Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Recent Gardasil TV commercials have railed for HPV cancer protection for young girls. But that's not their real objective. The edict has been posted. We are now officially under the assumption that we all will have promiscuous sex out of wedlock, and we cannot stop it. We even have a vaccine called Gardasil to help prevent physical problems resulting from such activity.
The Obama administration decided Tuesday to seek a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council, reversing a decision by the Bush administration to shun the United Nations' premier rights body to protest the influence of repressive states. "Human rights are an essential element of American global foreign policy," Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a statement. "With others, we will engage in the work of improving the U.N. human rights system. . . . We believe every nation must live by and help shape global rules that ensure people enjoy the right to live freely and participate fully in their societies."
Included within the recent stimulus bill signed into law by Obama several weeks ago were monies earmarked for the creation of a National Health Care Database which is to be administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. This database is to be created in partnership with Microsoft in grant monies which are to be awarded to several colleges and universities which will receive the software and other technology necessary under the grants, and be charged with inputting the data under fellowships which will be given to students at these universities to essentially work for the government as part of their education.
For well over a century, many prophets of doom have predicted world overpopulation would lead to ecological disaster, famine, poverty and other woes. As Philip Longman points out in the March 24, 2009 edition of USA Today, the world's population is expected to hit 7 billion by 2012, up from the 6 billion mark set in 1999. So, is overpopulation a real threat? Not hardly. Though population density can threaten sustainability in some areas of the globe, the far greater danger for our future is what Longman calls "depopulation." On a global scale, we are seeing the population of older persons exploding and the numbers of young persons falling.
Hundreds of thousands of pro-life advocates filled the streets and plazas of cities throughout Spain on March 29 in protest against legislation proposed by the Spanish Socialist government to liberalize the country's abortion laws.
The country-wide demonstrations were organized by Spain's pro-life associations Derecho a Vivir (Right to Life), Hazte Oír (Make Yourself Heard), Doctors for Life, and ProLife Madrid.
The organizers estimated that 500,000 people took part in rallies in more than 80 cities across Spain, with AFP reporting an estimated 100,000 in Madrid alone.
The protestors called on Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero to withdraw the legislation and warned that this was just the start of planned pro-life demonstrations. The Madrid march went under the slogan, "There is no right to kill, there is the right to live."
A coalition of pro-life groups on Monday sent a letter to each member of the Senate voicing opposition to President Obama's nomination of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D) as HHS secretary, The Hill reports. The groups -- which include the Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America and Focus on the Family, among others -- said they were sending the letters "[o]n behalf of the millions of families represented by our organizations" in opposition to Sebelius, a Roman Catholic who supports abortion rights.
The Senate confirmation process is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, when Sebelius will appear before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. On Thursday, she is scheduled to appear before the Senate Finance Committee, which has the sole authority to recommend her confirmation by the full Senate. The Hill reports that HHS nominees often face opposition from abortion-rights opponents because the agency presides over a number of programs related to reproductive health. Sebelius could be questioned this week on the recent federal court decision requiring FDA to reconsider its decisions regarding the Plan B switch to over-the-counter use and to permit Plan B's availability to 17-year olds without a prescription within 30 days (Young, The Hill, 3/30).