Priests for Life, a New York-based international pro-life organization of Catholic clergy and laity, has announced that the Obama Administration's lawyers are trying desperately to "shut down" the lawsuit that's been filed to stop ObamaCare from violating the conscience and morals of America's Catholics.
The lawsuit, Priests for Life v. Sebelius, seeks to permanently block the implementation of the HHS mandate that imposes clear violations of conscience upon any and all citizens who morally object to abortion and contraception.
"Since the HHS mandate directly affects Priests for Life -- and every U.S. citizen -- through compulsory funding of contraception and abortion-inducing drugs and devices, our lawsuit is 100 percent legitimate," says Priests for Life's lead attorney Charles LiMandri.
LiMandri elaborates: "And yet, the Obama lawyers are trying to say that we don't have 'standing' because the abortion mandate 'doesn't go into effect' for PFL for several months. This is a thoroughly ridiculous and embarrassing argument for Obama's attorneys to make. It shows how desperate they are to dismiss our lawsuit -- even to the point of resorting to outrageous arguments such as the ones they're using now."
LiMandri points out that the HHS 'Abortion Mandate' forces Priests for Life to either pay for abortion-causing pills... promote them... or be heavily fined if their employee health-care plan doesn't comply with the audacious dictatorial decrees of ObamaCare.
"According to the ObamaCare law as it's written, Priests for Life would be fined as much as $100 per day, per employee. This could cost Priests for Life over $1 million a year in fines. And we're not going to accept this at all."
Priests for Life is preparing its response, which must be filed with the court by April 30, with the assistance of the American Freedom Law Center. The group's attorneys are working overtime to respond so quickly.
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, said, "As our attorneys do their work, I ask our supporters to join in our prayer campaign and our Citizens' Amicus brief. Of this I am confident: We will prevail, life will prevail!"
Contact: Leslie Palma
Source: Priests for Life