October 31, 2016

Pure, Selfless Love Saves Baby from Abortion on New CBS Drama ‘Pure Genius’

Screen shot of CBS’s new medical drama, Pure Genius
Screen shot of CBS’s new medical drama, Pure Genius
CBS’s new medical drama, Pure Genius, opened its series on Thursday with a pro-life message that was quite powerful.

Bunker Hill is opened as the most innovative hospital in the world, headed up by billionaire James Bell (Augustus Prew). Mr. Bell aims to partner futuristic technology with medicine to create an experience no other facility can provide.

Dr. Walter Wallace (Dermot Mulroney) is invited to visit Bunker Hill by Mr. Bell in hopes of getting him to join their staff. Dr. Wallace isn’t too sure of the hospital’s methods as they seem much different from what he’s used to.

Many patients are brought in and treated for various procedures. One such patient is Margot Beyer and her husband, Paul. Margot has a tumor that needs to be removed, but refuses radiation or chemotherapy because she is pregnant. The Beyers argue they will not consider abortion as an alternative, as Dr. Zoe Brockett (Odette Annable) suggests.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.