Vote Pro-Life on April 7
Next Tuesday, April 7, parents all over the state of Illinois will elect local school board members as part of the big statewide consolidated election.
How much do you really know about the school board candidates in your school district?
One of the central issues in the fight against HB2354 is the impact it could have on our kids by way of the mandatory sex-ed it would impose on all Illinois public schools.
With that in mind, who's running for school board in your area? Do you know the candidates? Do you know where they stand on comprehensive sex-ed and other issues that effect Illinois families?
What can you do to foster a pro-life school board?
If you do know, post what you know about the candidates in the comments section below so others can benefit. If you don't know, find out and report back with the information.
* To find out who's running, can check with your local board of elections or election commission.
* Call candidates in your area and ask them their position on sex-ed, their position on parental involvement in sex-ed curriculum and any other issues you think would be important to Illinois families.
* Post your findings in the comment section below.
Together, we can be informed voters and impact Illinois for the good of families.
Click here if you have any information about the school board candidates in your district and to find out what has been posted about other people running for school boards
Contact: Matt Yonke
Source: Coalition To Defeat HB2354
Publish Date: March 31, 2009
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