August 6, 2020

UN Human Rights Report Tells Stories of Infanticide and Forced Abortion

A recent United Nations Human Rights report tells the stories of over 100 women who shared their experiences of abuse in North Korean detention centers. Many of those stories included the inhumane practices of infanticide and forced abortion.

In these accounts, several women were forced to miscarry, abort, or simply let their children die shortly after birth.

One eyewitness account said that after a woman was forced to give birth prematurely, even she was ignored and killed

“She was taken out of the holding center and given an injection to make her miscarry. I saw her giving birth with my own eyes… I heard crying, but then the baby was placed face down, wrapped in plastic and taken out of the cell by a prison guard… No medical attention was given [to the mother]. She died after a week or so.”

Other accounts include a woman talking about how she was forced to leave a newborn child out in the cold of winter until it presumably died, and another woman being forced to have an abortion because she was pregnant with a child she conceived with a Chinese man.

Eleven States File Briefs Defending the FDA's Abortion Pill Regulation

Eleven states have filed briefs with a federal court asking it to grant a stay of a District Court decision preventing the FDA from enforcing certain abortion pill regulations.

On July 14 last month, District Judge Theodore Chuang decided to suspend the FDA's Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) requirements for mifepristone, the first pill in the abortion pill regimen. Later that month, the FDA filed a memorandum to grant the FDA against the District Court's injunction. This would allow the FDA to continue enforcing them while both sides make their cases about the legality of the rules.

The FDA applies REMS regulations to any drugs that have a certain level of risk to patients. Mifepristone applies because women who take the pill are at risk of hemorrhage, severe bleeding, pregnancy complications caused by incomplete abortion, and even death. The risks of the abortion pill are higher if the woman has an undiagnosed pregnancy condition such as ectopic pregnancy.

Among other things, the REMS requires pregnant women to have an in-person appointment with a physician before they can obtain abortion pills. This allows physicians to diagnose conditions like ectopic pregnancy and check the gestational age of the child. If the child has developed past the safe range for a medication abortion, using the abortion pill to complete an abortion poses health risks to the mother. In the event that the pregnant mother's best guess at her child's gestational age is incorrect, this appointment could save the mother's life, even if she decides to follow through and complete a surgical abortion.

August 5, 2020

"Baby Lives Matter" Painted Outside Nebraska Abortion Clinic

Photo Credit: Operation Rescue
According to a short post by Operation Rescue, another street painting with the words "Baby Lives Matter" has appeared in front of an abortion clinic; this time in Bellevue, Nebraska.

As pro-life activists arrived in the morning, they found the bright pink and blue words “Baby Lives Matter, Including Black Babies” near the clinic's front door.

A similar painting appeared temporarily in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic in South Lake City, Utah, and pro-life activists with Students for Life of America were arrested for in Washington DC last weekend for gathering to paint one in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic there. The trend has appeared in response to Black Lives Matter protests that seemingly opened public roadways up for public expression. Protestors painted the words "Black Lives Matter" on the street in front of Trump Tower without any legal repercussions, so now pro-life activists are similarly using the streets as political forums.

Unlike the artist who created the South Lake City street painting, the Bellevue painter has remained anonymous.

Woman Describes the Regret of Abortion as "my own personal hell."

Photo Credit: Paola Chaaya / Unsplash
One woman who deeply regrets aborting her unborn child describes the depression she experiences as "my own personal living hell" in a post she published for

She wrote that after she became pregnant in November of 2019, her boyfriend was completely willing to keep their child. “J also told me that if I wanted to have this baby, we could do it. He has a great job, I’m almost done with school. He offered his support in anyway [sic] I needed it.”

Because some of her friends had completed abortions before without issues and it was simply more convenient to not have a child, she went ahead and scheduled appointments for an abortion anyways. She ended up using the abortion pill regimen to complete the process.

“[T]he fact that [the baby] was part of me & the man I love so much, killed me. It still does. I can barely look at him. It’s been about 4 months since I lost the baby, and I feel like everyday [sic] is harder. I feel hopeless. I feel like I don’t deserve to be happy. I feel like I don’t deserve to be forgiven, or supported, or have any bit of release. I live in my own personal Hell, and I feel like I don’t deserve anything different.”

She goes on to describe abortion as "selfish" and bemoan the fact that she will watch her friend's child grow up at similar stages to what her child would have if she had made another decision. Now, she says she is addicted to nicotine and wants nothing more than to suffer.

While women who have aborted their children do deserve hope and meaning in their lives, it is worth noting that the emotional trauma of abortion can be easily avoided. The medical abortion process can even be reversed via a process called abortion pill reversal if a mother acts quickly after taking the first pill. The death and suffering caused by abortion is completely unnecessary, and pro-lifers will continue to fight for an end it.

August 4, 2020

"The Church at Planned Parenthood" Pastor Speaks out Against Planned Parenthood Lawsuit

Photo credit: American Life League / Flickr
In an interview with Fox News, The Church at Planned Parenthood (TCAPP) Pastor Ken Peters said that Planned Parenthood is wrongfully suing his organization for violating a noise ordinance.

TCAPP meets outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Spokane Washington once per month at the facility's closing time to hold worship services and speak out against the injustice of abortion. Earlier this year, the Planned Parenthood clinic issued a lawsuit against the organization for allegedly violating a noise ordinance created by the city council.

"At first they tried to drown us out with their own sound and their own protesters, but we kept singing, praying and praising God under our First Amendment rights of assembly and freedom of religion," Peters said. He further said that the group actively lowered its decibel levels to comply with the ordinance, as attested by the local police department.

“[W]e’re listening to noise levels, we’re taking complaints, and code enforcement officers are using the decibel meters,” police department spokesperson Julie Humphreys said. “We’re actively enforcing what we’re asked to.”

Planned Parenthood claims that the police department is in league with TCAPP, and isn't enforcing the ordinance correctly, but Peters says that the lawsuit is malicious.

“You have a billion-dollar industry suing local church pastors that aren’t wealthy at all, for singing and peaceable assembly,” he said. “We’ve been running for two years. We’ve never been cited. We don’t cause destruction. We don’t loot. We don’t riot. We literally go to Planned Parenthood and we hold church once a month. We do this after hours. We are not causing any harm.”

Illinois Dad Returns to Sidewalk Counselors to Say, "You guys changed our mind."

Screenshot from Pro-Life
Action League video
After seeing pro-life advocates outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Aurora, Illinois, a couple decided against abortion. A video taken by the a member of the Pro-Life Action League shows a conversation between one of those advocates and the saved child's father, who came back to thank the people working to save children from abortion.

“A week ago, we were thinking about coming here and, you know, getting an abortion and everything but… then we saw how many people out here… actually kinda care—and we were right across the street over there—and… me and my wife were just looking and we were just saying, like, ‘Man, a lot of people do care about this,'” the father told the Pro-Life Action League.

After thanking the group for being there to change his and his wife's minds, the man asked the pro-life advocates to pray for him to find a better job that would be able to help him provide for his growing family (which already has two other children).

“God put you guys in front of us because He told us — we were parked right there and we were just staring over here and we were just thinking about it, thinking about, thinking about it and we were just looking at the baby’s pictures [images of abortion victims] like, we can’t do that. But I thank all you guys for being out here,” he said. “I thank you guys so much, man, because honestly, you guys changed our mind. I feel like if you guys weren’t here that day we probably would have stepped in there.”

August 3, 2020

Pro-Life Activists Arrested Outside DC Planned Parenthood Clinic for Chalking Pro-life Messages

SFLA student leader Erica Caporaletti being arrested
Photo Credit: SFLA
Update: Washington DC Metropolitan Police spokeswoman Alaina Gertz told the Daily Caller that the activists were arrested for “the defacing of private/public property,” and were “both citation released.” This hypocritical statement shows that Mayor Bowser is only allowing protestors she agrees with to use street painting as a method of political protest.

On Saturday, August 1, pro-life activists with Students for Life of America were arrested in front of a Washington D.C. Planned Parenthood clinic for chalking pro-life messages on the sidewalk. Students for Life claims that the organization had obtained a permit to paint "Black Preborn Lives Matter" on the road using temporary paint, but pro-life activists were met with police threats when they arrived at the clinic.

“After applying and receiving our permit for this event today, after being told by the Metropolitan police that the Mayor has… ‘opened a Pandora’s box’ by painting public streets, we arrived to find six police cars threatening to arrest our team and students if they painted, even using the [temporary] paint we bought that the Police Department specifically requested,” said SFLA President Kristan Hawkins. “When we asked if we could at least use sidewalk chalk to chalk our anti-violence message on the streets, the police threatened to arrest us.”

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser “will be hearing from Students for Life’s attorneys about these unconstitutional efforts to limit speech to government-approved topics.”

Students for Life of America (SFLA) Strategic Partnerships Advisor Warner DePriest and SFLA student leader Erica Caporaletti from Towson University were arrested for chalking pro-life messages on the sidewalk in defiance of police requests.

July 31, 2020

Daleiden and Merritt Face Appeals Court for Exposing Planned Parenthood's Harvesting and Sale of Body Parts

David Daleiden
Photo Credit: American Life League / Flickr
Defense lawyers for Center for Medical Progress (CMP) undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt asked San Francisco Superior Court Judge Suzanne Ramos Bolanos to drop the abortion lobby's unprecedented charges against their clients. Sadly only one count was dropped from Daleiden and two from Merritt.

Planned Parenthood and the state of California still have eight charges against the journalists who exposed the abortion business for harvesting and selling the body parts of aborted children. After the CMP undercover project released several videos that showed Planned Parenthood abortionists discussing the procedures for procuring and selling baby body parts, the abortion giant fired back by suing the journalists under California's eavesdropping law. If convicted Daleiden and Merritt could face up to 10 years in prison. Journalists have never been charged under the California privacy law before.

The journalists' defense lawyers from the Thomas More Society and Liberty Counsel argue that the nature of the charges is largely political, and the journalists shouldn't be in violation of any laws. California eavesdropping law has an exception for recordings created while the recorder believes that they are collecting information about violent crimes, and that stipulation clearly applies in this case.

Now-Senator Kamala Harris originally levied the charges against the journalists while she was the California Attorney General, but she had a clear conflict of interest.

“The political careers of both Becerra and Harris have been supported and financed by Planned Parenthood,” reads a Thomas More Society press release.

Thomas More Society President Thomas Brejcha also stated in a press release that “David had a reasonable belief that he could find evidence of a felony crime of violence against human beings, namely, infanticide, that is, the killing of babies born alive with beating hearts,”

Teen Hospitalized after Abortion at Chicago Clinic

A 17-year-old girl experienced a medical emergency on May 30 after completing an abortion at the Michigan Avenue Center for Health in downtown Chicago.

According to 911 records collected by the Pro-Life Action League and released in a video by Operation Rescue, the 17-year old girl who had a history of seizures suffered severe seizures after completing an abortion and required an ambulance. The ambulance was asked to park in the back alley of the clinic to pick up the patient because the caller believed it was "more accessible."

The owners of the Michigan Avenue Center for Health used to own seven abortion facilities, but over time husband and wife Vinod and Vijay Goyal have had to close four of them. The Michigan Avenue clinic appears to be in the process of closing down, so that number may soon decrease to two abortion clinics.

July 30, 2020

Illinois Representative Jan Schakowsky Leads Push to Repeal Pro-Life Helms Amendment

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
In an act of modern-day colonialism, Illinois Representative Jan Schakowsky announced a new bill titled the “Abortion is Health Care Everywhere Act of 2020,” to repeal the pro-life Helms Amendment. The Helms Amendment prevents federal tax dollars from funding organizations that promote abortion in other countries.

Specifically, the Helms Amendment reads, “no foreign assistance funds may be used to pay for the performance of abortion as a method of family planning or to motivate or coerce any person to practice abortions.”

The following statement is from a press release issued by Rep. Schakowsky:

“The Helms Amendment is a policy deeply rooted in racism. It imposes our arbitrary and medically unnecessary abortion restrictions on international communities, allowing the United States to control the health care and bodily autonomy of billions [of] Black and brown people around the world.

Just like the Hyde Amendment [which prevents federal funds from being used for abortion within the US], the Helms Amendment puts reproductive and economic freedom out of reach for women of color. But enough is enough, and both amendments must fall if we want to realize true health equity and reproductive justice.”

There are two major problems with this statement.

First, the United States is not controlling the "health care and bodily autonomy" of foreign women by denying foreign aid to organizations that promote abortion abroad. These organizations are not entitled to US tax dollars.

Second, the Helms Amendment is not racist. Imposing the Western (and false) idea that abortion is healthcare to black and brown communities worldwide IS racist. The reason that many African nations don't have widespread access to abortion is that the people who live there don't want it. It is white, wealthy, progressive westerners that send money to political organizations trying to change the abortion laws of traditionally conservative nations. Believing that western nations know what's best for nations of black and brown people is truly racist because it implies that black and brown nations are unintelligent and can't be trusted to make decisions for themselves.

National Abortion Rights Action League Endorses Biden for President

Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr
The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) announced that it is endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for president on Monday. This announcement comes only a year after the same organization wrote a highly critical statement of Biden's previous support for the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the use of taxpayer funding to pay for abortions.

“NARAL Pro-Choice America and our 2.5 million members are committed to powering Vice President Biden to victory this November and working with his administration to protect and expand access to abortion care and birth control,” reads the announcement by NARAL president Ilyse Hogue.

“Joe Biden will stand for freedom over Donald Trump’s desire to control women. He will put a stop to Trump’s dangerous anti-choice political agenda when so much hangs in the balance.”

In June of 2019, the NARAL wrote a very different statement that criticized Biden's support of the Hyde Amendment and likely led to him flip-flopping on the issue. In 2019, Hogue said that, “no political or ideological excuse for Joe Biden’s support for the Hyde Amendment, which translates into discrimination against poor women and women of color plain and simple.”

Interestingly, Biden even said immediately after the Roe v. Wade decision that the Supreme Court “too far” by making abortion legal.

Biden's opinion on abortion as time passed flipped entirely, and he now has the full support of the pro-abortion lobby which rejected him not long ago.

July 29, 2020

FDA Appeals Federal Judge's Suspension of Abortion Pill Regulations

Photo Credit: Halacious / Unsplash
Obama-appointed U.S. District Judge Theodore Chuang suspended the FDA's Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) requirements for the abortion pill Mifepristone earlier this month, but on Tuesday the FDA responded by filing an appeal to his decision.

“Particularly in light of the limited timeframe during which a medication abortion or any abortion must occur, such infringement on the right to an abortion would constitute irreparable harm,” Chuang wrote in his ruling. “By causing certain patients to decide between forgoing or substantially delaying abortion care, or risking exposure to COVID-19 for themselves, their children, and family members, the In-Person Requirements present a serious burden to many abortion patients.”

The FDA argued that the REMS requirements are necessary for Mifepristone, and suspending the regulations puts women at risk for health problems that they would otherwise have been protected from.

“Defendants will also suffer irreparable harm in the absence of a stay because they will be unable to enforce requirements that FDA has determined, based on its experience and scientific expertise, are necessary to ensure safe use of Mifeprex,” the FDA appeal reads. “Requiring patients to obtain Mifeprex at a clinic — as has been required for years — does not deprive women of the ‘ability to make a decision to have an abortion.’”

The requirement that women visit a doctor in a clinic before receiving mifepristone protects women by making it more likely that a woman will have an ultrasound before receiving the pills. By completing an ultrasound, doctors will be able to diagnose pregnancy conditions such as ectopic pregnancy (in which an unborn child has implanted itself outside their mother's uterus). Abnormal pregnancy conditions increase the likelihood of complications such as hemorrhage and death which can occur if a woman with such conditions completes the abortion pill regimen.

July 28, 2020

National Right to Life Criticizes Passage of Pro-Abortion House Appropriations Package

Photo Credit: Ron Cogswell / Flickr
The US House of Representatives voted 224-189 along party lines last week to pass the State, Foreign Operations, Agriculture, Rural Development, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act. National Right to Life released a statement criticizing the House for passing this bill, which serves to promote abortion globally by bypassing or overturning pro-life policies of the past.

"National Right to Life issued a letter sent to members on July 22nd, urging representatives to vote against the legislation," the press release reads. "H.R. 7608 effectively overturns the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA) policy, weakens the Kemp-Kasten Amendment, and increases funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). National Right to Life (NRLC) will be adding the vote on the bill to its scorecard for the 116th Congress."

The PLGHA program requires  private organizations to sign contracts promising that they will not perform abortions (except to save the mother’s life or in cases of rape or incest), lobby to change the abortion laws of host countries, or otherwise “actively promote abortion as a method of family planning.” If they refuse to sign such a contract, they cannot receive funding from the US government.

By weakening the Kemp-Kasten Amendment and increasing funding to the UNFPA, H.R. 7608 additionally weakens the US President's ability to deny “population assistance” funds to organizations or programs that promote “coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.”

“Abortion groups and their allies are willing to trample the laws of sovereign nations and place women and their children in harm’s way— all in an effort to create a global ‘right’ to abortion,” said National Right to Life President Carol Tobias.

July 27, 2020

Appeals Court Issues Temporary Injunction Against Hospital to Protect Baby Tinslee from 10-Day Rule

Tinslee Lewis
On Friday, July 24, a Texas Appeals Court issued a temporary injunction against Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas to prevent it from removing 17-month-old Tinslee Lewis from life support until the court makes a decision on the constitutionality of the state's "10-Day Rule."

Trinity Lewis, Tinslee's mother, sued the hospital in November 2019 to challenge the 10-Day Rule. The Texas rule allows a hospital's ethics committee to determine whether the hospital will continue providing healthcare to a patient. If it makes the decision to stop providing care, the patient's family members have a total of 10 days to find another healthcare facility willing to take the patient before the hospital stops caring for the patient and simply allows them to die.

In its decision to issue a temporary injunction against Cook Children's Medical Center, the court wrote that the 10-Day Rule is “likely unconstitutional” because it does not provide due process protections to patients and likely violates their civil rights.

July 24, 2020

24 Attorneys General Sue HHS for Removing Abortion from Definition of "Sex Discrimination"

New York Attorney General Letitia James
Photo Credit: Matt Cohen / Flickr
24 Democratic state attorneys general led by New York Attorney General Letitia James have filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration's recent decision to reverse a 2016 “anti-discrimination” rule that would have forced medical professionals to abort children and perform "gender transition" operations against their consciences.

The rule in question was implemented in May of 2016 by the Obama administration and redefined "sex discrimination" in the Affordable Care Act to include an individual's “internal sense of gender, which may be male, female, neither, or a combination of male and female,” as well as “termination of pregnancy.” 

A court injunction against the Obama-era rule was placed in December of 2016 because it conflicted with the religious freedoms of healthcare workers, and this ruling was upheld in 2019.

Just last month, however, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that they will “enforce Section 1557 by returning to the government’s interpretation of sex discrimination according to the plain meaning of the word ‘sex’ as male or female and as determined by biology.”

By reversing the rule, not only was the Trump administration altering a rule that was already found to be unlawful by federal courts, but it was preventing the conscience rights of workers from being taken away by future judges who could potentially reverse the current ruling.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: “Abortion quite simply isn’t a human right.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr
Last Friday at The Family Leader Summit in West Des Moines, Iowa, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke about several aspects of the Trump administration's foreign policy, including actions taken to protect the lives of the unborn internationally.

Click here to watch the Secretary of State's speech.

“Our founders built our country on a commitment to essential rights, unalienable rights,” Pompeo declared in his remarks. “That comes from these amazing documents, our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, and our nation’s foreign policy must be grounded in those central understandings.”

“Abortion quite simply isn’t a human right,” Pompeo said. “It takes a human life.” 

Pompeo spoke about several steps the Trump administration has taken to preserve the lives of unborn children abroad. The reinstated the Mexico City policy, which prevents taxpayer funding from going to Non-Governmental Organizations that provide abortions in other countries, and it has gathered a coalition of countries to take a stand against pro-life language in United Nations documents and legislation.

Pompeo took time during his speech to mention current events in China, where Muslim women are being forced into abortions and sterilizations by a tyrannical government. "These are some of the most gross human rights violations we have seen, and I have referred to it as the stain of the century," he said. The Trump administration has responded to a series of human rights violations in China recently by placing sanctions against Chinese officials.

"We've executed a foreign policy that American families in Des Moines and Dubuque and Davenport can believe in. It's a pro-national security foreign policy focused on America. It's a pro-religious freedom foreign policy, and its a 100% pro-life foreign policy."

July 23, 2020

"Baby Lives Matter" Mural Painted in front of Salt Lake City Planned Parenthood Clinic. It was Removed 10 Hours Later.

On the evening of Friday, July 17, artist Tayler Hansen painted a mural on the street in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Salt Lake City, Utah which read "BABY LIVES MATTER." Not 10 hours after it was completed, the mural was removed. After completing it, he posted a short video on Twitter explaining himself.

"This affects every race, but Planned Parenthood was founded by eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who consulted with the KKK to create the organization," Hansen told Fox News. "They place these abortion mills in predominantly poor and Black demographics on purpose, to exterminate the Black race. The true racism happening in America today is Planned Parenthood."

After people had begun to remove his paint from the street, Hansen tweeted, "The mural has already been desecrated and erased to an extent. THIS IS NOT OVER!"

Black pro-life activist Bevelyn Beatty was arrested on July 18 for putting black paint on top of a similar "Black Lives Matter" street mural in front of Trump Tower.

Life Legal Submits Brief to Supreme Court Challenging Viability Standards

Photo Credit: Joe Gratz / Flickr
In a brief to the Supreme Court, the pro-life organization Life Legal is challenging the viability standards established by the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

On Monday, July 20, Life Legal submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in support of Mississippi’s “Gestational Age Act,” which is currently being challenged in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The case involves Mississippi’s “Gestational Age Act,” prohibiting abortion after 15 weeks.

"Our brief is an attack on the unworkable “viability” standard adopted by the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade and affirmed in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which has cost the lives of millions of babies," Life Legal wrote in a press release. "These cases rely on a highly subjective determination of a baby’s 'capability of meaningful life outside the mother’s womb.'"

Life Legal used examples from other Supreme Court Cases to prove its point that the Supreme Court Rulings in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey were flawed and need to be corrected.

"...we urge the Court to look to its own ruling in Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, where it found that a state does not have to make judgments about the “quality” of an individual’s life but can “assert an unqualified interest” in protecting human life.  The Cruzan case involved a disabled young woman whose parents wanted to remove her feeding tube. The Court did not accept the parent’s argument that their daughter’s lack of a sufficient “quality of life” was a reason to kill her and held that a higher standard of evidence was required before someone could make the irreversible decision to end the life of a person who cannot communicate his or her wishes. In so doing, the Court affirmed the state’s interest in protecting human life, without regard to the perceived worth of that life."

Life Legal also takes issue with the fact that the survival rate of prematurely born children is influenced significantly by hospitals and medical professionals that refuse to even attempt to save children who are born before a certain gestational age. This heavily influences when many medical professionals believe a child becomes "viable." Even though increased knowledge and quality of care have lowered the minimum gestational age that babies have survived birth, many hospitals leave outdated "viability" standards in place and refuse care to children born any earlier.

"Studies have demonstrated that a baby’s survivability does not depend only on reaching a specific gestational age, but on the medical care that is available and especially on the attitudes of physicians and hospitals regarding the quality of life and disability," Life Legal wrote. "For example, Providence Women and Children’s Services of Oregon categorically denies medical care for babies before at 22 weeks or earlier, regardless of the parents’ wishes. Not surprisingly, its survival rate for those babies is 0%, whereas the survival rate for 22-week babies is as high as 60% in other hospitals."

July 22, 2020

Planned Parenthood Tries to Distance Itself from The Racist History of its Founder, Margaret Sanger

Planned Parenthood Founder
Margaret Sanger
Planned Parenthood has announced that it will try to distance itself from the racist history of its founder, Margaret Sanger, by removing the eugenicist's name from the Planned Parenthood of Greater New York building. Planned Parenthood of Greater New York is the abortion business's largest affiliate.

Karen Seltzer, the chair of the New York affiliate’s board, said in a statement, “The removal of Margaret Sanger’s name from our building is both a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood’s contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color.”

Margaret Sanger's eugenicist beliefs motivated many of her actions when it came to promoting abortion. One of her most infamous initiatives, which she called her "Negro Project," involved using black community leaders to promote abortion to black women who otherwise would never have considered abortion. This would further the eugenist goal of reducing the population growth of black and brown people (whom eugenicists believe are genetically inferior to whites). About her "Negro Project," Margaret Sanger said:

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.

We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Margaret Sanger's bigoted philosophy of eugenics is mired in racism, classism, and ableism. It deeply influenced the development of Planned Parenthood. It is the reason that a disproportionate number of Planned Parenthood clinics are located in low-income minority communities, and it is the reason that women bearing children with disabilities are pressured to abort their babies. While Planned Parenthood may try to remove Margaret Sanger's name from its buildings, her legacy remains alive and well.

Trump Admin. Appoints Pro-Life Leader to USAID

Patrina Mosley
Photo Credit: American Life League / Flickr
The Trump administration appointed pro-life leader Patrina Mosley to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) recently, and she began her job at the agency on June 8. She previously worked for the Family Research Council as the director of life, culture, and women’s advocacy, and in her new job, she will be able to influence agencies that have pushed to promote abortions globally by using federal tax dollars.

Mosley has voiced her frustration with the United Nations in the past for using the COVID-19 pandemic to promote abortion by sending abortion equipment to countries that need help dealing with the disease.

“The United Nations has acted as the global enforcer of liberalism, disregarding the national sovereignty of nations by withholding aid to nations that do not support their abortion agenda,” Mosley wrote in a letter to the UN. “For far too long, developing countries that desperately need basic necessities have had to choose between their national sovereignty in holding values like the sanctity of life or accepting UN food and water that come with contraceptives and abortions. So much for the UN being 'humanitarian.' Now that we as a global community are confronting something we have rarely faced before with the current pandemic, it should not be controversial to collectively say: Abortion is not humanitarian aid.”