October 5, 2009


(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to LIfe is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)

Ireland Backs Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homosexual E.U. Treaty

They rejected it only 16 months ago. But in a stunning about-face spurred by economic turmoil, Ireland's voters have overwhelmingly approved a far-reaching treaty meant to consolidate the power of the European Union and reorganize the way it does business, the government announced Saturday. Ireland's approval of the pact, known as the Lisbon Treaty, removes one of the biggest stumbling blocks to its eventual enactment by Europe as a whole. The treaty would give Europe a more powerful foreign policy chief and its first full-time president, and strengthen the role of the European Parliament; it is also meant to more clearly delineate the relationship between national legislatures and Europe.
Click here for the full article.

Murdering Babies By Abortion Wins Strong Support In Brisbane Australia

Australians in general, and Queenslanders in particular, hold liberal views on abortion, yet politicians' fear of small religious minorities appears to have stymied decriminalisation of the procedure in some states, a study shows. A clear majority of Australians - 57 per cent - support women's right to obtain an abortion "readily when they want one". One-third supports abortion "in special circumstances", and only 4 per cent opposes abortion outright. The findings, from the Australian Election Study, are based on polling 1873 electors at the 2007 federal election. They reveal how Australians' attitudes have become much more liberal since the same questions were put to voters 20 years earlier, when only 38 per cent agreed with women's unfettered right to abortion.
Click here for the full article.

What it Takes to Bring Planned Parenthood Down

Planned Parenthood is the most powerful abortion provider and abortion lobby in the world. A billion dollar organization, about 1/3 of its income comes from our tax dollars. But one little homeschooled girl found five smooth stones down at the brook, and tossed one at the giant, just to see what would happen. Lila Rose is part of a team of young pro-lifers who have found a way to strip the facade off of the Planned Parenthood organization to show its true colors, and its support for eugenicist practices and other illegal perversions. In one of the most important battles of our day, these pro-lifers demonstrate dogged persistence, strong convictions, and true courage.
Click here for the full audio.  (MP3)

HHS: Everyone Can Opt Out of Government-Mandated Electronic Health Records System

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says that everyone can opt out of having an electronic health record included in the federally mandated national electronic-health-record system created by the stimulus law enacted in February.
The $787 billion economic stimulus bill, the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" signed into law by President Obama in February, calls for "the utilization of an electronic health record for each person in the United States by 2014." The law says the records should include a person's "medical history and problems list."
The law also says the electronic health record (EHR) will become part of a "nationwide health information technology infrastructure," accessible with authorization by health-care providers and the government.
Click here for the full article.

Cardinal DiNardo pleas for unborn at 'Red Mass' attended by Supreme Court justices

One day before the opening of the Supreme Court's next term, Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, issued a plea for the rights of the unborn at the 56th Annual "Red Mass," celebrated yesterday at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington D.C. The Mass was attended by six Supreme Court justices.

The Mass is an initiative of the John Carroll Society, a group of Catholic legal professionals, and has been held at the cathedral since 1953. The celebration of the Eucharist was presided over by Most Rev. Donald W. Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington D.C., and the homily was delivered by Cardinal DiNardo.

Five of the six Roman Catholics on the high court — Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy and Samuel Alito — attended the Mass. The sixth Catholic judge, Justice Clarence Thomas, could not attend.
Click here for the full article.

40 Days for Life: 123 Babies Saved - So Far!

Judging from the hundreds of e-mail messages I get daily, you like to hear stories about babies saved from abortion, and you like to see pictures of 40 Days for Life in action. So, today I bring you both!

Kristina and Michele in Syracuse, New York were praying in front of Planned Parenthood when two young women stopped to talk. One of the young women said she was pregnant and going to Planned Parenthood for an abortion.

Instead, she was encouraged to visit a pro-life pregnancy resource center where she was offered a free ultrasound. "Long story short," said Kristina, "the girl decided against having the abortion. Praise the Lord!"
Click here for the full article.