February 5, 2020

New Hampshire Legislators Hear Testimony on Abortion Survivor Protection Bill

Credit: James Walsh / Flickr
New Hampshire's Senate and House of Representatives are both considering legislation that would cement the human rights of infants born during abortions.

The New Hampshire State Senate Health and Human Services Committee heard testimony on Tuesday regarding SB 741-FN, its version of born-alive infant protection. If passed, it would require medical personnel to provide the same level of treatment to infants born during an abortion as they would to any other person. A doctor who refuses to do so would be guilty of a felony.

The Center for Disease Control's reports show that 143 babies died after being born alive during abortion procedures between the years 2003 and 2014, but those statistics come with an asterisk. They only include states which record and report abortion-related statistics to the federal government. About half of the country, including some of the most pro-choice states, doesn't do this, making these numbers incredibly inaccurate. New Hampshire is one of those states.

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