July 1, 2011
Court: Conception is beginning of human life
Although a federal judge has temporarily suspended an Indiana law that defunds the state's Planned Parenthoods, an important aspect for the pro-life movement is included in the ruling.
Even though the overall decision is disappointing for pro-lifers, the order upholds a key provision that requires women to be informed that physical life begins when a human egg is fertilized by a human sperm.
"No one should be allowed to decide that a human innocent life is worthless," contends Alliance Defense Fund attorney Steven H. Aden. "Abortionists have done this by telling women that a pre-born baby is just a batch of cells instead of what he or she actually is -- a human being.
"This law ends that deception in Indiana," he continues. "All the court did was recognize the indisputable fact that a biological human life begins at conception. It is false to say anything else."
He says the ruling simply recognizes a biological fact, and he points out that the court disagreed with Planned Parenthood's argument that the statement is misleading. Meanwhile, the Indiana attorney general's office is expected to appeal the decision, which allows Medicaid funds to continue flowing into the coffers of abortion-providers.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow