is taking another step to overturn Chicago's “bubble zone” ordinance.

Passed in 2009 by the Chicago City Council, the ordinance establishes a 50-foot bubble zone around medical facility entrances, including abortion clinics. Inside that zone, pro-life counselors cannot get within eight feet of people entering the clinic.

Attorney Thomas Olp with the Thomas More Society says the counselors are prevented from giving pro-life information to women considering abortion.

The Thomas More Society now is taking the case to the Seventh U.S. Circuit of Appeals to seek the protections for the pro-lifers guaranteed by the Constitution.

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Laws Targeting Pregnancy Centers Are on the Rise, Here’s How They Can Protect Their Rights

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has created a new legal guide, Protecting Your Pregnancy Center from Religious Freedom Threats. It aims to provide pregnancy centers with the knowledge and foresight necessary to enable them to continue to operate in a way that is consistent with their mission and beliefs, without fear and without apology.

Within the guide are examples of what other ministries around the country are facing; how other pregnancy centers may be vulnerable to similar threats; and what they can do to secure crucial legal protections to help them prevail in the legal challenges that are sure to come.

It is not always easy to protect and defend life, especially when pressure and intimidation from a hostile world threaten the very mission of these pro-life pregnancy centers.

Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Should Never Be Forced into Abortion Advocacy by the State.

Click here to Get Your Free Copy!

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Human genetic engineering breakthrough raises ethical concerns

Shoukhrat Mitalipov is the first U.S.-based scientist known to have edited the DNA of human embryos.
Shoukhrat Mitalipov (pictured) is the first U.S.-based scientist known to have edited the DNA of human embryos.

Scientists in Oregon have successfully genetically modified human embryos, according to research published earlier this month. The researchers used a gene editing technique called CRISPR to repair a disease-causing mutation.

“In altering the DNA code of human embryos,” explains the MIT Technology Review, “the objective of scientists is to show that they can eradicate or correct genes that cause inherited disease, like the blood condition beta-thalassemia. The process is termed ‘germline engineering’ because any genetically modified child would then pass the changes on to subsequent generations via their own germ cells—the egg and sperm.”

Preventing disease is a noble goal. And gene editing technology has already been used in born human beings for therapeutic purposes. Genetic engineering of embryos, however, raises a number of ethical issues such as the research involves the creation and intentional destruction of human embryos. Human embryos are living members of our species (human beings) at the embryonic stage of their lives. Each one of us, indeed, was once an embryo.

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August 31, 2017

‘Baby Harvey’ arrives as a special delivery during hurricane

Baby Adrielle came into the world during Hurricane Harvey at Texas Children's Hospital.
The birth of a long-awaited baby began just as her parents became trapped by flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey.

Baby Adrielle was born 12 hours later, at 1:59 a.m. on Monday morning. She weighed 7 pounds,  6 ounces, and both mom and baby are doing well. Family members have nicknamed the girl “the Hurricane” and “Baby Harvey.” However, at about 8 a.m. Sunday, as the Smiths looked out of the window at the water now encircling their apartment building, Annie realized she was already in labor.

There is more to this exciting and wonderful story.

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August 30, 2017

Louisiana Judge tosses out suit to implant frozen embryos, cites lack of legal jurisdiction

Sofia Vergara and Nick Loeb
When actress Sofia Vergara and Nick Loeb were a couple in 2013, they used IVF to create two embryos who were frozen.

“The couple at the time signed a contract at the ART Reproductive Center in Beverly Hills that stated neither could use the embryos without the other’s consent,” the New York Daily News’ Jessica Schladebeck reported. “They split a year later in May 2014.”

Vergara and her ex-fiancé have been locked in a contentious legal battle with Loeb saying he wishes to have the two embryos, whom he has named Emma and Isabella, implanted in a surrogate, while Vergara is demanding they remain frozen. The 41-year-old Loeb has said that he created trusts for them at the time.

On Friday, a Louisiana federal judge granted the 45-year-old Vergara’s motion to dismiss a suit brought by Loeb seeking full custody. According to Schladebeck, the judge “point[ed] out neither parent had ties to the state and that Loeb likely filed there due to Louisiana’s favorable legislation protecting the rights of the unborn children.”

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Federal judge hears request for preliminary injunction against Texas’ ban on dismemberment abortions

U.S. District Court Judge Lee Yeakel
U.S. District Court Judge Lee Yeakel of the Western District of Texas heard a challenge today from abortion providers represented by the Center for Reproductive Rights who argued that the state’s ban on dismemberment abortions be put on hold until a full hearing can occur.

The Dismemberment Abortion Ban section of the Senate Bill 8– passed by the Texas Legislature in the 85th Regular Session last May–is scheduled to go into effect this Friday. According to Texas Right to Life, “Judge Yeakel is expected to release an order on the preliminary injunction later this week.”

Texas joined seven other states– Kansas, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, and Louisiana–in forbidding an abortion “technique” that uses sharp metal clamps and scissors to crush, tear and pulverize living unborn human beings, to rip heads and legs off of tiny torsos until the defenseless child bleeds to death.

Click here for more from National Right to Life

August 29, 2017

Abortionist who threatened pro-lifer, botched abortions forfeits license

An abortionist who held scissors close to a pro-life activist's throat while saying he loves tearing apart babies will surrender his medical license at the end of the year.

In 2016, a video of Dr. Robert Santella snarling at a pro-life sidewalk counselor went viral. He was holding a coffee cup and a pair of surgical scissors.  When the sidewalk counselor said Santella would "keep tearing the babies apart," the abortionist replied, "I will ... I love it. I love it!"

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South Carolina defunds abortion, Planned Parenthood

South Carolina Gov Henry McMaster
South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster issued an executive order today preventing abortion facilities from receiving any state or local money.

McMaster's order means that South Carolina won't provide funds "via grant, contract, state-administered funds, or any other form" to any physician or doctor's office affiliated with an abortion facility.

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Top environmental orgs are pushing abortion…and nobody knows

Climate Change Plan B
Environmental activist billionaire, Tom Steyer vowed to make climate change the focus of the 2014 congressional elections, but the truth was only 3% cared about the issue. So his hired door-to-door canvassers talked about abortion and clean water.

This wasn’t a coincidence. A deliberate strategy to link abortion with environmental organizations has been implemented in some regions of the green movement.

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Princeton sponsors Planned Parenthood event, pro-life students are outraged

Princeton's abortion run
Pro-life students are upset that the Princeton University Office of Religious Life co-sponsored a Planned Parenthood rally.

Associate Dean of the College Khristina Gonzalez organized the event and served as its “ambassador.” All proceeds went to the nation’s largest and most lucrative abortion business.

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August 28, 2017

New study disputes Planned Parenthood claims

Planned Parenthood touts its healthcare services as the primary thrust of their organization, but a Charlotte Lozier Institute study recently repudiated that claim. Dr. James Studnicki, vice president and director of CLI's Data Analytics, co-authored the research and took a look at Planned Parenthood services, such as the one that supposedly helps people with STDs.

Dr. Studnicki discussed his findings with OneNewsNow, explaining that even though Planned Parenthood does conduct a tiny bit of treatment, they mostly provide testing for their customers. "For most of the services they provide, treatment is a very, very tiny fraction and most often less than 1 percent of the total national service," says Studnicki. "But for some of their contraceptive services, their national market share can climb up as high as 4, 5, or 6 percent."

"Nothing that Planned Parenthood does would lead us to indicate that withdrawal of their services would be life-threatening or result in death," stated Studnicki. "Most of what they do is relatively superficial."  Yet, Planned Parenthood has cornered the market for abortion, performing 35 percent of them nationwide.

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Pro-life groups to protest Planned Parenthood's Trivia Night at Chicago's Revolution Brewing

Defund Planned Parenthood Banner
Planned Parenthood's Trivia Night donors will face pro-life protesters next Tuesday night at Chicago's Revolution Brewing restaurant.

Groups such as Students for Life of America, Chicago Pro-Life Future and the Pro-Life Action League plan to meet at 5:30 PM to protest the fundraiser as participants enter.

One of the organizers called Planned Parenthood's 328,348 abortion each year evidence of "age discrimination."

Wherever Planned Parenthood is, we must be too. They are the nation’s largest abortion provider, committing nearly 900 abortions each day in the United States," David Cordaro, Upper Midwest Regional Coordinator for Students for Life of America said. " We will not rest until we see an end to age discrimination through abortion."

Click here for more from Illinois Review

Vision 2020 - Week 28 - Senator Melinda Bush (D) and Senator Jacqueline Y. Collins (D)

Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.
Isaiah 55:6

Pray that our leaders:

will hold fast to righteousness and will not let it go (Job 27:6)
will stand in the gap for our state (Ezekiel 22:30)
will seek the LORD (Deuteronomy 4:29)

Vision 2020 and the Illinois Federation for Right to Life would like to invite you to join us in praying for our state legislators.  We will send out information about a couple different state representatives each week for you to pray over.

Consider sharing this information with your ministry partners, your church family, on your website and/or your Facebook page.

We know that prayer changes things.  And we know that NOTHING is impossible with God. So let's join our hearts and voices together and petition heaven on behalf of the great state of Illinois!

Some of our legislators need prayer that God will open their eyes and change their hearts (or move them out of their positions) and some need prayers that they will have the strength, courage and boldness to be able to stand firmly against the opposition as they fight for life and family values.