July 1, 2011
Abortion warning labels
Students for Life wants the federal government to adapt its tobacco labeling policy to address abortions.
The government intends to require that graphic pictures be displayed on tobacco product labels by next fall, for example showing a dead body or diseased lungs.
"Why doesn't the pro-life movement get this? Why is it that we can't show a woman before she can have an abortion what exactly abortion is going to do," questions Kristan Hawkins, executive director of Students for Life of America (SFLA). "Why is it that the FDA, the U.S. government, is forcing cigarette manufacturers to put these warning labels on cigarettes, but they won't tell women what an abortion really is?"
She says the government even refused to require warning labels on the abortion drug Ella before it was approved last summer, when there are known dangers.
"So, we're trying to expose the hypocrisy in saying, 'If you're going to force cigarette manufacturers to put graphic images on every single pack of cigarettes, you should do the same thing with abortion,'" Hawkins adds.
SFLA has set up a website where people can sign a petition that will be sent to federal officials to encourage them to include graphic images and warning labels at abortion facilities and mandate that they be displayed and given to patients before any abortion procedure begins.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow