October 6, 2009

Irish Pass Lisbon Treaty

Irish Pass Lisbon Treaty

Fear, disinformation and vast government spending bought Irish Lisbon vote say pro-life campaigners

Fears about jobs and the recession intimidated the Irish electorate to vote Yes in Friday's referendum on the EU's Lisbon Treaty say pro-life No campaigners. Sixteen months after the Irish voted "No" to the Lisbon Treaty, and in the middle of a severe economic downturn, they have resoundingly changed direction and voted Yes in Friday's referendum 67 per cent to 33 per cent.

The Irish electorate, said Richard Greene of leading pro-life No campaign group Cóir were "shamelessly bullied" into supporting the Treaty. "It's a grubby victory for the elite who spent enormous sums frightening and manipulating people," said Greene. He added, "The Yes campaign was dirty, extremely well-funded and entirely based on fear and lies. This is a victory for bullies, and for those who did not respect the wishes of the people."

Pat Buckley, the EU spokesman for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), said the Yes vote will prove to be a "pyrrhic victory for the Irish Government and for Europe."

"Sadly our government were not strong enough to accept the first verdict given by the Irish people in voting No and gave in to European demands to 'do it all over again and make sure you get the right answer this time'," Buckley said. "European democracy has suffered a significant setback and the will of the Irish electorate has been disgracefully manipulated."

The Irish government lavished upwards of €20 million (US $30 million) to secure a Yes vote that No campaigners warned would leave Irish constitutional protections for the right to life vulnerable to EU pro-abortion biases at the European Court of Justice. More funding came directly from the EU who supported the creation and activities of individual Yes campaign groups. Anti-EU groups, who said the move was unlawful, have threatened a legal challenge after 1.1 million copies of an EU booklet were distributed, at a cost to the taxpayer of €151,000.

Bruce Arnold, political commentator and parliamentary correspondent for the Irish Independent, argued that the second Lisbon referendum was characterized by "fear, lies and an array of blatant illegalities by the Irish Government."

No campaigner Anthony Coughlan wrote that the threat from Lisbon includes a massive shift in power at the expense of smaller states to the "Big Four" states, Germany, France, Britain and Italy. Lisbon, opponents say, is a means to create a "supranational EU federal state," which would have the power to override the Irish Constitution and laws in all areas covered by the treaties. The Lisbon Treaty will give the EU power over national laws and remove the ability of national electorates to have a say in the process.

After the formal ratification of Lisbon by the Irish government, the only remaining obstacle is the signature of Czech president Vaclav Klaus, a noted Eurosceptic. Klaus, however, has told media that with the Irish voting Yes, it is now "too late to stop Lisbon." After Ireland's vote, the Polish President, Lech Kaczynski, said that he would sign the Lisbon Treaty Bill, "without undue delay."

An intervention from the Vatican Secretariat of State came too late to sway Irish voters, most of whom are Catholics. Speaking to a Czech newspaper on Friday, the day of the vote, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone warned that the EU dictates to individual states on "laws or views" and that the Lisbon Treaty posed a threat to Irish "traditions and history."

"Individual European countries have their own identity," Cardinal Bertone said. "The European Union prescribes its laws or views to them and they must comply with their traditions and history." Resistance to this process by states like Ireland is "logical," he said. "The Church wants to encourage the states in this."

This intervention came weeks after a statement made by the Irish bishops conference telling their flock that there were no ethical reasons not to support the Lisbon Treaty.
MEP Nigel Farage, a leading British Eurosceptic, described the result as "a victory for big money, a victory for thuggery and a travesty of democracy."

The eyes of Lisbon watchers are now turned toward the U.K.'s Conservative Party leader, David Cameron, who has won a 20 per cent lead in the polls against Labour, partly on his promise to give the British people a referendum on the treaty. Cameron is widely expected to win the 2010 general election handily and become Britain's next Prime Minister.

Farage, however, warned of a possible turn-about from Cameron's party, which is now in Manchester at the annual party conference. "It appeared over the last couple of days, as it became clear that there was going to be a Yes vote in Ireland, that Mr. Cameron and Mr. Hague were beginning to weasel out of that."

Richard Greene issued a direct public appeal to the Conservative leader to hold a referendum on Europe in the next British parliament.

As recently as the Wednesday before the vote, despite repeated promises, David Cameron had indicated that a Yes vote in Ireland might change the Tory commitment to a referendum. While the Conservative party has been lashing Gordon Brown's Labour government over their broken promise of a UK referendum, Cameron said Wednesday, "If this treaty is still alive, if it is still being discussed and debated anywhere in Europe, then we will give you that referendum, we will name the date during the election campaign, we'll hold that referendum straight away and I will lead the campaign for a No."

But Cameron immediately followed with the caveat, "Now, if those circumstances change, if the Germans ratify, if the Poles ratify, if the Czechs ratify, if the Irish vote Yes to the treaty, then a new set of circumstances (apply), and I will address those at the time."

Thus far, even with the result of the Irish referendum filling newspaper headlines, Cameron has declined to say if he would hold a referendum on the Lisbon treaty if it was ratified before the election. James Kirkup, writing on his Daily Telegraph blog from the Conservative party conference in Manchester, said there is no sign of any talk from the party Eurosceptics of Europe, the Lisbon Treaty or a British referendum.

"By rights," Kirkup wrote, "this conference should be a Tory bloodbath over Europe. David Cameron's position on a Lisbon referendum is untenable. He knows it, you know it, the dogs in the street know it. And you can be sure that Tory Eurosceptics know it: they're happy enough to say so. But only in private. Publicly, they're all nice as pie, insisting that everything will work out for the best."

Contact: Hilary White
Source: LifeSiteNews.com
Publish Date: October 5, 2009
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Renegade Doctor Offers Controversial 'Death Kit'

Step aside Jack Kevorkian, there's a new "Dr. Death" in town. Ten years after the notorious Michigan doctor was ultimately jailed for killing a patient -- one of 130 he helped die through lethal injection -- Philip Nitschke, a new renegade physician, is spreading the gospel of assisted suicide -- and he's coming to the United States next month. Nitschke is the 61-year-old Australian founder and director of the pro-assisted-suicide organization, Exit International. (Motto: "A Peaceful Death Is Everybody's Right.") Based in Melbourne, Australia, the vocal advocacy group has gone beyond the legislative projects of other right-to-die organizations, who want to decriminalize euthanasia, to develop an array of educational tools for people considering ending their lives on their own terms.
Click here for the full article.

City School District Settles Lawsuit Filed By Anti-Abortion Group Over Auditorium Use

The Rapid City School District has agreed on a settlement with a group that wanted to rent an auditorium for an event before a 2008 vote to ban abortion. A court document that asks for an extension in deadlines states that both sides are exchanging settlement documents, but no details were filed. Citizens For Life and its president, Allen Carlson of Rapid City, sued the district over claims the group was prevented from holding events at a school.
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Pro-Life Ad Rejected by Newspaper

The University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh newspaper has rejected an anti-abortion advertisement as too controversial. The Advance-Titan decided not to run the 12-page insert from the Human Life Alliance. The advertisement, called iCare, contains information about abortion, its side effects, contraception, the development of a pre-born child and adoption. Virginia Zignego, a spokeswoman for Pro-Life Wisconsin, says the newspaper's decision to reject the advertisement demonstrates its bias and amounts to censorship.
Click here for the full article.

Manassas Police to Abortion Protestors: Move It?

Manassas police Chief John J. Skinner recently caught some heat when he changed up the permits for demonstrators on Sudley Road at Forestwood Lane. Right-to-life advocates often demonstrate with signs at an intersection that is near an abortion clinic. Skinner said a couple of months ago he received several complaints from motorists who said their view was obstructed when they were trying to turn onto Sudley Road. So Skinner rewrote the permits, with advise from the city manager and city attorney, to move the demonstration site away from the intersection to "create a small safety zone" and to restrict signs from being placed in the ground. After Skinner changed the conditions of the permits, several of the protesters complained to the city council, saying their First Amendment rights were being violated. Skinner said safety concerns guided his decision to place restrictions on the demonstration site.
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Planned Parenthood Group Holds Fundraiser at Museum Featuring 'Sex Life of Robots' Exhibit

Planned Parenthood of New York chose the Museum of Sex for the second year in a row as the venue for its annual "Summer, Sex and Spirits" fundraiser.
In July, the Planned Parenthood affiliate held a "party/benefit" at the museum, which featured exhibits at the time of the event such as "Sex Life of Robots," "Sex Machines," and a photo display documenting the "Oscars of Porn."
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Adultery & Murder: Doctor Spiked My Tea to Induce Abortion, Ex-Lover Tells Court

Doctor spiked my tea to induce miscarriage, lover tells court A medical secretary at a west London hospital has told a court that her doctor lover spiked her Earl Grey tea to make her have an abortion. Bella Prowse, 33, said she found herself pregnant after starting an affair with married hospital consultant Dr Edward Erin. But she refused to have an abortion even though he begged her to and said that she had ruined his life, the Old Bailey heard. Miss Prowse, an unmarried mother of a daughter, said she found yellow powder after Erin had made her a cup of tea.
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October 5, 2009

Chicago tightening the screws on pro-lifers

Chicago tightening the screws on pro-lifers

Chicago is considering restrictions on pro-life counselors outside abortion clinics.

The Human Relations Committee of the Chicago City Council has voted unanimously in favor of the proposed ordinance, which would restrict the proximity of picketers outside any medical clinic. Joe Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League believes the Council is trying to take away pro-lifers' First Amendment rights to speak to people on the public sidewalk.
"They're talking about an eight-foot 'bubble zone' around each person coming to a medical facility, which means abortion clinic," he explains. "[And] they're trying to keep us 50 feet away from the entrance door to hospitals, medical clinics, healthcare facilities -- in other words, abortion clinics."
According to Scheidler, proponents of the proposed measure argue pro-life counselors scare patients and yell at them. But the pro-life activist counters that accusation.
"We're sidewalk counselors -- we talk to these women, we're trying to befriend them," he says. "We have to talk within eight feet of them because if you're going to hand them any literature [or] show them any pictures of fetal development, you have to be standing by them."
Scheidler says the ordinance, which will come up for a vote before the Council as early as Wednesday, is obviously directed at stifling the constitutional rights of pro-lifers. If it passes, he says the Thomas More Society, which is based in the Windy City, is likely to file suit.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 5, 2009
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They Really, Really Want To Kill For Organs

They Really, Really Want To Kill For Organs

Today, we see more advocacy for lethal medicine in The Journal of Medical Ethics, an international publication.  From the article by Dr. F.G. Miller  (No link, here's the abstract):

Revisiting the still-provocative essays of Jonas on brain death and organ donation helps in mapping present and future ethical and policy options. Four options seem most salient. First, we can follow the lead of Jonas by adopting a stance of deontological rectitude that abandons vital organ procurement from brain-dead, but still-living patients. This position is logically tidy and unassailable if its major premise is endorsed: (1) doctors must not kill patients; (2) brain-dead patients are alive; (3) procuring vital organs from brain-dead patients would cause their death; therefore, (4) this practice is wrong and must cease. However, the validity of the first premise is debatable; and if applied consistently, it would have drastic consequences. For not only would it put a stop to the life-saving practice of vital organ transplantation using the organs of brain-dead individuals; it also arguably would rule out the routine practice of deliberately stopping life-sustaining treatment, assuming the reasonable, but unorthodox, view that this practice involves causing death.

Amazing.  For years bioethicists have said removing unwanted life support isn't killing. And they are right, since death comes from the underlying disease.  But now, it is because we want more organs?  This is surreal.

Here is what is going on: The very crowd–or better stated, their successors–who assured us that brain death was dead, are now saying it isn't.  And the reason for both arguments is the same–to increase the supply of organs.  But if brain dead isn't dead, the only ethical answer is to stop killing patients, not find new ones to terminate.

Miller goes through some other possible scenarios, for example, suggesting that people have a time limit on life support, which would permit killing for organs once their time was up:

A second position attempts to justify vital organ donation while maintaining (at least nominally) the dead donor rule by appealing to a distinction between the death of the human being and the death of the biological organism. According to this position, Jonas is right that the brain-dead patient is biologically alive; however, what matters ethically with respect to vital organ procurement is whether the human being has ceased to exist. In this ''higher brain'' position, the permanent loss of consciousness is regarded as the death of the human being. Once human life has ceased, stopping life-sustaining treatment is appropriate (or imperative), and there can be no ethical objection to extracting vital organs beforehand.

Like heck there can't!  Miller then suggests a third possible approach:

A third position justifies vital organ donation while retaining the traditional cardiopulmonary criteria for determining death by biting the bullet of abandoning the dead donor rule. As suggested above, this position sees vital organ procurement from ''brain-dead'' but still-living patients as exposing them neither to harm nor violating their rights as long as it is connected with a previous plan to stop life-sustaining treatment and proper consent, both for stopping treatment and organ donation. Stopping life-sustaining treatment when justified is a legitimate act of causing the patient's death; procuring vital organs before treatment withdrawal is justified on essentially the same ethical grounds of self-determination and nonmaleficence.

Miller also notes that we could keep the status quo, that brain dead patients are dead, for which he says there is "no plausible and coherent [philosphical] account."

This blatant bait and switch tactic has been used in bioethics for decades to undermine the sanctity and equality of human life.  (We should only dehydrate those in PVS/But if the seemingly PVS aren't really unconscious, all the more reason to dehydrate because they are suffering, etc.)

In the true bioethics tradition of proposing radical changes, but hedging to keep such advocacy from coming back to haunt, Miller then concludes with telling us what he really wants (in my italics):

Where do we go from here? We face an unsettled and unsettling situation characterised by the moral imperative to continue vital organ transplantation, the entrenched norm that doctors must not kill, and the increasingly transparent fiction that the brain dead are really dead. In at least the near future it is probable that we will continue to muddle through. In the longer run, the medical profession and society may, and should, be prepared to accept the reality and justifiability of lifeterminating acts in medicine in the context of stopping lifesustaining treatment and performing vital organ transplantation.

In other words, Miller thinks we will one day agree to kill for organs.  I disagree. Miller's prescription will destroy what little public faith remains in the organ transplant sector.  That is why I intend to cast as bright a light on these articles as I can: It is the best way to prevent killing for organs ever from happening. since American people simply won't stand for it. This, in turn, will help retain the necessary public support for organ transplant medicine.

Oh, and considering the ongoing debate how the weak and vulnerable would fare under Obamacere,  here's an interesting tidbit: Miller is a bioethicist at the National Institutes of Health.

Contact: Wesley J. Smith
Source: Secondhand Smoke
Publish Date: October 3, 2009
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America's pro-life, pro-abortion gap oh so slight

America's pro-life, pro-abortion gap oh so slight

A recent poll indicates Americans are more pro-life than ever.

A Pew Research Center poll conducted in 2008 showed those who favor keeping abortion legal outnumbered those with a pro-life view 54 to 40 percent. But the latest poll, the results of which were released last week, shows that gap reduced to 47 and 45 percent, respectively, with a two-percent margin for error -- a statistical dead heat.
Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America believes the hard work by pro-lifers is paying off. "One reason why it's so important that the public supports the sanctity of human life and the protecting of unborn children is that in order to pass laws, we've got to have the public supporting those laws," she explains.
The poll, she adds, may reflect that Americans are seeing the reality that Washington is dominated by pro-abortion forces.
"Our politicians and our law enforcement should be taking a serious look at this-- and especially now that Congress is dealing with healthcare reform," Wright urges. "And this poll should encourage politicians to ensure that any healthcare package does not end up using government money to pay for abortions."
Polls are one thing, says Wright -- but the opinions that really register, she points out, are the ones delivered by constituents to their elected representatives.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 5, 2009
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FDA Hold on Embryonic Stem Cell Experiments

FDA Hold on Embryonic Stem Cell Experiments

Speaking of clinical trials, in case you missed it the FDA has put another hold on Geron's proposed experiments to put embryonic stem cells into human spinal cord injury patients. Geron's human experiment was approved back in January 2009, and they were supposed to start experiments with patients in July.

As an aside, one excuse offered by Geron as to why the trial had not yet started was car airbags… apparently the airbags in accidents are keeping patients from getting severe spinal cord damage to qualify for the trial.

Many have expressed concern about the risky nature of Geron's experiments with patients, including some embryonic stem cell researchers. Evan Snyder, a leader in the stem cell field, has noted that "A clinical trial is nothing more than an experiment on a human," he says. "Most experiments fail." And James Wilson, gene therapy researcher, warns stem cell scientists not to repeat the mistakes of his own field, including rushing into unsafe clinical trials.

The FDA hold is likely due to further safety concerns with embryonic stem cells. That would seem to be the only grounds for a hold based on federal regulations under CFR sec. 312.42. Geron claims that no teratomas have been observed in animal studies, though they do admit "In some animals, human non-neural differentiated cell types were observed in the injury site". After the current FDA hold was iissued, Geron put out a statement explaining that cysts developed at the injury sites of treated animals, and they are working with FDA to answer any questions. They claim no teratomas have been seen, and hopefully nothing like this.

Still, there is cause for concern. Dr. Steven Goldman says

"It's not ready for prime time, at least not in my mind, until we can be assured that the transplanted stem cells have completely lost the capacity for tumorigenicity."

But with the political pressure in favor of embryonic stem cell research, the hold will likely be release and the experiments on patients move ahead. And Geron will likely claim success (to get another stock bump.) Despite the fact that adult stem cells have already shown documented evidence not only of their safety, but of their efficacy at treating spinal cord injury.

Evidence of adult stem cell success for spinal cord injury patients has already been published by groups in Portugal, Australia, and Ecuador. Adult stem cells–real hope and help now.

Contact: David Prentice
Source: FRC Blog
Publish Date: October 5, 2009
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NIH Director Ignorant On Stem Cells?

NIH Director Ignorant On Stem Cells?

Does the Director of the National Institutes of Health not know the difference between embryonic and adult stem cells? Or is he just biased?

In an interview with the New England Journal of Medicine, Francis Collins talks about the number of "stem cell" clinical trials:

Steinbrook: What will the results of stem-cell research mean for human health?

Collins: My crystal ball is just as cloudy as everyone else's. However, the developments in understanding stem cells and how they could potentially be brought to bear for a whole host of medical problems are some of the more exciting things that have happened in the last decade. In terms of therapeutics, we are just so early on. The one clinical trial approved by the Food and Drug Administration – for spinal cord injury – is currently on hold.

What?!? The "one clinical trial" Collins refers to is the one embryonic stem cell experiment with patients that is out there. And it is indeed on hold.

But there are at least 2,000 clinical trials for Adult Stem Cells (this search term doesn't capture them all).

By the way, there are quite a few done on the NIH campus itself.
Remember, it's the National Institutes of Health…

Contact: David Prentice
Source: FRC Blog
Publish Date: October 5, 2009
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Pro-Life Activists Display 140 Foot Image of the Number 71 on the Lawn of the United States Capitol

Pro-Life Activists Display 140 Foot Image of the Number 71 on the Lawn of the United States Capitol

The display was shown on Friday, October 2

The number 71 represents the percentage of Americans who oppose taxpayer funded abortions according to a nationwide Zogby poll.
This display is part of national campaign organized by the Christian Defense Coalition called "Abortion is Not Health Care."
This initiative has included prayer vigils, rallies, demonstrations and lobbying in Washington, D.C. and across the nation over the past several months.
The Christian Defense Coalition and Generation Life have joined Operation Rescue in a online
campaign called "I am 71."   For more information go to Iam71.org.
The large display of the number 71 is to encourage members of Congress to listen to the wisdom of  the American people and ensure that not penny of public money will be used to pay for or subsidize abortions.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,
"Americans overwhelmingly do not want their tax dollars to be spent on abortions.  They know that health care reform should be about healing and mercy not the crushing of human rights through abortion.
"This 140 foot image of the number 71 on the lawn of the United States Capitol is a powerful reminder to the members of Congress that they should listen to the wisdom and heart of the American people and recognize that supporting abortion through tax dollars is a betrayal of social justice and human rights.
"We encourage all people of good will who support the dignity of human life to get involved with the the online campaign Iam71.org and let their voices be loudly heard in this national debate on health care reform.
"To all members of Congress we ask you to step into the present in which America is embracing a culture of life and pledge that not penny of taxpayer money will be used for abortions."

Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney
Source: Iam71
Publish Date: October 3, 2009
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Ireland Backs Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homosexual E.U. Treaty

They rejected it only 16 months ago. But in a stunning about-face spurred by economic turmoil, Ireland's voters have overwhelmingly approved a far-reaching treaty meant to consolidate the power of the European Union and reorganize the way it does business, the government announced Saturday. Ireland's approval of the pact, known as the Lisbon Treaty, removes one of the biggest stumbling blocks to its eventual enactment by Europe as a whole. The treaty would give Europe a more powerful foreign policy chief and its first full-time president, and strengthen the role of the European Parliament; it is also meant to more clearly delineate the relationship between national legislatures and Europe.
Click here for the full article.

Murdering Babies By Abortion Wins Strong Support In Brisbane Australia

Australians in general, and Queenslanders in particular, hold liberal views on abortion, yet politicians' fear of small religious minorities appears to have stymied decriminalisation of the procedure in some states, a study shows. A clear majority of Australians - 57 per cent - support women's right to obtain an abortion "readily when they want one". One-third supports abortion "in special circumstances", and only 4 per cent opposes abortion outright. The findings, from the Australian Election Study, are based on polling 1873 electors at the 2007 federal election. They reveal how Australians' attitudes have become much more liberal since the same questions were put to voters 20 years earlier, when only 38 per cent agreed with women's unfettered right to abortion.
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What it Takes to Bring Planned Parenthood Down

Planned Parenthood is the most powerful abortion provider and abortion lobby in the world. A billion dollar organization, about 1/3 of its income comes from our tax dollars. But one little homeschooled girl found five smooth stones down at the brook, and tossed one at the giant, just to see what would happen. Lila Rose is part of a team of young pro-lifers who have found a way to strip the facade off of the Planned Parenthood organization to show its true colors, and its support for eugenicist practices and other illegal perversions. In one of the most important battles of our day, these pro-lifers demonstrate dogged persistence, strong convictions, and true courage.
Click here for the full audio.  (MP3)

HHS: Everyone Can Opt Out of Government-Mandated Electronic Health Records System

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says that everyone can opt out of having an electronic health record included in the federally mandated national electronic-health-record system created by the stimulus law enacted in February.
The $787 billion economic stimulus bill, the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" signed into law by President Obama in February, calls for "the utilization of an electronic health record for each person in the United States by 2014." The law says the records should include a person's "medical history and problems list."
The law also says the electronic health record (EHR) will become part of a "nationwide health information technology infrastructure," accessible with authorization by health-care providers and the government.
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Cardinal DiNardo pleas for unborn at 'Red Mass' attended by Supreme Court justices

One day before the opening of the Supreme Court's next term, Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, issued a plea for the rights of the unborn at the 56th Annual "Red Mass," celebrated yesterday at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington D.C. The Mass was attended by six Supreme Court justices.

The Mass is an initiative of the John Carroll Society, a group of Catholic legal professionals, and has been held at the cathedral since 1953. The celebration of the Eucharist was presided over by Most Rev. Donald W. Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington D.C., and the homily was delivered by Cardinal DiNardo.

Five of the six Roman Catholics on the high court — Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy and Samuel Alito — attended the Mass. The sixth Catholic judge, Justice Clarence Thomas, could not attend.
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40 Days for Life: 123 Babies Saved - So Far!

Judging from the hundreds of e-mail messages I get daily, you like to hear stories about babies saved from abortion, and you like to see pictures of 40 Days for Life in action. So, today I bring you both!

Kristina and Michele in Syracuse, New York were praying in front of Planned Parenthood when two young women stopped to talk. One of the young women said she was pregnant and going to Planned Parenthood for an abortion.

Instead, she was encouraged to visit a pro-life pregnancy resource center where she was offered a free ultrasound. "Long story short," said Kristina, "the girl decided against having the abortion. Praise the Lord!"
Click here for the full article.

Affiliate Invitation...

Affiliate Invitation...

Right to Life, McHenry County invites you to join us for breakfast on Saturday, October 10th.

Where:  St. Mary's Church, 312 Lincoln Ave., Woodstock
Time:  8:15-10:00
Cost:  $10

Our pro-life lobbyists in Springfield will also be there to give us an update on state races and pending legislation.

This is a personal invitation which may be extended to pro-life friends but a commitment by Wednesday is mandatory.

For more information or to reserve, please contact Irene Napier at 815/459-3849 or Sue Serdar at 815/675-9539.

October 2, 2009

183 Congressional Reps Tell Speaker Pelosi: No Abortion Coverage, or No Health-Care Bill

183 Congressional Reps Tell Speaker Pelosi: No Abortion Coverage, or No Health-Care Bill

183 Congressional representatives have signed a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanding that Congress be allowed a free vote on bipartisan pro-life measures that would truly prohibit government funding of abortion in health care.

The House representatives warn that if they do not have their way, they will do everything in their power to make sure that H.R. 3200 "America's Affordable Health Choices Act" does not even reach the House floor for a vote.

The letter, signed by 25 Democrats and 158 Republicans, requests Speaker Pelosi and Rep. Louise Slaughter, Chairwoman of the Rules Committee, that all House members have an opportunity to vote their consciences - without threat of ramifications from party leaders - on pro-life amendments offered by Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) and Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.).

One amendment offered by Pitts and Stupak states that "no funds authorized under this Act (or amendment made by this Act) may be used to pay for any abortion or to cover any part of the costs of any health plan that includes coverage of abortion," although it makes exceptions in the case of danger to the mother's life, or in cases of rape or incest.

In order for these amendments to come to the floor for a vote, the Rules Committee has to give its approval. That will require the cooperation of the pro-abortion Slaughter, who is both Chairwoman of the Rules Committee and co-chair of the Congressional Bipartisan Pro-Choice Caucus.

"None of the bills reported out of the three committees of jurisdiction have addressed our serious concerns about public funding for abortion," the letter states.

The letter takes issue with the Capps Amendment - legislation described by abortion supporters as a pro-life "compromise" measure - which they explain, "actually explicitly authorizes the federal government (Department of Health and Human Services) to directly fund elective abortions, with federal (public) funds drawn on a federal Treasury account."

"The simple fact is that under the Capps language, the US Treasury will be permitted to issue checks to abortion clinics to reimburse for abortion on demand for the first time in decades."

The letter also notes that H.R. 3200 explicitly provides that government subsidize private policies that include elective abortion coverage with affordability credits. The legislation violates the spirit of the annually renewed Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the HHS from using taxpayer funds to subsidize abortion except in the cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.

Instead, the current legislation bypasses the Hyde Amendment and creates new revenue streams that will fund the public option and affordability credits that will be used to subsidize insurance coverage - including those plans that cover elective abortions.

The letter cites the Congressional Research Service as having confirmed that the programs will not need any future appropriations and states that "legislation of this magnitude should include permanent language to ensure that federal funds are not used to support abortion."

"Real health care is about saving and nurturing life, not about taking life."

Click here to read the letter.

Contact: Peter J. Smith
Source: LifeSiteNews.com
Publish Date: October 1, 2009
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Another state considering 'euthanasia'

Another state considering 'euthanasia'

New Hampshire's legislature is working on a bill legalizing assisted suicide.

The bill under consideration is currently in a study committee, but proponents want it debated and passed this session. New Hampshire Right to Life president Kurt Wuelper says based on their past actions, lawmakers in his state just might be leaning towards passage.
"We have a legislature that repealed our parental notification law for no reason because they didn't want to deal with it anymore," he laments. "And so they just repealed it rather than wait for the courts to say...99 percent of it is good and so you can go forward with that. [And] they imposed homosexual 'marriage' on our state, apparently against a majority of the people's will -- but they did it anyway."
He goes on to say the current proposal is riddled with problems, citing one example.
"When somebody's diagnosed with a terminal illness -- that could be at any age...there's nothing in the bill that says you have to be suffering or you have to be near death or anything like that," says Wuelper. "It's just that if you have a terminal illness, you can qualify for assisted suicide."
Even if doctors estimate the individual has another 20 years to live, he adds.
Opponents of assisted suicide are organizing to try to get their message across to lawmakers and the public.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 2, 2009
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Pope calls for respect for life and protection of consciences in the U.S.

Pope calls for respect for life and protection of consciences in the U.S.

As is customary, the audience began with Miguel Diaz presenting his letters of accreditation from President Obama to the Holy Father, followed by a speech by the new ambassador.

In his speech, Ambassador Diaz praised Pope Benedict's humanitarian efforts, his efforts at promoting "inter-religious dialogue for the sake of peace," and his encouragement of "authentic stewardship of God's creation in order to combat climate change and ensure food security."

The newly minted ambassador brought his speech to a close, saying, "my nation looks forward to working with the Holy See to ensure that the old and the young may embrace the audacity to hope, celebrate in the fruition of justice, and work together to defend fundamental human rights, economic opportunity for all, peace in our world, and respect for the dignity of all human persons. As I take up my position as the ninth United States Ambassador to the Holy See, I promise to serve as a bridge-builder between the United States and the Holy See."

Pope Benedict began his address to Dr. Diaz by saying that he was pleased to accept his letters of credence and asked him to return his greeting to President Obama.

Highlighting part of Ambassador Diaz's speech, the Pope said he appreciated the  "acknowledgment of the need for a greater spirit of solidarity and multilateral engagement in approaching the urgent problems facing our planet."

"The continuing international economic crisis clearly calls for a revision of present political, economic and financial structures in the light of the ethical imperative of ensuring the integral development of all people. What is needed, in effect, is a model of globalization inspired by an authentic humanism, in which the world's peoples are seen not merely as neighbors but as brothers and sisters," the Pope said, echoing themes from his encyclical "Caritas in Veritate."

Cooperation between nations should stretch across the spectrum of issues from caring for the family, to health care, to immigration, to the elimination of nuclear weapons, to "climate control and care for the environment," Pope Benedict said, notably refraining from using the term "climate change."   

Recalling his visit to the United States last April, the Holy Father said he was pleased to find a "vibrant democracy" at work.

In order for democracies to function properly, the Pope emphasized that religious groups should not be excluded from public debates, since their contributions "enrich political and ethical discourse."

"Allow me, Mr. Ambassador, to reaffirm a conviction which I expressed at the outset of my Apostolic Journey to the United States. Freedom – the freedom which Americans rightly hold dear – 'is not only a gift but also a summons to personal responsibility;' it is 'a challenge held out to each generation, and it must constantly be won over to the cause of good,'" Benedict XVI said, quoting from his address at the White House last April.

Saying that many modern democracies find themselves in crisis, the Holy Father urged them to redouble their commitment to "reasoned dialogue in the discernment of wise and just policies respectful of human nature and human dignity."

"The Church in the United States," the Pontiff pointed out, "contributes to this discernment particularly through the formation of consciences and her educational apostolate, by which she makes a significant and positive contribution to American civic life and public discourse."

One area that the Pope highlighted as in need of "clear discernment" was that of "issues touching the protection of human dignity and respect for the inalienable right to life from the moment of conception to natural death, as well as the protection of the right to conscientious objection on the part of health care workers, and indeed all citizens."

Pope Benedict concluded his speech by quoting from the "prophetic words of the late Pope John Paul II" to insist upon the "unbreakable link between an ethics of life and every other aspect of social ethics."

Quoting his predecessor Benedict XVI said,  'a society lacks solid foundations when, on the one hand, it asserts values such as the dignity of the person, justice and peace, but then, on the other hand, radically acts to the contrary by allowing or tolerating a variety of ways in which human life is devalued and violated, especially where it is weak or marginalized.'

Source: CNA
Publish Date: October 2, 2009
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Dan Rather to Headline Planned Parenthood Event

Dan Rather to Headline Planned Parenthood Event

Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota recently announced that former CBS anchorman Dan Rather will be its keynote speaker for a fundraiser dinner in Minneapolis, MN on October 13.

Planned Parenthood announced Rather as their speaker, saying, "Dan Rather, the voice, heart and soul of American journalism, is one of the most recognized and renowned reporters of our time." The announcement goes on to chronicle Rather's coverage of significant world events as a reporter: including the JFK assassination, Watergate, and the war in Iraq.

However, Rather's coverage of life issues makes the announcement that he will be supporting Planned Parenthood's dinner not surprising to many. Scott Fischbach, the director of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, told LifeNews.com, "For years viewers watched Dan Rather deliver the news of the day believing he was objective and fair, while the whole time he harbored anti-life views.

"Clearly Dan Rather has never been objective, in fact his support of Planned Parenthood proves how radical his views truly are," Fischbach continued. "It is sad that Dan Rather has now agreed to raise money for the number one killer of unborn children in Minnesota, Planned Parenthood."

During his time as a reporter, Rather repeatedly showed his anti-life bias in his coverage of specific stories.

According to the Media Research Center, a conservative organization that tracks the bias of modern media, Rather identified abortion as a woman's right in a 1990 interview with Senator Paul Simon. "Senator Simon," asked Rather, "is there any doubt in your mind that [Souter's] views pretty well parallel those of John Sununu's, which means he's anti-abortion or anti-women's rights, whichever way you want to put it?" referring to nomination of David Souter to the supreme court.

Further, Rather lauded Margaret Sanger, founder of planned parenthood, in 1998 on CBS's People of the Century.

"One thing America didn't talk about early in the century was sex. Margaret Sanger changed that. She was a true revolutionary who went to jail for the crime of promoting birth control, a phrase she coined … For half a century, Margaret Sanger spoke passionately in favor of women's rights, taking on all the enemies of birth control, including the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church."

Also, in 1993, when then-President Clinton overturned the Mexico City Policy that banned US foreign aid from going to organizations that actively supported abortion, Rather reported, "On the anniversary of Roe versus Wade President Clinton fulfills a promise, supporting abortion rights. ... It was 20 years ago today, the United States Supreme Court handed down its landmark abortion rights ruling, and the controversy hasn't stopped since. Today, with the stroke of a pen, President Clinton delivered on his campaign promise to cancel several anti-abortion regulations of the Reagan-Bush years."

Source: LifeSiteNews.com
Publish Date: October 1, 2009
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Texas swimmer attests to adult stem-cell success

Texas swimmer attests to adult stem-cell success

Use of adult stem cells has helped a swimming champion continue to compete.

Lexi Spann, a swimmer for the University of Texas, suffered a serious shoulder injury which put her on the sidelines. Texas Alliance for Life talked with her.
"It was already hard to deal with not swimming in the national championships," she shares, "but then to find out that I wasn't going to get to try out for the Olympics, which has been my life long dream, was extremely depressing."
Spann's own adult stem cells were used to treat the injury. "They removed some of my own adult stem cells and then put them into my shoulder during the surgery," she explains.
The competitive swimmer had to give her shoulder about three months to heal and let the adult stem cells work. Spann was pleased with the results.
"I was surprised, because I missed some training because of my surgery," says Spann, "but I was able to, at trials, end up going right next to my best time [in the 100-meter breast stroke] -- so I was ecstatic to be at that point so fast." She was able to compete in the Olympic trials and then nationals just as if she were her old self.
Texas Alliance for Life says Spann's case is another clear example that adult stem cells work in more than 70 diseases and medical conditions, while embryonic stem-cell research has produced no results.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
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Murder - the cornerstone of China's 'family planning' policy

Murder - the cornerstone of China's 'family planning' policy

The president of the Population Research Institute says experts at the United Nations seem to be glossing over the facts behind China's methods of population control.

The director of the United Nations' Population Division is applauding China's family-planning policy that has been in effect for three decades. Hania Zlotnik, who is a citizen of Mexico, claims China's killing of 400-million unborn babies has helped reduce the world population.
But Steven Mosher of the Population Research Institute tells OneNewsNow it goes much further than just limiting the number of children a husband and wife can have.
"...[W]hat I find amazing is the bloodless way that people like Hania Zlotnik and others praise China's program," he states. "[They] talk about the numbers without ever going into the human rights abuses, the forced abortions, the labor shortages, the one-party dictatorship, the aging of China's population, the sex-selection abortions, the little unborn Chinese baby girls who are abandoned at birth.
"There are [sic] a whole panoply here of moral and ethical issues raised and these people simply ignore it," Mosher laments. "I mean, they talk as if eliminating 400-million people from the face of the planet is a great victory."
The purpose of the U.N.'s Population Division is to gather figures on the world's population. But Mosher says it is a problem when a population-control zealot becomes so openly pro-abortion when China's policies are actually hurting its future.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 2, 2009
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Abortion Protester's Alleged Killer Deemed Unfit For Trial

A Michigan man accused of fatally shooting an antiabortion-rights protester outside a high school last month has been deemed incompetent to stand trial and committed to the Michigan Department of Mental Health, the New York Times reports.

Harlan Drake is charged with fatally shooting James Pouillion on Sept. 11 in what is believed to be the first slaying of someone protesting abortion rights. On Wednesday, Judge Terrance Dignan of the 66th District Court in Corunna, Mich., ordered Drake to begin psychiatric treatment. If rendered competent, a preliminary examination would be set to determine whether he could stand trial. Dignan wrote that "there is a substantial probability" that Drake, if provided a course of treatment, will be competent to stand trial, according to chief assistant prosecutor Sara Edwards.
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Terminally Nonjudgmental UK Doesn't Give a Fig About Saving the Lives of Suicidal People from Secondhand

I wrote some time ago about the awful and tragic case of Kerrie Woolterton. Woolterson was badly mentally disturbed, so much so, that she now only wanted to commit suicide but repeatedly tried to by swallowing anti freeze.  The last time she tried, she called an ambulance and then pinned a note on her chest that she didn't want treatment.  Astonishingly, the physicians were so paralyzed by terminal non judgmentalism, they just stood by for a day and watched her die.

Now a coroner's inquest has said they were right to do so.  This means that saving the lives of suicide victims will not be attempted if they just put a note on their clothes saying they want no care.  What a profound abandonment!

This is where we have arrived in our attitude to suicide in Britain today. A disturbed young woman, with all the promise of adult life before her, is left to kill herself, because under her current circumstances she wants to…
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Irish Abortion, Military Could Decide EU Lisbon Treaty Vote

Irish voters are going to the polls again Friday -- to vote on a treaty they rejected just over a year ago. 'No' placards questioned whether Ireland will lose its military neutrality, its anti-abortion laws and its minimum wage despite the EU assurances. Just over half -- 53 percent -- of Irish voters said 'No' to the Lisbon Treaty in June 2008 throwing the future structure of the European Union into doubt as all member states have to ratify the treaty before it can be adopted.
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Recent Polls Show Pro-Abortion Congress Out of Step with the American Public, Turning Deaf Ear to Public Opinion

A new poll released today by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press and the Pew Forum on Religion and Life finds that more Americans are revealing that they are opposed to most or all abortions.  The poll found that 45% of American's oppose abortion in most or all cases, up 4% from last year.

"These results are unsurprising and track with earlier polling, including Gallup, and, most recently, a poll conducted by Rasmussen indicating that the majority of Americans are opposed to funding abortions in the healthcare bill," said David N. O'Steen, Ph.D., executive director of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC).
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October 1, 2009

One electronic system for patient records

It is one disaster after the next for the UK's National Heath Service. Now, computer problems are hitting people where they hurt. Literally.

Thousands of people are being forced to wait six months or more for hospital treatment or tests because of problems with the £12.7 billion project to upgrade NHS computer systems.

More than 14,000 patients at a major London trust have already had to endure waiting times that exceed government guidelines. The trust was one of the first to install electronic patient records. Similar systems are being rolled out across England. The Department of Health says that nobody should wait more than 18 weeks to receive hospital treatment from the time they are referred by a GP, unless they choose to wait longer.

That last sentence alone tells us all we need to know about the NHS!  Good grief.  Oh, and Obamacare, as I understand it, wants one electronic system for patient records.  It better have a lot of redundancy!

Stop Hyding!

Stop Hyding!

Henry Hyde fought hard, with passion – and his opponents respected him.   He had everything we are searching for in our elected officials today.  He was an authentic human being and Member of Congress – witnessing fearless humility in defense of life.  If there was ever a "Godfather" of the pro-life movement, it was Henry Hyde.

One of his legacies is the Hyde Amendment, made into law in the face of intense opposition, which has prevented any Medicaid funding of elective abortions for thirty three years.

Now, many supporters of the current health care legislation designed to bring about the greatest increase in abortions since Roe v. Wade dare to claim that they are innocent of the federal funding of abortion because of the Hyde Amendment.

Sometimes, laughter dispels doubts better than any other method.  And Henry Hyde had a great sense of humor!

That is why the SBA List created this video.

Click here to view the video.

We need the truth to get out there.  They say that humor can carry a message far.  Encourage your friends and family to watch this video.  We cannot allow our opponents to muddy the waters.

Senate committee votes to restore $50 million in funding for abstinence education

Senate committee votes to restore $50 million in funding for abstinence education

The Senate Finance Committee voted to restore funding for abstinence education through Title V state grants Sept. 29 after Sen. Orrin Hatch, R.-Utah, added an amendment to reinstate $50 million per year in abstinence funding that President Obama had cut from his budget proposal to Congress.

The 12-11 vote Tuesday night came despite the committee's chairman Sen. Max Baucus, D.-Mont., arguing that abstinence education doesn't work. Two Democrats, Kent Conrad of North Dakota and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, joined all 10 committee Republicans in voting for the amendment to the health care reform bill.

"Committee members courageously put politics aside in favor of the health and well-being of the American families," the National Abstinence Education Association said in a statement issued after Finance Committee session. "Tonight's vote is a show of support for valuable and proven abstinence education that has made such a difference in the lives of so many teens, while also supporting parents who soundly endorse such programs," NAEA said.

The measure still must pass the full Senate and the House. The Associated Press reported that Baucus introduced an alternate measure that also passed the Finance Committee by a 14-9 vote. The Baucus amendment would make money available for education on contraception and sexually transmitted diseases, among other things, in addition to abstinence, AP said.

As the legislation moves forward, lawmakers will have to reconcile the two measures, the AP report noted.

Valerie Huber, NAEA's executive director, said recent research analysis demonstrates that school-based abstinence education is more successful in positive behavior change than so-called comprehensive sex education, which Baucus is pushing.

"It is encouraging that the hard work of grassroots constituencies from across the country have prevailed to ensure these common-sense programs will continue," Huber said Sept. 29. "While the amendment still needs to pass a Senate floor vote, tonight's decision is a significant step in the right direction for the optimal health of America's youth."

Hatch, hailing the committee's vote, said abstinence education works.

"My amendment restores a vital funding stream so that teens and parents have the option to participate in programs that have demonstrated success in reducing teen sexual activity and, consequently, teen pregnancies," Hatch said.

In the past, abstinence education funding was extended along with funding for the Transitional Medical Assistance or TMA program, which extends Medicaid to families struggling to get off welfare, but Obama removed it in his budget proposal to Congress.

"My first choice would be to not have the federal government involved in any way in these types of education programs and leave these discussions in the proper environment of the home with family members," Hatch said.

"However, if the federal government is going to spend money on educating people about sexual decisions, the absence of an abstinence-only education program has negative health consequences for our nation's most vulnerable citizens: teenage pregnancy is a leading contributor to poverty, which in turn leads to poor health outcomes for mothers and children; sexually active teens are more likely to experience mental health issues such as depression or attempted suicide; and sexually active teens are more likely to suffer health consequences such as increased rates of infection with sexually transmitted diseases," Hatch said.

Contact: Erin Roach
Source: BP
Publish Date: September 30, 2009
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Spreading the word - embryos can be adopted

Spreading the word - embryos can be adopted

The National Embryo Donation Center has received federal grants to educate the public.

Much of the public is unaware that stored embryos can be adopted. Center spokesman Dr. Jeffrey Keenan tells OneNewsNow the first grant will be used to remedy that problem.
"[We will] harness the power of new media in order to expand awareness of embryo donation and adoption," he shares. "We'll be using media such as Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, Constant Contact, mass e-mails, Twitter, podcasts, webinars, and other web-based media."
While the outreach of the Knoxville, Tennessee-based center will primarily target those who are infertile, Keenan shares that it will also spread information among the general population.
"There are about a half-million frozen embryos in frozen storage in the United States. About 15 percent of the reproductive-age population in the United States is infertile, and embryo donation or embryo adoption is a wonderful option for infertile couples to build their family," Keenan adds.
The Center's medical director also notes those who have completed their family can donate remaining eggs for others. A second grant from the Department of Health and Human Services, Keenan says, will allow the organization to target professionals, such as doctors, with an awareness campaign.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 1, 2009
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Pro-Life Leaders to Set Up Large Display on the West Lawn of the United States Capitol Building to Oppose Taxpayer Funded Abortions in Health Care Reform

Pro-Life Leaders to Set Up Large Display on the West Lawn of the United States Capitol Building to Oppose Taxpayer Funded Abortions in Health Care Reform

Groups to set up 100 foot image of the number 71 on the Capitol grounds this Friday, October 2 at 12:00 P.M.
The number 71 represents the percentage of people in a national Zogby poll that oppose taxpayer funded abortions.
The display is to remind lawmakers to listen to the voice and wisdom of the American people
and embrace human rights and social justice.
The display is part of a national campaign organized by the Christian Defense Coalition called "Abortion is Not Health Care" which has sponsored a series of demonstrations, prayer vigils and rallies on Capitol Hill over the past several months to speak out against taxpayer funded abortions.
There will be a news conference on Friday, October 2, at 12:00 P.M. to discuss health care reform and abortion on the west lawn of the Capitol.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states, "Americans intuitively know that abortion is not health care.  They understand that health care should bring compassion, mercy and healing to those in need not violence and despair.
"We are displaying this large 71 on the lawn of the Capitol to remind lawmakers to listen to the voice and wisdom of the American people and embrace human rights and social justice.
"It would be tragic for Congress to force the American faith community to pay for the killing of innocent children through their tax dollars.  The pro-life community will continue to be a loud and prophetic voice speaking out against abortion in health care during this entire debate."
Brandi Swindell, Founder of Generation Life and Director of Stanton Health Care, adds
"This display of 71 on the lawn of the United States Capitol is a visual reminder of what the American people already know and embrace.  That is, abortion is not health care and public monies should never be used to crush human rights and diminish women.
"It is our hope over the next several weeks that Congress will listen to the American people and ensure that not one penny of taxpayer money will be used to pay for abortions."

Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Brandi Swindell
Christian Defense Coalition, Generation Life
Publish Date: October 1, 2009
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Should Government Have E-Record of Every Woman Who's Had an Abortion?

Should Government Have E-Record of Every Woman Who's Had an Abortion?

Should doctors and hospitals be required by the federal government to maintain a national network of electronic health records for every individual in America that indicates, for example, whether that individual has had an abortion, a sexually transmitted disease, a mental illness or a drug problem?
Such a system has already been mandated by the stimulus law enacted in February, and politicians in Washington, D.C., would now prefer not to answer straightforward questions about it.
Americans should not let them get away with it.
The stimulus law provided for "the development of a nationwide health information technology infrastructure" that would include an electronic health record for "each person in the United States by 2014."
The law says these records should contain each person's "medical history and problems lists."
This system holding each American's "medical history and problems lists," the law says, will allow for "the electronic linkage of health care providers, health plans, the government and other interested parties to enable electronic exchange and use of health information among all the components in the health care infrastructure in accordance with applicable law."
When President Obama was pushing his health care plan earlier this year, he pointed to this system as a way the government would save money on health care—and indicated that a person's full medical history would be included in the system.
"You shouldn't have to tell every new doctor you see about your medical history, or what prescriptions you're taking. You should not have to repeat costly tests," Obama told the American Medical Association on June 15. "All that information should be stored securely in a private medical record so that your information can be tracked from one doctor to another—even if you change jobs, even if you move, even if you have to see a number of different specialists. That's just common sense. And that will not only mean less paper-pushing and lower administrative costs, saving taxpayers billions of dollars; it will also mean all of you physicians will have an easier time doing your jobs."
At a town hall meeting in Annandale, Va., on July 1, Obama argued that the electronic-health-records system would also reduce medical errors.
"We have to build on the investments that we've made in electronic medical records," said Obama. "We already made those investments in the Recovery Act—because when everything is digitalized, all your records—your privacy is protected, but all your records (are) on a digital form—that reduces medical errors."
Speaking at AARP headquarters on July 28, Obama said the electronic-health-records network would substitute for people having to "relay their entire medical history" to each new health care provider.
"We're also working to computerize medical records, because right now too many folks wind up taking the same test over and over and over again because their providers can't access previous results or they have to relay their entire medical history, every medication they've taken, every surgery they've gotten, every time they see a new provider," said Obama. "Electronic medical records will help to put an end to all that."
On the face of it, the system created by Obama and Congress in February is designed to record when any person in America has diabetes, contracts strep throat, breaks an ankle—has an abortion, contracts HIV or suffers a nervous breakdown.
But when CNSNews.com video reporter Nicholas Ballasy specifically asked Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., last week whether people would be able to opt out of having abortions and STDs reported on their electronic health records, Kennedy said people would be able to do that.
"This is totally going to be up to the individual," Kennedy told Ballasy. "So, obviously, for the full effectiveness of the person, it's to their benefit to have everything on a record, but it's going to be totally up to the individual."

On Monday, CNSNews.com White House Correspondent Fred Lucas asked White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs whether he agreed with Kennedy that people would be able to prevent abortions and certain diseases from being listed on their electronic health records.
Even though Gibbs' boss has been promoting the system as one that will substitute for a person having to tell a new doctor about "every medication" they have ever taken or "every surgery" they have ever undergone, Gibbs said he had "no idea" whether someone would be able to keep abortions and some diseases out of the record.
"I'm not a health IT expert. I would direct you to somebody—I have no idea," said Gibbs.
If Obama's health care plan is enacted, not only will the government subsidize the health care of Americans making up to 400 percent of the poverty level, it will also know what health care Americans have gotten and are getting.
Liberals who used a bogus "right to privacy" to violate the right to life of unborn children now seek to annihilate the real right to privacy of everyone in their quest to socialize medicine.

Contact: Terence P. Jeffrey
Source: CNSNews.com
Publish Date: September 30, 2009
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National Life Chain Sunday October 4

National Life Chain Sunday October 4

On Sunday afternoon, October 4, National Life Chain Sunday 2009 will occupy sidewalks in over 1450 U.S. and Canadian cities, as earnest defenders of human life seek God's divine help to end the legalized killing of preborn fellow citizens. Participation will rely heavily on pastors who deem abortion perilous to any nation and who, with humility and boldness, lead their worshippers to a time of solemn prayer, meditation, and public witness.

During an earlier age of spiritual darkness--the Jewish Holocaust, David Ben-Gurion addressed the silence and inaction of Israel's would be friends: "What have you done to us, you freedom-loving peoples, guardians of justice, defenders of the high principles of democracy and of the brotherhood of man? What have you allowed to be perpetrated against a defenseless people while you stood aside and let them bleed to death...? Why do you profane our pain and wrath with empty expressions of sympathy which ring like a mockery in the ears of millions of the damned in the torture houses of Nazi Europe?"

Today, 65 years later in America, Canada, and the other Western nations graced by Christendom, the blood of preborn fellow citizens pleads unceasingly to reluctant pulpits and pews: "Why do you pretend to oppose our mutilation yet readily acquiesce to powers local and national that deny us the meager mercies afforded slaughter animals? Why do you embrace an 'issue' instead of our humanity and betray us with trite condolences? For how long will you allow the corporate church to squander its integrity and withhold compassion? And for how long will you permit bloodguilt to accumulate against you, until denial and détente consume your freedom and comfort?"

Wrote Albert Einstein: "The world is too dangerous to live in--not because of the people who do evil, but because of the people who let it happen." Thus the truth of 2 Chronicles 7:14. With no tyrant to blame, is the Abortion Holocaust on our soil too real for us to grasp?

The solution? Four decades of lay pro-life leadership have seen no serious decline in annual abortions (surgical and chemical), and today lay leaders realize their inability to protect from deadly predators the most helpless church family members--the preborn sons and daughters. Wrote Afro-American pastor Clenard Childress regarding America's Holocaust and its enduring carnage: "The pew cannot do what the pulpit is suppose to do." In each city and town, the battle to end legalized abortion rests foremost with pastors who will equip themselves for spiritual warfare, plan wisely, mobilize their flocks, and stand boldly against the forces destroying our youth and culture.

While only a first step into pro-life activism, Life Chain is a serious step that tests our concern. It follows a strict Code of Conduct, is peaceful, and urges all family members, young and old, to attend. Pastors may add prayer topics to those listed on the back of Life Chain signs, and each pastor who prepares his people for prayer and witness is greatly valued. It is fervently hoped that God will anoint National Life Chain Sunday 2009 and use it mightily for His purpose and glory.

Click here to find a location near you.

Contact: Royce Dunn, Director
Source: Life Chain
Publish Date: October 1, 2009
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