Women who received support from pregnancy help centers and rejected abortion are bringing their children to meet with U.S. lawmakers as part of Heartbeat's Babies Go to Congress® on July 19.
"Every woman deserves support during an unexpected pregnancy," said Heartbeat International President Peggy Hartshorn, Ph.D. "And when women receive unconditional love along with the practical help necessary to welcome new life, they want policy makers to know that they are grateful. Because of this, Heartbeat International developed Babies Go to Congress® to give moms, served by a pregnancy help center, the opportunity to introduce their babies, who were at risk of abortion, to their elected officials."
Women have been thanking pregnancy help organizations for their support for decades and these moms are thrilled to have an opportunity to tell their stories to national leaders. Courageous women like Jessica Gore, who is excited to bring her eight-year-old daughter to meet her elected officials, will testify to the fact that pregnancy help organizations provide a life-changing experience.
"I went to the sonogram appointment at Burleson Pregnancy Aid Center even though I had already been to Planned Parenthood and thought that abortion was right for me," said Jessica, Burleson, Texas. "But when I looked at the sonogram screen, I knew that I had been lied to. What I saw on the screen was not a 'piece of tissue' like Planned Parenthood had told me. The tiny flicker of light, a heartbeat, was my child. I was instantly in love."
"I would have been lost without the guidance of the Pregnancy Aid Center," said Jessica. "Through their programs I learned how to care for my infant daughter. I would not be the person I am today if it hadn't been for the caring people of the Burleson Pregnancy Aid Center and the experiences I've had there. Without them, my daughter would not be alive and I cannot imagine my life without her."
Heartbeat's pregnancy help network provides all the facts on abortion -- from post-abortion stress to possible medical complications -- facts that abortion facilities often leave out. Heartbeat's compassionate network is dedicated to safeguarding maternal health and protecting child wellbeing necessary to sustain a healthy pregnancy.
Contact: Virginia Cline
Source: Heartbeat International