July 21, 2016

NARAL bashes strongly pro-life GOP “Protecting Human Life” platform plank

Who’d thought, what are the odds, that yours truly would agree (for altogether different reasons) with Ilyse G. Hogue, President, NARAL Pro-Choice America, not once in one week but twice?

First, she bemoaned Donald Trump’s selection of pro-life Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate, “perhaps the most anti-choice governor in America. … Pence is so extreme that he once said he ‘longs for the day that Roe v. Wade is sent to the ash heap of history.’ Politico once said, ‘Nobody hates Planned Parenthood quite as much as Mike Pence.’”

Then, there was that Republican platform plank on “Protecting Human Life.” Hogue lamented/warned/threatened, “Donald Trump’s Republican Party just adopted the most anti-choice party platform of all time. It’s like the wish list of the most radical anti-abortion extremists in America…”

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ObamaCare rules set up a miry pit for religious freedom

An attorney suggests that new rules affecting the Affordable Care Act may make it vulnerable to another round of lawsuits.

The federal rules require healthcare providers to participate in sex-change therapy and surgery and abortion, regardless of their conscience or religious beliefs. Attorney Anna Paprocki of Americans United for Life says the rules acknowledge federal protections for conscience but the rule itself doesn't contain them.

“It becomes a question [of] why are you throwing this in there in the first place when we're talking about categorizing discrimination on the basis of sex to include abortion or termination of pregnancy?” she explains. “The question is why they are doing that - but it does at least purport to acknowledge that there are some existing federal conscience laws.”

However, ObamaCare tried to force insurance coverage for contraception and abortion-causing drugs on Catholic nuns - specifically, the Little Sisters of the Poor - even though the Constitution provides for religious freedom.

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July 20, 2016

Republican platform plank on abortion is staunchly pro-life

Below you will find the very, very pro-life Republican platform plank which is titled, “Protecting Human Life.”

Hitting just some of the highlights, that the Republican Party reaffirms: its commitment to the “sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed”; its support for judges who “respect innocent human life”; its opposition to “the non-consensual withdrawal including food and water, from individuals with disabilities, newborns, the elderly, or the infirm, just as we oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide”; to “affirm[ing] our moral obligation to assist, rather than penalize, women who face an unplanned pregnancy”; and to support for many pro-life pieces of legislation that have passed or should pass.

In the last paragraph, it states an undeniable truism:

The Democratic Party is extreme on abortion. Democrats’ almost limitless support for abortion, and their strident opposition to even the most basic restrictions on abortion, put them dramatically out of step with the American people.

Protecting Human Life

The Constitution’s guarantee that no one can “be deprived of life, liberty or property” deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence’s proclamation that “all” are “endowed by their Creator” with the inalienable right to life. Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to children before birth. We oppose the use of public funds to perform or promote abortion or to fund organizations, like Planned Parenthood, so long as they provide or refer for elective abortions or sell fetal body parts rather than provide healthcare. We urge all states and Congress to make it a crime to acquire, transfer, or sell fetal tissues from elective abortions for research, and we call on Congress to enact a ban on any sale of fetal body parts. In the meantime, we call on Congress to ban the practice of misleading women on so-called fetal harvesting consent forms, a fact revealed by a 2015 investigation. We will not fund or subsidize healthcare that includes abortion coverage.

We affirm our moral obligation to assist, rather than penalize, women who face an unplanned pregnancy. In order to encourage women who face an unplanned pregnancy to choose life, we support legislation that requires financial responsibility for the child be equally borne by both the mother and father upon conception until the child reaches adulthood. Failure to require a father to be equally responsible for a child places an inequitable burden on the mother, creating a financial and social hardship on both mother and child. We celebrate the millions of Americans who open their hearts, homes, and churches to mothers in need and women fleeing abuse. We thank and encourage providers of counseling, medical services, and adoption assistance for empowering women experiencing an unintended pregnancy to choose life. We support funding for ultrasounds and adoption assistance. We salute the many states that now protect women and girls through laws requiring informed consent, parental consent, waiting periods, and clinic regulation. We condemn the Supreme Court’s activist decision in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt striking down commonsense Texas laws providing for basic health and safety standards in abortion clinics.

We applaud the U.S. House of Representatives for leading the effort to add enforcement to the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act by passing the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which imposes appropriate civil and criminal penalties on healthcare providers who fail to provide treatment and care to an infant who survives an abortion, including early induction delivery whether the death of the infant is intended. We strongly oppose infanticide. Over a dozen states have passed Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Acts prohibiting abortion after twenty weeks, the point at which current medical research shows that unborn babies can feel excruciating pain during abortions, and we call on Congress to enact the federal version. Not only is it good legislation, but it enjoys the support of a majority of the American people. We support state and federal efforts against the cruelest forms of abortion, especially dismemberment abortion procedures, in which unborn babies are literally torn apart limb from limb.

We call on Congress to ban sex-selection abortions and abortions based on disabilities — discrimination in its most lethal form. We oppose embryonic stem cell research. We oppose federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. We support adult stem cell research and urge the restoration of the national placental stem cell bank created by President George H.W. Bush but abolished by his Democrat successor, President Bill Clinton. We oppose federal funding for harvesting embryos and call for a ban on human cloning.

The Democratic Party is extreme on abortion. Democrats’ almost limitless support for abortion, and their strident opposition to even the most basic restrictions on abortion, put them dramatically out of step with the American people. Because of their opposition to simple abortion clinic safety procedures, support for taxpayer-funded abortion, and rejection of pregnancy resource centers that provide abortion alternatives, the old Clinton mantra of “safe, legal, and rare” has been reduced to just “legal.” We are proud to be the party that protects human life and offers real solutions for women

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

Buffett Foundation gives PPFA $35 million in one year alone, Soros Foundations also heavy funders of abortion industry

If you read only the headline in the story that appeared in Inside Philanthropy, or skimmed the paragraphs, you’d think there was almost some sort of parity: big-time donors give pretty much the same to pro-life and pro-abortion organizations.

That conclusion could hardly be further from the truth. Big-time money goes almost exclusively to the likes of Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation.

Warren Buffett is one of the absolutely richest men in the world. As Kiersten Marek explains, the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation [STBF] is “named after Warren Buffett’s late wife and bankrolled by Buffet family wealth.” The foundation, she explains,

is the most important player by far in the abortion space. STBF has given tens of millions of dollars to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, as well state affiliates, since 2010. The foundation gave over $35 million in 2014 alone.

There is the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Marek writes

The next-largest donor to the fight for reproductive health and justice is the Hewlett Foundation, which has given over $10 million to support Planned Parenthood’s U.S. work since 2010.

Who else? Obviously George Soros’ “Open Society Foundations” would have his hand in this:

In 2012, it made a $13.2 million grant to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and at least $5 million in other OSF grants have gone to that group since 2010.

That grantmaking reflects an announced $20 million investment in 2011 to be distributed over a four-year period...

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July 19, 2016

Commemorating 40 Years of the Life-Saving Hyde Amendment, Over a million lives saved

2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the “Hyde Amendment,” named for prolife champion the late Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Il). The Hyde Amendment is conservatively credited with saving the lives of over a million people.

First enacted in 1976, the Hyde Amendment is a provision attached to the annual appropriations bill that covers many federal health programs (including Medicaid). The Hyde Amendment currently prohibits the use of federal funds in those programs for abortion, except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.

Initially blocked by a federal judge, the Hyde Amendment was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1980 in Harris v. McRae by the narrowest of margins, 5-4. The justices said Congress could distinguish between abortion and “other medical procedures” because “no other procedure involves the purposeful termination of a potential life.”

While the Supreme Court did not back away even a little from its 1973 conclusion that a woman had a right under the Constitution to an abortion, the justices concluded the government was not required to fund the exercise of that right.

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July 18, 2016

Court discovers abortion funding in U.S. Constitution

An attorney reacting to a federal appeals court ruling on abortion funding says the court has abandoned the U.S. Constitution. 

In Colorado, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of abortion funding after Utah Gov. Gary Herbert cut off state funds going to Planned Parenthood.

Not only did the court rule against Herbert, in favor of the abortion giant, but it suggested that denying taxpayers' funds violates the Constitution.

The appeals court decided "there's a good chance the governor's order violated the group's constitutional rights," The Associated Press, citing the court order, reported Wednesday.

American Family Association public policy analyst Abe Hamilton says the legal system has entered a "post-constitutional era, where the judiciary has practically abandoned all pretense of any types of tethering to the Constitution."

No corporation or non-profit has a constitutional right to tax dollars, Hamilton points out.

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PP aborted nearly 1M globally in 2015

A recent report released by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) divulged that 964,325 preborn babies were killed via abortions administered through its affiliates last year by both surgical and chemical procedures.

Pro-life advocates say that the number is a “tragedy beyond reckoning.”

“If you were to read off the names of IPPF’s tiny victims — without sleeping, breaking or pausing — it would take you almost two years,” LifeNews.com reports. “In fact, you would never finish. By the time you finished reading the list of all the lives lost in 2015, IPPF’s abortion facilities will have added another 2 million lives to be accounted for.”

In fact, Planned Parenthood’s legacy of terminating human life goes back many decades.

“Over the past 60 years, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and its affiliates have terminated the lives of millions more unborn children,” LifeNews.com’s Jonathan Abbamonte and Steven W. Mosher informed. “IPPF claims to have provided 16.8 million abortion-related services over the past five years — some 4.3 million in 2015 alone. IPPF invests tens of millions of dollars in its affiliates and other like-minded organizations every year to promote abortion and contraception worldwide.”

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July 14, 2016

2-State Medical Clinic–“The Hope Van”–to Hit the Road with Mobile Unit

Situated in the northwest corner of Illinois and the southeast corner of Iowa, Quad Cities Pregnancy Resources is one organization spread across two sites and, as it happens, two states.

In July 2016, the number of locations will increase dramatically—depending on the day of the week, that is—once the organization gets its mobile ultrasound unit on the road.

The group’s executive director, Susan Skoklund, says the mobile unit—nicknamed “The Hope Van”—will start out operating three days a week with a plan to move to five days a week in five different locations.

Slated for a ribbon-cutting ceremony July 15, Skoglund is projecting the new addition to help the 26-year-old organization increase its already impressive suite of services that delivered over 3,000 unique points of assistance in 2015.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

Would a President Hillary Clinton be any worse than other pro-abortion Democrat Presidents? Yes! Here’s how

Can Hillary Clinton be worse? Oh, yes. Let me count just some of the ways.

Clinton likes to talk about herself as a “grandmother.” But because of the policies she has supported–and would vigorously advance as President Hillary Clinton–there are far fewer grandmothers, and mothers,

Proud “feminist” that she is, Clinton is not shy about her unabashed, four-square support for abortion on demand, at home and abroad.

Before itemizing just a portion of her many extremist positions, remember that Clinton is a founding mother of the Sisterhood of Death. PPFA loves her, EMILY’s List adores her, NARAL thinks she is a secular saint. Collectively they will spend multiple tens of millions of dollars to elect “one of them” to the White House.

In the administration of a President Hillary Clinton, PPFA et al. won’t just have access. You can bet a slew of its key leaders will not only advise on policy but also be in appointed positions where they can make policy.

Half of her appointments (at least) will be women. Can you imagine any woman making the cut if she didn’t pass the pro-abortion litmus test?

As a U.S. Senator, Clinton had a 100% voting record against the babies. While some others of her ilk found partial-birth abortions a step too far, not Clinton. Clinton voted repeatedly to keep partial-birth abortion legal.

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Painfully unfunny doesn’t keep NARAL from running “Comedians in Cars Getting Abortions”

I have no idea if Jerry Seinfeld has ever talked about abortion, but, regardless, should he should see “Comedians in Cars Getting Abortions,” I am confident he will cringe.

Granted, NARAL is tone-deaf, but are they so lost in space they think doing a Seinfeld rip off will turn abortion into a joke? (In recent years, Seinfeld has produced a video series–“Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee”– in which he talks with other famous celebrities for 15 to 25 minutes while they are riding around in various snazzy cars.)

The gist of the 6:33 video is that abortions are really difficult to get. Given the setting, presumably California, this is preposterous on its face.

Abortions are “hard to get”? Please. They joke about going to another abortion clinic in a nearby city but since it’s been a month since a famous music festival, it will be “super busy.” It’s harder to get a Prius in California than it is an abortion.

We are dealing with people whose goal in life is to end as many unborn lives as possible.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

House passes Conscience Protection Act

In a largely party-line 245-182 vote, the US House of Representatives has passed the Conscience Protection Act.

The legislation provides that federal, state, and local governments “may not penalize, retaliate against, or otherwise discriminate against a health care provider on the basis that the provider does not perform, refer for, pay for, or otherwise participate in abortion.”

Three Democrats broke with their colleagues to vote for the bill, and one Republican voted against it.

Click here for more from Catholic World News.

July 13, 2016

Victory: GOP Party Platform to Include 'Right to Life' for Pre-Born, Defunding of Planned Parenthood

The Republican Party Platform Committee adopted draft language on Tuesday that supports defunding Planned Parenthood and extending the Constitutional "right to life" to pre-born babies.

Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, in currently in Cleveland with #OperationRNC, which is a campaign led by Created Equal to ensure the GOP party platform remains pro-life.  Newman also served as a founding board member of the Center for Medical Progress, the group that released undercover videos last year showing Planned Parenthood officials haggling over the price of aborted baby parts.

"We are celebrating today on the streets of Cleveland. We got everything we have asked for in the party platform," said Newman. "This shows that the pro-life movement is strong, influential, and here to stay until abortion is banned permanently."

The adopted draft language states:

The Constitution's guarantee that no one can be deprived of life, liberty, or property deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence's proclamation that "all" are "endowed by their Creator" with the right to life. Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.

We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to children before birth. We oppose the use of public funds to perform or promote abortion or to fund organizations, like Planned Parenthood, that perform or advocate it and will not fund or subsidize health care which includes abortion coverage.

Click here for more from Christian Newswire.

July 12, 2016

NBC News story blatantly manipulates data to “prove” that second trimester abortions increased because of pro-life law

When a relentlessly pro-abortion reporter writes a story with a headline such as “More Second-Trimester Abortions Occurred Under Texas Law: Exclusive,” you know two things for certain.

First–obviously–the post is intended to justify the Supreme Court’s decision last month to gut portions of the pro-life 2013 Texas law.

Second, that nine chances out of ten, the whole story is phony–or, if you are willing to suspend disbelief, a lapse in reporting.

And, sure enough, both are true.

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A vote to protect people of conscience

On Wednesday, the House will vote on the Conscience Protection Act of 2016 (S 304), which prohibits people with conscience or religious objections – and churches and religious institutions as well – being forced to participate in abortion. It would also prohibit use of federal funds to discriminate against pro-life Americans.

Arina Grossu of Family Research Council Action provides an example.

"In California and New York, there's a mandate that forces churches and religious organizations to cover abortion in the employee health plans against their moral objections," she says. "So the Conscience Protection Act would ensure that people with moral objections to being involved at all in abortions will not have to be."

Complaints have been filed with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services by people forced to participate in abortion. Grossu tells OneNewsNow there's been no protection for those individuals.


We urge you to click here to visit the NRLC Legislative Action Center,

From there, it is easy to send an email to your U.S. Representative, urging that he or she support the Conscience Protection Act when the House takes it up on Wednesday, July 13.

Click here to take action NOW.

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Graphic Abortion Banners Go Airborne Over Cleveland July 13-21

On July 13, Created Equal will begin flying graphic abortion tow banners over the city of Cleveland as part of an outreach known as #OperationRNC during the Republican National Convention.

An aerial tow banner of a 15-week abortion will be juxtaposed to the words "Rescue uNborn Children."

See the airborne banners HERE.

In addition to the airplane banners, Created Equal has scheduled outdoor events around the Cleveland area July 13-15.  To see the schedule, go to: bit.ly/26QH0q6 

Click here for more from Christian Newswire.

Pro-life Activists to Hold Peaceful Sit-in and Risk Arrest

Groups to hold the sit-in/pray-in in front of Quicken Loans Arena on Wednesday, July 13 at 1:00 P.M.

Quicken Loans Arena is where the Republican National Convention will be held the following week.

The activists will kneel on the steps of Quicken Loans Arena or in the streets directly in front of the Arena, being a voice for the 900 children that are violently killed through abortion every day at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics across America.

Groups will also ask that the $540,000,000 given to Planned Parenthood annually instead go to 13,000 federally licensed health clinics that provide true comprehensive women's health care.

This sit-in/pray-in is part of a three day campaign in Cleveland, from July 13-15, calling for the Republican Party to defund Planned Parenthood in their Party Platform.

Click here for more from Christian Newswire.

July 11, 2016

Obama Administration brazenly tramples on the rule of law

As the Obama Administration has approached its end, President Obama and his appointees have become more and more brazen in trampling on the rule of law. Where they have an ideological goal that Congress has not enacted into law, they manufacture their own laws, in the form of executive orders, and directives from various federal agencies. Where there is a law that they find ideologically distasteful, they refuse to enforce it, or they gut it by radical reinterpretation.

Two years ago, the California Department of Managed Care, issued a decree, mandating that nearly all health plans in the state must cover all abortions. Well, we said, they can’t do that, because since 2004 we have had a federal law, the Weldon Amendment, that says no state government that receives any federal Health and Human Services money – and of course may discriminate against any health care provider for refusing to participate in providing abortions. The law explicitly includes insurance coverage, and explicitly covers health plans.

Various churches and religiously affiliated schools filed complaints with the Obama Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), asking that the Administration enforce the federal law, and thereby compel California to withdraw the state mandate that was forcing these churches and schools to pay for the killing of unborn children.

For two years, the Administration did nothing – despite many urgings and proddings from members of Congress. Then, finally, on June 21, HHS took action. But it did not act to compel California to withdraw its abortion mandate. Instead the Administration sent letters to the people in California who had complained, announcing that no violation of federal law had occurred. The letters were written by a government lawyer whose previous job was vice-president of a center for pro-abortion legal activism. She announced that HHS had decided the Weldon Amendment only applied to those who file objections to abortion on “religious or moral grounds,” and said the department had decided that the insurance companies in California did not have such religion-based objections. The churches and religiously affiliated employers who filed the complaints did have religious objections, but they were not health care providers and therefore they were not covered by the law.

Now, there is no language whatsoever in the Weldon law that imposes a religious test, and the Weldon Amendment explicitly includes “health plan(s)” within its scope – so on its face, the California decree was as blatant a violation of the federal law as could be imagined. To avoid this conclusion, the Administration had to engage in blatant fabrication, in order to achieve its ideologically dictated end. And for good measure, they suggested that the Weldon law – which does no more than protect against government-compelled participation in the killing of unborn children – might be unconstitutional, a suggestion not supported by any federal court decision.

In the face of this outrage, Paul Ryan, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, has announced that next Wednesday, July 13, the House will vote on legislation that would prevent states from requiring health care providers to participate in abortion. This legislation, the Conscience Protection Act, would prohibit any level of government from mandating that health care providers participate in abortion. It would protect individual health care providers, such as doctors and nurses, and also entities such as hospitals and health plans (and their clients). It provides for people who are affected by abortion mandates to file private lawsuits in federal courts – so the cooperation of ideologically hostile activists drawing paychecks at the federal Department of Human Services would no longer be necessary.

This legislation is urgently needed. An agency of the state of New York has already adopted an abortion mandate, similar to the California mandate, requiring small group employers to cover all kinds of abortion. And, on the very the same day that the Obama Administration gutted the Weldon Amendment, a court in Washington state ruled that public hospitals must provide abortions if they offer maternity care.

I urge you to click here to visit the Legislative Action Center,

From there, it is easy to send an email to your U.S. Representative, urging that he or she support the Conscience Protection Act when the House takes it up on Wednesday, July 13.

Click here to take action NOW.

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Democrats for Life fighting party politics

Democrats supporting the sanctity of human life from conception to natural end are trying to make their voices heard — even though the Left is much louder.

The Democratic Party platform committee is now formulating this year's platform in preparation for the presidential election, making sure Hillary Clinton will feel comfortable with it. The committee is conducting four regional meetings leading up to the four-day Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, which begins July 25.

Kristen Day, the head of Democrats for Life, outlined some provisions included on the 2012 platform.

“It called for repealing [the] Hyde [Amendment], which prevents taxpayer funding of abortion in our country,” Day informed. “And then it repeals Helm, which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion abroad. It called to repeal all reasonable regulations on abortion and sort of an after-thought, it did say ‘Well, okay, if we don't get abortion, well maybe we'll provide some support for the pregnant women.’”

This year, Day believes the platform will go all-out for abortion on demand, removing previous restrictions — including no taxpayer funding of abortions.

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Conscience Protection Act Needed

On July 13, the House is scheduled to vote on the Conscience Protection Act of 2016. It would amend the Public Health Service Act to "codify the prohibition against the federal government and state and local governments that receive federal financial assistance for health-related activities penalizing or discriminating against a health care provider based on the provider's refusal to be involved in, or provide coverage for, abortion."

The bill is necessitated by a series of decisions forcing health care providers to cover elective abortions, including late-term abortions. Two years ago, California ordered all health care providers, including Catholic entities, to provide for abortion coverage in their health care plans.

Complainants then appealed to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and on June 21 HHS sided with California law, refusing to intervene. Thus did it expressly violate federal law on this subject. After the California law was passed, New York State passed a similar measure forcing employers to cover abortions, providing no exemptions.

Click here for more from Christian Newswire.

July 8, 2016

Taste of Chicago Attendees to See Pro-Life Airplane Banner

Attendees at Taste of Chicago, Illinois' largest event of the year, will get a taste of pro-life advocacy. An airplane bearing a pro-life message will fly over the beaches of Lake Michigan and Navy Pier during the massive event today.

Chicago-area pro-life advocate Chris Iverson helped get the idea off the ground. He explained that this is a grass roots effort by a group of friends who have pooled their funds to fly a banner over the massive event. “My friends and I have this hunger to raise awareness with the communities around Chicago about the problem of abortion. Having an airplane display a message was an idea that came up in conversation. We researched it and decided to go with it. We have been very effective at reaching hundreds of thousands of people with our pro-life banners on highway overpasses, but we have this hunger to do more. We just thought, what else could we do to raise awareness that abortion takes human life?”

Click here for more from Illinois Review.