Human Life International has launched a program in response to the Gates Foundation's push for birth control for the developing world. Gates raised $4.6 billion to push family planning in Third World countries.
Stephen Phelan of Human Life International says there are many other needs Africans have, especially related to healthcare.
"They need hospitals, improved clinics close to people," he tells OneNewsNow. "They need medicine for malaria, for tuberculosis, and instead what they're getting is $4.6 billion, like you said, for family planning that is only going to prevent Africans from being born. Babies are not the threat to their future. They have many other threats to their future [that] they can address without controversy, as Melinda Gates and her partners say they want to do."
So Human Life International has started the "No Controversy?" campaign in defense of women and children and to teach Gates and others the truth.
"There are many things to know about contraception, many of them having to do with the fact that contraception is a cancer-causing agent as determined by the World Health Organization; and that hormonal contraception can actually double the spread of HIV/AIDS, which is a huge problem that continues in Africa," Phelan explains.
Some of Gates' partners in the project are groups such as International Planned Parenthood and Marie Stokes, which are major proponents of abortion. A website, Facts for Melinda Gates.com, has been set up to provide the factual dangers of the Gates project.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow