Kanye West Campaigning in North Carolina screen capture from Associated Press video |
"And for one month, and two months and three months, we talked about her
not having this child. [Kim Kardashian] had pills in her hand. You know,
these pills you take it and it's a wrap — the baby is gone."
"She said, 'We are going to have this child,’” West said, describing a
later phone conversation they had. “I know people who are 50 years old who
don't have a child. So even if my wife were to divorce me after this
speech, she brought North into the world, even when I didn't want to. She
stood up and she protected that child.”
"Forty-three years ago, who do you think protected a child? My mom saved
my life," Kanye said. "My dad wanted to abort me! My mom saved my life.
There would have been no Kanye West, because my dad was too busy!" West
broke down as he spoke about the parallels between his father's actions
and his own.
“I almost killed my daughter!” West emotionally confessed, crying. “I love
my daughter!”
At the same time, West argued that abortion should remain legal. The Chicago
Sun-Times reported that Kanye suggested financial incentives for mothers to
keep their babies. “Everybody that has a baby gets a million dollars,” he
said as a (fairly unrealistic) example.
West's presidential bid has confused many. He has missed the filing deadlines
to appear on the ballots of several states, he reportedly did not have
permission from his wife to discuss their conversations about abortion
publicly, and entertainment news sites have reported that "sources close to
the family" believe that Kanye is in the middle of a severe bipolar episode
but won't seek professional help.