May 29, 2015

School allows GSA but decides pro-life club too controversial

Schools in North Dakota and Iowa rejected the clubs initially but changed their minds after intervention by the Thomas More Society. Now Angeleque Clark, a sophomore at West Career and Technical Academy in Las Vegas, Nevada, requested permission to establish the pro-life club at her school. Her request was rejected.

Attorney Jocelyn Floyd of the Thomas More Society is representing Clark in a her claim of discrimination by school administrators.

“She was rejected by the school [on the grounds that] the club is too controversial, it's not inclusive enough, there are far more people who know more about abortion than a sophomore in high school, and the public schools are different when it comes to First Amendment law,” Floyd explains.

Click here for the full article.

Family-Supported Suicide Risks Others

It used to be that families and mental health professionals were the last bastions helping despairing people (for whatever reasons) stay in life.

These days, even that bastion is crumbling. Psychiatrists in the Netherlands and Belgium euthanize patients, and a strong minority of USA mental health professionals support the concept of “rational suicide.”

Families also support their loved ones in self-killing. In Belgium, a joint euthanasia killing of an elderly couple was arranged by their own son because, well care giving would have been difficult.

Click here for the full article.

Embryonic stem cells sold on black market for plastic surgery

Eight people were found guilty in the City Court in Budapest, Hungary, of selling embryonic stem cells from aborted babies in the black market for use in creating cosmetics. The stem cells were used at a plastic surgery clinic where patients paid $25,000 per treatment.

Alliance Defending Freedom filed a brief in the case stating that European law stipulates that life begins at conception and the Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that human embryos are not to be used for industrial or commercial purposes.

Sentences for the eight suspects varied based on the extent of their role in the scheme. In 2009, a Switzerland-based firm admitted using the aborted baby cells in skin-care products. The same was true for a San Francisco firm in 2012, and soda and food firms in the U.S. stopped using them for flavor testing.

Click here for the full article.

May 22, 2015

Health Care Right of Conscience Act - ACTION ALERT - DEADLINE EXTENDED

Health Care Right of Conscience Act 


Sponsor: Senator Biss.

This bill has passed out of the Health Services Committee on May 13th

The bill now goes to the House floor for debate and vote.  The deadline to call the bill for a vote has been extended for another week giving this bill more of a chance to get the votes it needs to pass.  IT IS IMPORTANT TO TAKE ACTION NOW TO STOP THIS BILL.

Contact your Representative, urge them to vote NO on SB1564.

Click here to find your Representative's contact information.

This bill undermines Healthcare Right of Conscience by requiring pro-life facilities to refer pro-abort services to other facilities thus violating their morals or beliefs.

Contact your Representative, urge them to vote NO on SB1564.

Click here to find your Representative's contact information.

May 21, 2015

Gates gives $5M to create 'permanent contraception' drug

Back in October, the Gates Foundation gave $5 million in grant money for the Oregon doctor to come up with a nonsurgical form of “permanent contraception” — a large sum of money going to the pro-abortion population control cause that has raised red flags for many pro-life advocates.

“The news has drawn condemnation from the world’s largest pro-life organization, [which] said the Gates Foundation's obsessive focus on promoting contraception in the third world is based upon a faulty notion of what constitutes authentic ‘development,’ as well as highly suspect data about the actual desire for such contraception,” LifeSiteNews’ Lisa Bourne explained.

“It is difficult to determine what is more outrageous, the uncritical and fawning ‘news’ reporting on every new Gates Foundation sterilization development grant — even as coercive sterilization campaigns continue around the world — or the fact that the Gates Foundation continues to act as if every problem in the developing world can be solved by sterilizing women,” Human Life International Communications Director Stephen Phelan told LifeSiteNews.

Click here for the full article.

Judges shoot down Notre Dame's appeal on contraception mandate

A federal court has again denied the University of Notre Dame’s request for a preliminary injunction against federal mandates it says violate its religious freedom, though a trial can still go forward.

Circuit Judge Joel Flaum dissented from the Tuesday decision, saying he would have granted an injunction. He called the mandate is a substantial burden on the university’s rights and would turn Notre Dame into a “conduit for the provision of cost-free contraception.” The mandate would compel it to contract with insurance companies in a way that the university believes would make it “complicit in moral wrong.”

Notre Dame and other objecting organizations have said this form of the mandate still forces them to violate their religious convictions, which bar complicity in providing such coverage.  Refusal to comply with the mandate could result in heavy fines.

Click here for the full article.

Final Exit Network Convicted of Assisted Suicide

Final Exit Network the suicide pushers and “counselors,” has been convicted of assisting a suicide and interfering with a death scene in Minnesota.

 From the AP story:

"...information uncovered during a 2009 investigation in Georgia revealed that Dunn had joined Final Exit Network and that two other members — Jerry Dincin and Dr. Larry Egbert, the group’s former medical director — were with her the day she died. Equipment she used to take her life by helium asphyxiation, the group’s preferred method of suicide, had been removed from the scene."

The punishment, alas, will not nearly fit the crime–helping make a woman dead and covering up the death’s cause: The group faces a maximum fine of $33,000

Click here for the full article.

ACLU Illinois calls for end to medical personnel's right of conscience

The Illinois chapter of the ACLU is calling on Illinois lawmakers to pass legislation that would prohibit doctors, nurses and other medical personnel from exercising their First Amendment rights to speech, association and religion if it conflicts with the type of services and care their patients demand.

"You may be shocked to learn that current Illinois law permits doctors, nurses and other health care providers to deny information and health care to their patients based on the providers’ religious beliefs," the ACLU says on its website. "This law is wrong and must be changed in order to put patients first."

Doctors, nurses, medical personnel (including pregnancy crisis centers) will be required to inform their patients about protocols they may find objectionable. According to the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, ninety-five (95) percent of physicians in a national poll agreed with this statement: “I would rather stop practicing medicine altogether then be forced to violate my conscience.”

Click here for the full article.

Click here for more on this dangerous legislation.

May 20, 2015

Pro-lifers shed light on controversial abortion research

Researchers at the University of Hawaii are conducting gruesome research to determine how much women bleed during a second-trimester abortion.

Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America says the organization held a protest rally demanding answers, including who is paying for the research.

Unborn babies, killed in the womb in the second semester, feel "excruciating pain," she says. Hawkins argues that the younger girls recruited for the research are likely victims of a crime. The age of consent is higher than 14 in Hawaii, she notes, so the girls are, at a minimum, victims of statutory rape.

Click here for the full article.

Pro-abortion children’s book to hit a school, library near you

The book, titled Sister Apple, Sister Pig, is authored by Mary Walling Blackburn, who teaches at Southern Methodist University and has been an advocate pro-abortion movement.

“[Blackburnweaves [this] into a children's book to somehow indoctrinate the youngest of our society — the Christian children — and somehow tells them that killing a child is better for the family than giving birth,” Operation Rescue President Troy Newman explains. “[This] is so antithetical to our Christian beliefs.”

Newman asserts that the book actually contends the aborted child is happy and content.

Click here for the full article.

May 14, 2015

Democrat Lipinski, Republican Dold vote against their parties' abortion positions

Wednesday, the U.S. House voted 242-184 to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks in the womb - a stage at which medical evidence shows unborn babies feel pain. All Democrat members of the Illinois delegation - except Dan Lipinski (IL-03) - opposed the measure. All Republicans members from Illinois, except the 10th District's Robert Dold, supported HB 36. “As a pro-choice representative for the 10th District, I have a clear record of supporting women’s choice in healthcare decisions, and this bill fails to protect those choices," Dold said in a statement issued after the vote.

Downstate Congressman John Shimkus said allowing babies to be aborted after 20 weeks is immoral. “The U.S. is one of only seven countries that allow elective abortions after 20 weeks,” said Shimkus. “That’s not only immoral, but science now tells us that such late term abortions are painful to babies who are increasingly able to survive premature birth.”

No vote has been scheduled in the U.S. Senate, and President Obama promises to veto the measure if it comes to his desk.

Click here for the full article.

Bigot Peter Singer: Don’t Pay to Treat Disabled Babies

Peter Singer is a bigot. Rather than believing in universal human equality, he would invidiously measure the capacities of human beings to determine whether they are “persons.”

Those with insufficient capacities, are to be deemed human “non-persons,” are to be viewed of lesser moral value, and hence, potentially subject to both killing and objectification for harvesting, medical experimentation, etc.

He also supports health care rationing based on quality of life. This blatant medical discrimination would victimize babies born with severe disabilities–whose care, Singer argues, should not be paid by national health insurance schemes. The National Council on Disability is not amused

Click here for the full article.

Abortuary inspection, fines lead to revocation of license

A Chicago-area late-term abortion clinic with a lengthy track record of violations wants its license back.

Most abortion clinics in Illinois aren't inspected, but that's not the case for Albany which is part of the Family Planning Association, because it is a late-term abortion facility.

Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League tells OneNewsNow that when the inspections were conducted, officials discovered a host of problems.

Scheidler, Eric (Pro-Life Action League) "[They found] unsafe equipment, they found fire hazards, they found a generator that was not installed correctly that could cause not only danger for people trying to flee in the case of a power outage but could actually kill a woman if she were on life support at the time under anesthesia for a late-term abortion."

Click here for the full article.

Abortion Real Cause of “Missing” Black Voters

A study has been published claiming that lower life expectancy among African-Americans has led to one million fewer voters in elections from 1974-2004.

Our African-American brothers and sisters do indeed have a lower life expediency, and we should work assiduously to remedy that problem. But if you really want to find the source of missing African-American voters, it is estimated that more than 10 million African-American babies weren’t born because of abortion.

But if you really want to find the source of missing African-American voters, it is estimated that more than 10 million African-American babies weren’t born because of abortion.

Click here for the full article.

New Study shows preemies can survive at earlier ages, but hospital attitude can mean life or death

A study published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrates widespread discriminatory denial of life-preserving medical treatment to premature infants based on fear that if assisted to live they might have disabilities – in defiance of protective federal law. provided a startling snapshot into the treatment of very premature infants.

The study looked at the survival and outcomes of almost 5,000 babies born before 27 weeks gestation at 24 hospitals from 2006 -2011. It found that 23% of infants are surviving at an astonishing 22 weeks gestation (20 weeks after fertilization) with treatment, but that many hospitals deliberately deny them life-saving medical treatment. In fact, the hospital attitude made the most significant difference in the probability of survival of these very premature babies.

Writing about this first major look into hospital practices regarding premature babies, Marilynn Marchione, AP’s Chief Medical Writer explains, “There was a wide range — some hospitals always gave active treatment to the youngest preemies as opposed to just comfort care, but others never did.”

Click here for the full article.

Born at 22 weeks, premature twins celebrate ninth birthday

Premature twins, Hunter and Darcy Ridley, were born at 22 weeks gestation— 123 days before their actual due date. Known at the time as the world’s most premature twins, the miracle babies are celebrating their ninth birthday.

On April 24, 2006, Darcy Louise was born weighing 500 grams; Hunter Ryan was born slightly heavier, weighing 560 grams.

Hunter and Darcy’s parents shared on Facebook:

“Remarkably, this is considered large for their gestation. They do have a number of medical conditions, including developmental delays …Darcy also has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. However both are very strong and beautiful children.”

The  twins’ powerful story of survival displays not only the humanity of children inside the womb, but the tragic reality of abortion. Although babies the same age and size are legally killed by abortion each day, their humanity is evident.

Click here for the full article.

May 13, 2015

U.S. House Passes Landmark Bill to Protect Pain-Capable Unborn Children and Live-Born Abortion Survivors

( With the support of a vast majority of House Republicans, and due to the pro-life dedication of the House Republican leadership, the U.S House of Representatives today passed landmark legislation, 242-184, to extend federal protections to unborn children who have reached 20 weeks fetal age, and those who are born alive during late abortions.

The bill was developed from model legislation developed by National Right to Life in 2010, enacted thus far in 11 states.

“This bill would save thousands of unborn babies annually from terribly painful deaths,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “It is now clear that the overwhelming majority of House Democrats believe that painfully dismembering babies, in the sixth month and later, is just fine – now let them try to explain that to their constituents.”

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act has been the right-to-life movement’s top congressional priority for the 114th Congress. Like the state bills, the proposed federal law would generally extend legal protect to unborn humans beginning at 20 weeks fetal age, based on congressional findings that by that point (and even earlier) the unborn child has the capacity to experience great pain during an abortion.

Douglas Johnson, legislative director for National Right to Life, notes that the bill also contains important new federal protections for babies who are born alive during abortions. Johnson expressed puzzlement that the Associated Press refers to a human who is born alive during abortions at 20 weeks fetal age as “the fetus” (as in this story on May 11), but referred to humans at exactly the same stage of development (20 weeks fetal age, 22 weeks of pregnancy) as “premature babies” and “preemies” in a May 7 story about a major new study showing that one-fourth of these babies survive long term when given active medical treatment.

“Apparently, some journalists think if a baby is born alive during an abortion, he or she remains a ‘fetus’ indefinitely,” Johnson commented.

A one-page summary of the revised federal Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is available here.

The text of the bill, as passed today, is available here.

In a nationwide poll of 1,623 registered voters in November 2014, The Quinnipiac University Poll found that 60% would support a law such as the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act prohibiting abortion after 20 weeks, while only 33% opposed such legislation. Women voters split 59-35% in support of such a law, while independent voters supported it by 56-36%.

Some of the extensive evidence that unborn children have the capacity to experience pain, at least by 20 weeks fetal age, is available on the NRLC website at and also here:

Source: National Right to Life

May 8, 2015

Staff admits to being disturbed by dismemberment abortion method

When reporting about The Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act, the mainstream media typically refuses to include the law’s definition of what is banned–“the use of clamps, grasping forceps, tongs, scissors or similar instruments [that], slice, crush or grasp a portion of the unborn child’s body in order to cut or rip it off.” But without those details, how can the public challenge the abortion industry claim that the law bans a ‘routine’ procedure that only pro-lifers believe is inhumane?

However, 37 years ago, one of the abortion industry’s own celebrated practitioners– Warren Hern of Boulder, Colorado– told colleagues about people who were disturbed by this particular method of abortion which (in his words) they “view as destructive and violent.” Who were they? His own staff!

In the early years following Roe, Hern did a limited survey and interview of his own staff about their feelings and reactions to participating in dismemberment abortions. He published his findings after presenting them to a 1978 gathering of Planned Parenthood practitioners.

Click here for his findings.

Click here for the full article.

Lack of Parental Notification for Abortion is Child Abuse

Right to Life is opposed to school counselors and members of the Family Planning Association smuggling young girls under the age of 16 years of age out of school for a secret abortion. In doing so they may be hiding statutory rape or incest. This is an appalling violation of parental rights and a breach of trust. It is a sad irony that a school requires the written consent of the parents for permission to attend a school trip or to be given an aspirin, yet may smuggle her away for an abortion without her parents’ knowledge or consent.

To deny parents the opportunity to be informed of an abortion on a daughter under the age of 16, risks or perpetuates estrangement or alienation from the child when she is in the greatest need of parental guidance and support. It denies all dignity to the family.

An abortion constitutes an assault on the body of a young and vulnerable young girl; it is also a lethal attack on a helpless and defenseless unborn child. Young girls facing the trauma of an unplanned pregnancy have a right to the love and protection of their families. The unborn child is also a member of the family, it has an inalienable right to life and has a fundamental right to the love and protection of the girl’s parents; they are, in fact, the child’s grandparents.

Click here for the full article.

4-year-old receiving adult stem cell transplant to ward off recurrence of neuroblastoma cancer

Leah was diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma cancer last year and the bravery she has displayed in fighting that deadly disease since then “has captured the hearts of millions,” as one reporter put it.

The good news is that the adult stem cell transplant is an example of “better safe than sorry.” She’s been in remission for over a month but according to her father’s post, he’s been asked then why the transplant?:

Remission basically means that doctors can’t see any cancerous cells when looking at scans and test. But when studying cancer you know that although you can’t see any cancer cells on scans, physicals, or test because of the strength of the technology, more than likely there are cells hiding.

Click here for the full article.