November 9, 2016

Post Election Results

The IFRL has posted the Post Election Results for 2016 General Election for each endorsed candidate.

Use the links below to view the offices, endorsed candidates and results of the elections.

All in all, the pro-life movement did have a good election, many pro-life candidates were elected or re-elected for their offices.

GOP keeps pro-life majorities in U.S. Senate and House

The Republican Party has maintained control of the U.S. Senate and House, holding on to majority advantage over the Democrats. The GOP’s Senate hold is a major victory for pro-life and pro-family advocates and has stunned many political pundits who predicted a Democratic takeover.

With the victory by Donald Trump—unimaginable to most political observers right up through Election Day—the Republican Party on January 20, 2017 will control the executive and legislative branches of power in Washington.

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Congratulation to Pro-Life President-elect Donald Trump

National Right to Life Committee, the federation of 50 state right-to-life affiliates and more than 3,000 local chapters, congratulates pro-life President-elect Donald Trump on his win against pro-abortion candidate Hillary Clinton. We also congratulate the Trump campaign team, led by Kellyanne Conway, on running a brilliant campaign against a candidate who had unprecedented financial resources and the backing of the mainstream media.

“Clinton and the Democratic Party have taken the most extreme abortion position possible, including support for late abortions when the baby can feel pain and seeking to change the law so that taxpayer dollars would be used to fund abortion on demand,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “Donald Trump took a strong, principled pro-life position, heard by millions of Americans in the third debate. He never backed down on his opposition to abortion and he won.”

National Right to Life also congratulates pro-life Republican senators...

Congratulations also to pro-life House members who prevailed and kept the U.S. House under pro-life leadership.

“Pro-life voters showed that protecting unborn children is not only the right position, but the best winning political position,” said Tobias. “National Right to Life looks forward to working with President-elect Trump and the newly elected pro-life Congress on policy initiatives to protect the lives of unborn children.”

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

November 7, 2016


Appreciating the enormity of what is at stake Tuesday

Carol Tobias, President National Right to Life
Carol Tobias, President
National Right to Life
By Carol Tobias, President National Right to Life

Election Day is upon us. In just days we will know who is our 45th President and whether the U.S. Senate remains under pro-life leadership.

Have you, like me, waited for this day for four years?

For those who care passionately about protecting unborn children, Election Day 2012 was an extremely difficult day. We knew that the re-election of President Obama would delay the day when unborn children would be protected from abortion.

Hillary Clinton is running as if for Obama’s third term–a continuation of his anti-life policies, included. Like you, I truly hope and pray that the American people say, “No!”

In the most straightforward terms, what is our goal? To protect unborn children, the vulnerable elderly, and those with disabilities. Part and parcel of this is restoring the basic principle that every human life–not just the “planned and the perfect”–has intrinsic value and infinite dignity.

A great way to foster that respect for human life is to elect men and women who understand that a society that kills its weakest, its most vulnerable, is not a city shining on a hill, but a culture that resembles the proverbial circular firing squad.

What can an election do? Allow me to review what is at stake.

Judicial appointments

We understand the importance of the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, instead of being an arbiter, and a check against constitutional infringements by Congress and the Executive Branch, we sometimes see that Court act as if it were a legislative body, setting national law, as seven unelected justices did in Roe v. Wade. We need a president who will nominate justices who understand the proper role of the High Court.

There is grave danger, however, that we will instead see the emergence of a Court majority that will insist that the U.S. Constitution prohibits elected state and federal lawmakers from limiting abortion – including late abortion – in any meaningful way at all. The result would be the step-by-step invalidation even of pro-life laws upheld in the past – both federal laws such as the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and the Hyde Amendment, and hundreds of state laws. It could also become difficult if not impossible for pro-life individuals to serve as doctors and nurses, because the “conscience” laws that currently protect their right to avoid involvement in abortion could be invalidated.

Aside from the U.S. Supreme Court, the president also appoints judges to the powerful federal courts of appeals, and hundreds of federal district judges – all of these being lifetime appointments. These federal judges often decide which laws stand and which will be nullified (since the Supreme Court accepts only a very limited number of cases for review).

Pregnancy Resource Centers

As you have read, Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC) are under ferocious attack at the state level. But they can and most likely will be affected by the actions of the next president.

The abortion industry does not like PRCs–and understandably so. For every woman they help and every baby they save, that is money the abortion industry did not get. There is an ongoing effort to infringe on the free speech of these centers, forcing them to tell clients who come through the door which services (i.e., abortion) are NOT offered at the facility. The state of California goes so far as to require that PRCs inform women where they can get an abortion and that the state may pay for it.

Many of the laws or city ordinances that tried to limit the PRCs have been struck down but federal courts have, so far, allowed the extreme California law to remain in force. Will federal judges appointed in the future protect the right of PRCs to offer only the services they desire? Or will the PRCs become unwilling tools for a local or state government as influenced (controlled?) by the abortion industry. That can be impacted by the next occupant in the White House.

Administrative positions

In addition to federal judges, the president also makes hundreds of key appointments to Executive Branch positions that can greatly diminish or increase the threat to the lives of innocent, vulnerable, human life. Some of these appointments are high-level and very public, such as secretary of state, secretary of health and human services, and attorney general.

Many are mid-level positions, filled by people whose names are not often in the news and are not well known by the people. However, these may be the federal employees who take a law passed by Congress and draft the rules to implement it for the rest of us to follow. This may be a person who works on how to further implement Obamacare or who works to dismantle and replace Obamacare after it has been repealed.

This may be the person who decides if Planned Parenthood can apply directly to the federal government for reimbursement if a state has decided not to fund PP.

International policy

The next president will appoint a team to work with the U.N. and other countries in determining international laws and treaties. Will the U.S. continue, as it has for the past eight years, to further the campaign to recognize abortion as an international “right”?


Of course, in addition to president, we are electing members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. These bodies can pass or defeat legislation that will affect innocent human life. Will our next Congress be able to pass legislation like the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, or will they be voting to eliminate the Hyde Amendment, as Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party platform have called for.

The above list is only scratching the surface of what is at stake in this election. The importance of elected officials, their appointments, and their staff can have broader, more wide-reaching, consequences than most of us can imagine.

During testimony before a congressional committee, Hillary Clinton once famously asked, “What difference, at this point, does it make?” To the millions of innocent unborn children and those lives vulnerable to Obamacare and assisted suicide, the November 8 elections matter immensely.

Vote wisely and encourage like-minded family and friends to do the same. Innocent human lives are depending on you.

November 3, 2016

Is your vote in accordance with what you say you believe?

Be their voice, Vote Pro-Life
As an old-fashioned patriotic type, I believe we are obliged to take responsibility for shaping our democracy. But, at the same time, I know that others are convinced there are other “better” uses of their time, especially if they are not inspired by the candidates. I speak to them all the time.

However there is an altogether different moral calculus for pro-lifers. Babies die by the thousands each and every day. Can we honestly say we don’t have 20 minutes to do what we can to level the legislative field for those who have no voice but ours?

In our capacity as single-issue pro-life voters, do we properly recognize the clear implication of our own view?


Probably we do, in the sense that in our ethical calculations we prioritize saving unborn babies from abortion and the medically dependent from assisted suicide and euthanasia. But as voters, do we always, always, always go to the polls?

Do you know which candidates are pro-life?  Click here for the IFRL PAC Endorsements.

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November 2, 2016

Americans don’t want to foot bill for killing babies

Pro-Abortion Hillary Clinton
Pro-Abortion Hillary Clinton
Politico-Harvard poll clearly indicates that Hillary Clinton supporters believe Medicaid should be reimbursing Planned Parenthood for abortions - but National Right to Life Committee president Carol Tobias tells OneNewsNow it also shows that a majority of Americans are opposed to it.

“Americans do not want their tax dollars to pay to kill unborn babies,” she says. “That hasn't changed in the 40 years that the Hyde Amendment has been law, and yet we know that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party platform are calling for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment so that tax dollars can be used to pay for abortion.”

“They [Planned Parenthood] are not a full-service medical facility or an organization,” she explains. “We have a lot of community health centers in this country that do provide full-service medical care for women, but they're not getting as much money as they could or should because it's going to Planned Parenthood.”

Click here for more from OneNewsNow.

Corrupt Clinton Foundation's Partnership with Planned Parenthood Promotes Abortion Around the Globe

Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation
Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation
Recent headlines discussing an open FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation have referred to it as a "money laundering scheme" where influence within the American government can be purchased - for a hefty price.

But there is also a lesser discussed aspect of the Clinton Foundation - one that is literally costing innocent lives. This Clinton Foundation program works to promote and expand abortion in third world countries in formal partnership with abortion supplier Planned Parenthood.

"While the Clinton Foundation doesn't seem to actually do much but enrich the Clinton family, it does do one thing, and that is abortion," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.

On the Clinton Foundation payroll is at least one Planned Parenthood abortionist. Nicola Moore calls herself a "fly-in abortionista." Based in Massachusetts, this traveling abortionist has spent stints working at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities across the country, wearing a mask in the likeness of one of the Three Stooges to conceal her identity.

Click here for more from Christian Newswire.

November 1, 2016

VIDEO: Donald Trump explains to EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo his journey to becoming Pro-Life

Raymond Arroyo interview on EWTN with Donald Trump
Raymond Arroyo interview on EWTN with Donald Trump
You can watch the exclusive interview Donald Trump gave to Eternal World Television Network (EWTN) host Raymond Arroyo here.

You can also read the full transcript at the National Catholic Register.

Here are a few highlights of a genuinely fascinating interview which aired on the Oct. 27 episode of EWTN’s “The World Over.” For single-issue pro-lifers, the first query that Trump responded to was to reiterate that he would nominate pro-life justices to the Supreme Court.

For newcomers, or those who haven’t heard Trump talk about his pro-life conversion, Trump tells Arroyo that there wasn’t a moment that changed his thinking and his heart on abortion.

Well, there are a number of moments, but one was a couple that I know very, very well — and you had a strong pro-life [person] and you had a strong pro-choice [person], and they argued over [the pregnancy]. … The mother was pregnant. They argued over the child. One, I won’t get into specifics. …But one wanted to abort. And the other said, “We can’t do that. We’re not going to do that.” Anyway, they had the baby. It was a long time ago. And the baby is such a magnificent person, who I know, a magnificent person. And the person that was actually pro-choice is now pro-life because of it, and it had a big effect on me. But I’ve seen other examples similar to that; but I’ve seen other examples, so …

Arroyo interjects, “So, it was a personal change for you?” and Trump responds

It is a personal change. And, you know, Ronald Reagan made that personal change, too. Many people have made the personal change. I mean, some make the personal change the other way, also. … But I made the personal change, and I’m very happy with it.

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Fight for Free Speech, Conscience Rights Continues in California, Illinois

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which represents pro-life organizations and individuals targeted by new laws in California and Illinois, filed legal challenges in both states late last week in an ongoing battle to keep the states from forcing the organizations to promote or refer for abortions.

In Illinois, ADF filed a motion for a preliminary injunction Thursday against a change in the state’s Health Care Right of Conscience Act designed to force all medical professionals, along with as many as 130 local pregnancy help centers and medical clinics, to refer their clients to nearby abortion clinics upon request of the patient.

Challenging the Illinois legislation—which was set forth as Senate Bill 1564 and signed into law July 29 by Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner—ADF appealed to state and federal Constitutional free speech protection, as well as Illinois’ Religious Freedom Restoration Act on behalf of two pregnancy help centers and a pro-life ob-gyn who would also be affected by the legislation if it were to go into effect Jan. 1, 2017.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

October 31, 2016

Facebook reverses course after first offering absurd reason to reject CPC ad

Birthright of Bel Air Facebook Ad
Birthright of Bel Air Facebook Ad
Ok, I grant you there is no necessary linkage. But…

(1) Facebook’s cofounder has pledged to give $20 million “to political groups that support Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton,” according to the Washington Post.

(2) That, as of May, “Facebook employees as individuals have donated more than $114,000 to Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton this election cycle, by far the most of any presidential candidate,” the Hill newspaper reported.

(3) Facebook turned down an ad from a Crisis Pregnancy Center for reasons that no one over the age of 6 would believe are genuine.

From WBFF, Fox News 45 Baltimore: Seems Birthright of Bel Air, a Harford County pregnancy aid center, wanted to do what many organizations routinely do : pay Facebook so its advertisement would reach a wider online audience.

But the word– the word which was delivered within 5 minutes of the request’s submission–was no.

So why did Facebook change its tune? Atha’s friends share the new ad on their personal pages–maybe that had an influence, she suggested. ( Or perhaps Facebook got wind a story might be coming out about its absurd decision.)

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‘Big Bang Theory’ Acknowledges Life in the Womb: ‘There’s a Baby in There!’

Screen shot of CBS's Big Bang Theory episode titled "The Fetal Kick Catalyst"
Screen shot of CBS's Big Bang Theory episode
titled "The Fetal Kick Catalyst"
Well, sometimes even Hollywood can get it right in a pro-abortion world. Thursday night’s episode of The Big Bang Theory acknowledges what should be obvious: being pregnant equals a baby.

“The Fetal Kick Catalyst,” opens with Howard (Simon Helberg) and Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) sleeping together. Howard rests his hand on Bernadette’s pregnant stomach and wakes up with great joy as he feels their baby’s kick. “There’s a baby in there,” he finally realizes.

After all, it was only a few months ago when NARAL objected to a Doritos ad that featured an ultrasound because it was “humanizing fetuses.” I can only imagine what they think of one of the biggest comedies in America “humanizing” a fetus by calling it a baby and showing it kick, especially when they’ve spent so much time defending late-term abortion after the last presidential debate. Pro-aborts have been so effective at dehumanizing human fetuses that it’s easy to forget we’re talking about living human beings.

So, hats off to CBS for showing that it’s not simply a fetus, but a person.

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Pure, Selfless Love Saves Baby from Abortion on New CBS Drama ‘Pure Genius’

Screen shot of CBS’s new medical drama, Pure Genius
Screen shot of CBS’s new medical drama, Pure Genius
CBS’s new medical drama, Pure Genius, opened its series on Thursday with a pro-life message that was quite powerful.

Bunker Hill is opened as the most innovative hospital in the world, headed up by billionaire James Bell (Augustus Prew). Mr. Bell aims to partner futuristic technology with medicine to create an experience no other facility can provide.

Dr. Walter Wallace (Dermot Mulroney) is invited to visit Bunker Hill by Mr. Bell in hopes of getting him to join their staff. Dr. Wallace isn’t too sure of the hospital’s methods as they seem much different from what he’s used to.

Many patients are brought in and treated for various procedures. One such patient is Margot Beyer and her husband, Paul. Margot has a tumor that needs to be removed, but refuses radiation or chemotherapy because she is pregnant. The Beyers argue they will not consider abortion as an alternative, as Dr. Zoe Brockett (Odette Annable) suggests.

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Grey’s Anatomy’ Uses Bad Medicine to Push Abortion on Dying Cancer Patient

Screen shot of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, episode titled “Roar"
Screen shot of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, episode titled “Roar"
In Thursday’s episode of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, titled “Roar,” a brave, determined pregnant cancer patient took a pro-life stance rather than be bullied into an abortion by the doctors at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital.

During a random, casual conversation in a courthouse security line between a pregnant woman in her sixteenth week named Veronica and Dr. Alex Karev (Justin Chambers), Karev noticed a rash on the pregnant woman’s hands and encouraged her to seek medical attention.

At the clinic later, test results showed Veronica had stage 4 pancreatic cancer – a terminal diagnosis – with less than a year to live, even with treatment. Unfortunately, the pressure began immediately for her to have an abortion so that her chemo and radiation could begin. Dr. Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson), Chief of Surgery, was not receptive to an alternative procedure that would try to keep the baby alive long enough to be born. She only saw one patient, when she should have seen two.

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October 27, 2016

Dear Samantha Bee: Unfortunately, skull-stabbing is ‘a thing’

If there’s one thing you can count on from the media, it’s that when a pseudo-celebrity says something stupid that celebrates abortion, it will be lauded from the deserts of the Huffington Post to the wastelands of as one of the most brilliant, prescient, and also hilarious monologues ever uttered by a kind-of-famous alleged comedian. Just lately, it’s been Bill Nye the Science Guy, Trevor Noah—he’s the guy at the Daily Show in charge of creating waves of nostalgia for Jon Stewart—and now, Samantha Bee, who hosts a charming show called “Full Frontal.”

Bee took umbrage at Donald Trump’s rather blunt description of partial-birth abortion as “ripping a baby out of the womb of its mother.” Bee and the rest of the media hive immediately went in to full damage control, lest anyone realize the gruesome truth about the procedure Hillary has spent her life promoting. Bee’s resulting monologue immediately garnered quite the buzz, as her friends in the media cackled with relief over her apparent “takedown” of Trump’s abortion comments.

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Hillary’s wrong again—Harvard poll shows strong Majority of Americans oppose using Medicaid funds for abortion

Pro-abortion Hillary Clinton
Pro-abortion Hillary Clinton
The list goes on and on and on. The public doesn’t agree with abortion maven Hillary Clinton on her support for partial-birth abortions and late term abortions, and her opposition to a ban on partial-birth abortion and parental involvement—to name just four items.

An a poll conducted for POLITICO Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health released today shows that she is on the wrong side of still another abortion-related issue. Americans overwhelmingly do not want their tax dollars syphoned off to pay for abortions. The margin among likely voters was a whopping 22 points—58% to only 36%.

Why is this significant? Because the question is really asking about the Hyde Amendment, a provision that is attached to the annual appropriations bill that covers many federal health programs (including Medicaid), which has stood the test of time and which Clinton and the Democrat Party is dead-set on eliminating. To quote the Democrat Party platform, “We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment.”

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What does it mean to be pro-life?

Every human being matters, and we ought to act accordingly

By Paul Stark via National Right to Life

The media often use the label “anti-abortion” to describe pro-life advocates. It’s true that we oppose abortion—and infanticide, euthanasia and embryo-destructive research. But we are only against those things because we are for something else.

What we are for

What are we for? We are for the proposition that human life is good, that it is worth living, that it deserves respect and protection. We are for the proposition that every human being has an equal worth and dignity—that every human being has a right to live.

The pro-life position rejects all attempts to divide humanity into those who have rights and those who don’t. Our society now recognizes that past discrimination on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity and social status was deeply unjust. We recognize that the worth of a human being does not depend on such characteristics.

Nor, however, does the worth of a human being depend on age, size, ability, dependency, stage of development or the desires and decisions of others. The big are not more valuable than the small. The strong do not have more rights than the weak. The independent do not matter more than the vulnerable and needy.

No, we have value and a right to life simply because we are human—not because of what we can do, but because of what (the kind of being) we are. That’s why everyone matters. Everyone counts.

What we are against

It is because we support equal human dignity that we oppose the intentional killing of innocent human beings. And that means we oppose abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and embryo-destructive research.

Pro-lifers oppose abortion because it takes the life of a human being before he or she is born. The scientific facts of embryology and developmental biology make clear that the unborn (the human embryo or fetus) is a distinct and living human organism, a full-fledged (though immature) member of the species Homo sapiens. Each of us was once an embryo and a fetus, just as we were once infants, toddlers and adolescents.

And all human beings, at all stages, have a right to life, whether or not they are “wanted” or “convenient.”

We oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide because killing is never the answer to the difficulties of life. All human beings should receive our compassion and care, irrespective of disease, disability or perceived “quality of life.”

We oppose embryonic stem cell research (but not adult or non-embryonic stem cell research) and human cloning because they require the destruction of human embryos. Human embryos are human beings in the embryonic phase of life. And all human beings, regardless of appearance or location (e.g., a petri dish), ought to be treated with respect and not as mere raw material to use for the hypothetical benefit of others.

Living our conviction

But being pro-life is about more than just holding an ethical position. To be truly pro-life means to live and act accordingly.

It means treating other people with dignity and respect—even those with whom we disagree. It means helping pregnant women in need and those who suffer from illness or disability.

It means recognizing the moral gravity and scale of abortion—the premier injustice and leading cause of death in American society today—and taking action to save lives. Educating ourselves, talking to others, persuading them. Supporting pro-life educational and legislative efforts through organizations.

Being pro-life, ultimately, is about loving others, especially the most vulnerable. It is about loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. And love isn’t just a feeling. It is a commitment.

October 26, 2016

United Nations: Promotion of Access to Abortion for Refugees and Migrants

The United Nations General Assembly during the first ever Summit for Refugees and Migrants adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants which “expresses the political will of world leaders to save lives, protect rights and share responsibility on a global scale.” The Declaration includes commitments “to address current issues and to prepare the world for future challenges, including, among other things, to start negotiations leading to an international conference and the adoption of a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration in 2018.”

A close examination of the noble sounding declaration, however, reveals that one group will not have their lives saved or their rights protected-unborn children.

In a long list of commitments, the Declaration regrettably includes in point #31 a commitment to “provide access to sexual and reproductive health-care services”. Abortion is considered by most to be a “reproductive health-care service”.

The following day, the insidious promotion of abortion was confirmed as a draft companion set of principles was released by Kate Gilmore, UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights and a former director of Amnesty International. Gilmore explained that the Principles and Guidelines, supported by practical guidance, on the human rights protection of migrants in vulnerable situations within large and/or mixed movements is meant to provide “brave principled leadership” to put the ideals expressed in the Declaration into practice.

One section is especially troubling for its inclusion of abortion. Principle 12: “Right to health” states in Guideline #4:

“Provide access to rights-based, comprehensive and integrated sexual and reproductive health information and services, including, inter alia, safe and effective methods of modern contraception; emergency contraception; maternal health care including emergency obstetric services, pre- and post-natal care; safe abortion care; prevention, treatment, care and support for sexually transmitted infections including HIV, and specialized care for survivors of sexual violence. Provide, as a priority, a minimum initial service package for reproductive health.”

The 20 draft principles are being developed by Global Migration Group’s Working Group on Human Rights and Gender which is co-chaired by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and UN Women, two UN entities known for pro-abortion activism.

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Famous rapper rejects abortion, celebrates infant daughter’s brief life

 Puerto Rican rapper Wisin (Juan Luis Morera Luna)
 Puerto Rican rapper
(Juan Luis Morera Luna)
Late last month, Puerto Rican rapper Wisin (Juan Luis Morera Luna) took to social media to announce the passing of his one-month-old daughter, Victoria. Victoria was diagnosed in utero with Trisomy 13, a terminal chromosomal abnormality. Many parents who receive trisomy diagnoses are pressured to abort their children, and Wisin and his wife, Yomaira, were no exception.

In a statement shared by Puerto Rican media, Yomaira explained that aborting their daughter was never an option:

“Victoria has fulfilled every single one of her purposes since the day that we found out about her,” Yomaira said. “We give thanks to God for our decision to have her without caring what would happen, because we know that God knows what is best.”

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October 25, 2016

Hillary supports abortion ‘at 9 months’: Trump doubles down in new interview

In a new interview, Donald Trump doubled down on his criticism of Hillary Clinton for supporting late-term abortion.

“If you go with what Hillary is saying, in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby,” Donald Trump said. “Now, you can say that that’s okay, and Hillary can say that that’s okay, but it’s not okay with me because based on what she’s saying and based on where she's going and where she's been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month on the final day, and that’s not acceptable.” 

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