November 5, 2009

IL parental notification law again blocked

IL parental notification law again blocked

ACLU Attorney Lorie Chaiten

The other side's resolve for the completely unfettered right to kill babies knows no bounds. From the Chicago Sun-Times, November 4:

It has been 14 years and it will be at least a few more months before IL's long-mothballed parental notification law for teens seeking abortions takes effect....

A Cook County Judge Wednesday granted a temporary restraining order blocking enforcement of the law. That came after the state doctors' disciplinary board green-lighted the law over the objections of its own lawyer.

Attorneys for the ACLU, representing an abortion clinic, fought the law all the way through the federal court system and lost.

Now they argue that IL's constitution, which includes a right to privacy, grants even more abortion rights than the federal constitution, which has no explicit right to privacy.

An attorney for IL's abortion-rights-supporting attorney general, Lisa Madigan, who is charged with defending the law, said the writers of IL's 1970 constitution considered and rejected any laws recognizing or prohibiting a right to abortion. The state constitution is silent on the issue, Tom Ioppolo said.

But Judge Daniel Riley said he was persuaded enough by the ACLU's arguments that he put the law on hold to give them time to argue their case - probably at least a few months.

"I find that the arguments of the plaintiffs do in fact raise a fair question of constitutionality," Riley said. He agreed that the IL State Constitution's explicit guarantee of the right to privacy could mean a different outcome than decisions reached in federal courts around the country that have upheld parental notification laws in most states.

By the count of the anti-abortion side, 44 states, including all the other states in the Midwest, have parental notification laws that have been upheld as constitutional. In 36 of those states, the law is enforced.

But ACLU Attorney Lorie Chaiten [pictured above] argued that even in states that have had the notification law for years, young girls can be "abused, kicked out of their homes and left homeless" by some less-than-understanding parents.

The next hearing is scheduled November 19.

Contact: Jill Stanek
Publish Date: November 5, 2009
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RU-486 - an abortion 'gray area'

RU-486 - an abortion 'gray area'

A legal opinion is sought in Texas concerning use of RU-486 for abortions.

Republican State Representative Frank Corte asked Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott for an opinion on whether facilities that dispense RU-486 should be licensed by the state. Corte notes that the issue is considered a "gray area," as the drug accomplishes the same end result as a surgical process. Joe Pojman, director of Texas Alliance for Life, explains the current issue with the dispersion of RU-486, the drug that has taken the lives of 13 U.S. women and injured more than 1,000 others.
"It appears that a number of abortion facilities run by Planned Parenthood have been illegally performing abortions without a license in the city of San Antonio," says Pojman. "Four of them were shut down by the state, and it appears that those abortions were being done with the abortion pill RU-486."
Pojman points out that Texas law, which regulates abortion facilities and requires them to be licensed, applies to every method of abortion, whether surgical or chemical.
"This is just a matter of protecting the health and safety of women, and Planned Parenthood is putting women at great risk by administering this pill to perform abortions without being inspected annually and being under basic healthcare standards," Pojman notes.
He adds that it just makes sense for abortion clinics to be regulated like any other healthcare provider, and he stresses that laws should be enforced.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: November 5, 2009
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Newly Identified Corporate Supporters of Planned Parenthood Named

Newly Identified Corporate Supporters of Planned Parenthood Named


Life Decisions International (LDI) has released a revised edition of The Boycott List, which identifies corporations that are boycott targets due to their support of Planned Parenthood, the world's primary abortion-advocacy group.

"As a direct result of the commitment, action and prayers of pro-family people, at least 231 corporations have stopped funding Planned Parenthood," said LDI Chairman Thomas C. Strobhar. It is estimated that the boycott has cost Planned Parenthood more than $40 million since the Corporate Funding Project (CFP) began nearly 17 years ago. "This should serve as a testament to those who thought it impossible to change corporate philanthropic behavior."

New boycott targets, appearing on the pre-Christmas 2009 edition of The Boycott List, include Buffalo Wild Wings (restaurants), Estée Lauder (cosmetics/personal care products), Computer Sciences Corporation (information technology), and United Parcel Service (shipping services).

Corporations continuing as boycott targets from the previously released Boycott List include eBay (Pay {Pal, etc.), AlphaGraphics, Wells Fargo (including Wachovia), Nike, Time Warner (HBO, AOL, etc.), Bank of America, Walt Disney, Johnson & Johnson, Lost Arrow (Patagonia, etc.), Chevron, and Nationwide Insurance, and Sonic (restaurants), among others.

LDI singled out longtime boycott target Whole Foods Market for special attention. "Whole Foods Market has been misleading pro-life consumers for many years. Statements from the Company vary, depending on who is doing the talking at the time," LDI Director of Communications Ken Garvey. "Whole Foods has been emphasizing that it does not support Planned Parenthood at the corporate level, but it does do so on the local level. Corporate officials are telling pro-life advocates it is acceptable to shop at Whole Foods if their particular local market does not give to Planned Parenthood. As one Whole Foods officials said, 'As I explain to many of the people you encourage to boycott us, check with your local store and see if they donate. Many are happy with this.'" 

"We are surprised that any pro-life consumer would fail to see how they are being manipulated by Whole Foods," Garvey said. "Whole Foods could put an immediate stop to support of Planned Parenthood if the chief executive officer chose to do so. Would the 'decentralized giving program' excuse be acceptable to the Humane Society if a local market chose to make a donation to support dog fighting. Certainly not. Corporate headquarters would put an immediate stop to it. Pro-lifers should view Planned Parenthood in the same way."

Garvey noted that Whole Foods stores located in liberal areas are supporting the pro-abortion group while those in more conservative areas are pleading ignorance and innocence. "It is foolhardy to buy into the idea that one may shop at Whole Foods if their local store claims it is not funding Planned Parenthood," he said. "Every pro-life consumer who accepts this 'reasoning' is doing great damage to the Pro-Life Movement in general and the Corporate Funding Project in particular."

The new Boycott List includes an expanded "Dishonorable Mention" section, which identifies charitable groups that are associated with Planned Parenthood and/or its agenda. Groups named in this section include American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), Lions Clubs, the American Cancer Society, Camp Fire, Girls Inc., Girl Scouts, Kiwanis Clubs, the March of Dimes, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Rotary Clubs, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, the Salvation Army, the YWCA, and YMCA, among others.

"This has not been some sort of 'Jesse Jackson boycott' where we make news for a few days and then go away," Strobhar said. "Corporate officials are learning that those who value life are among the most dedicated people on earth. We will not go away until corporate involvement with Planned Parenthood comes to an end."

More information about the CFP, including the steps taken before a corporation is placed on The Boycott List, please click here.

Publish Date: November 5, 2009
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Newly Identified Corporate Supporters of Planned Parenthood Named

Newly Identified Corporate Supporters of Planned Parenthood Named


Life Decisions International (LDI) has released a revised edition of The Boycott List, which identifies corporations that are boycott targets due to their support of Planned Parenthood, the world's primary abortion-advocacy group.

"As a direct result of the commitment, action and prayers of pro-family people, at least 231 corporations have stopped funding Planned Parenthood," said LDI Chairman Thomas C. Strobhar. It is estimated that the boycott has cost Planned Parenthood more than $40 million since the Corporate Funding Project (CFP) began nearly 17 years ago. "This should serve as a testament to those who thought it impossible to change corporate philanthropic behavior."

New boycott targets, appearing on the pre-Christmas 2009 edition of The Boycott List, include Buffalo Wild Wings (restaurants), Estée Lauder (cosmetics/personal care products), Computer Sciences Corporation (information technology), and United Parcel Service (shipping services).

Corporations continuing as boycott targets from the previously released Boycott List include eBay (Pay {Pal, etc.), AlphaGraphics, Wells Fargo (including Wachovia), Nike, Time Warner (HBO, AOL, etc.), Bank of America, Walt Disney, Johnson & Johnson, Lost Arrow (Patagonia, etc.), Chevron, and Nationwide Insurance, and Sonic (restaurants), among others.

LDI singled out longtime boycott target Whole Foods Market for special attention. "Whole Foods Market has been misleading pro-life consumers for many years. Statements from the Company vary, depending on who is doing the talking at the time," LDI Director of Communications Ken Garvey. "Whole Foods has been emphasizing that it does not support Planned Parenthood at the corporate level, but it does do so on the local level. Corporate officials are telling pro-life advocates it is acceptable to shop at Whole Foods if their particular local market does not give to Planned Parenthood. As one Whole Foods officials said, 'As I explain to many of the people you encourage to boycott us, check with your local store and see if they donate. Many are happy with this.'" 

"We are surprised that any pro-life consumer would fail to see how they are being manipulated by Whole Foods," Garvey said. "Whole Foods could put an immediate stop to support of Planned Parenthood if the chief executive officer chose to do so. Would the 'decentralized giving program' excuse be acceptable to the Humane Society if a local market chose to make a donation to support dog fighting. Certainly not. Corporate headquarters would put an immediate stop to it. Pro-lifers should view Planned Parenthood in the same way."

Garvey noted that Whole Foods stores located in liberal areas are supporting the pro-abortion group while those in more conservative areas are pleading ignorance and innocence. "It is foolhardy to buy into the idea that one may shop at Whole Foods if their local store claims it is not funding Planned Parenthood," he said. "Every pro-life consumer who accepts this 'reasoning' is doing great damage to the Pro-Life Movement in general and the Corporate Funding Project in particular."

The new Boycott List includes an expanded "Dishonorable Mention" section, which identifies charitable groups that are associated with Planned Parenthood and/or its agenda. Groups named in this section include American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), Lions Clubs, the American Cancer Society, Camp Fire, Girls Inc., Girl Scouts, Kiwanis Clubs, the March of Dimes, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Rotary Clubs, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, the Salvation Army, the YWCA, and YMCA, among others.

"This has not been some sort of 'Jesse Jackson boycott' where we make news for a few days and then go away," Strobhar said. "Corporate officials are learning that those who value life are among the most dedicated people on earth. We will not go away until corporate involvement with Planned Parenthood comes to an end."

More information about the CFP, including the steps taken before a corporation is placed on The Boycott List, please click here.

Publish Date: November 5, 2009
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Planned Parenthood had abortion quotas, says former director

Planned Parenthood had abortion quotas, says former director

I previously reported that Bryan, TX, Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson quit earlier this month after seeing an abortion on ultrasound and being forced to push abortion to increase profits.

Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson with
Coalition for Life Director Shawn Carney
(photo: Coalition for Life)

Despite PP's legal gag order, Johnson is revealing inner workings of the mill. You can see by the PP ad above (click to enlarge) that what she's saying is true. RU-486 can be dispensed any and every weekday, while surgical abortions require more work. Yet the patient cost remains the same. Abby told World Net Daily yesterday:

"There are definitely client goals,"... Johnson said. "We'd have a goal every month for abortion clients and for family planning clients."

Johnson, 29, said... the... clinic performed surgical abortions every other Saturday, but it began expanding access to abortion to increase earnings.

"One of the ways they were able to up the number of patients that they saw was they started doing the RU-486 chemical abortions all throughout the week," she said....

RU-486 chemical abortions kill the lining of the uterus, cutting off oxygen and nutrients, resulting in the death of an unborn baby. Johnson said the chemical abortion costs the same as an early first-trimester abortion: between $505 and $695 for each procedure.

She told WND the clinic was experiencing financial difficulties due to the economic downturn.

"Abortion is the most lucrative part of PP's operations," she said.... "With the family planning corporation really suffering, they depend on the abortion corporation to balance their budget, help get them out of the hole and help make income for the company."

She continued, "They really wanted to increase the number of abortions so that they could increase their income."

Now PP has retaliated against Johnson, filing a restraining order against her because the clinic fears she may leak confidential information.... The injunction temporarily prevents her from releasing information until after a hearing scheduled for Nov. 10....

PP claimed in court documents that Johnson copied private personnel files and other documents before she quit her position Oct. 6....

However, Johnson told WND, "I don't have any confidential documents, so I'm not sharing anything because I don't have anything. I have no patient information. I'd never do anything to compromise patient safety or confidentiality. For them to even make that type of statement is so offensive."...

"PP is an organization that really runs on fear. If somebody crosses them, they are quick to threaten that person. I've worked for them for a long time and seen them threaten lawsuits multiple times," she said. "I'm not sure what they're scared of. When I first got the restraining order, I was so surprised. My initial response was, what do they think I know? What are they feeling guilty about?"

Asked whether she believes PP is concerned that information about its quotas will become public, Johnson responded, "Probably, yeah. I think they're just scared of the whole thing."

She said she believes the injunction is simply a scare tactic meant to keep her quiet.

"Clearly, that kind of backfired," she said.

Johnson explained that she resigned after she saw an ultrasound-guided abortion in which an unborn baby was vacuumed out of a woman's uterus.

"Ultrasound-guided abortions are not typically done in Planned Parenthood abortion centers because they're more time-consuming, and that's just not something that centers like that do," she said. "I'd never seen one of those done before. For whatever reason, the physician had called me back to assist with the procedure. When I saw that, that was really when my heart was changed."

Johnson, who was employed at the clinic for eight years and served as a director for two years, said the issue of abortion was "unsettling" for her the whole time she worked with PP. She said she kept "pushing down the guilt" and felt spiritually unsettled.

"There's no religion and there's no spirituality in an abortion clinic. There can't be," she said. "Whatever side you are on, pro-life or pro-choice, it is what it is - and that's taking a human life."

Contact: Jill Stanek
Publish Date: November 5, 2009
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Pro-Life Lawmakers Condemn 'Sham' Health Bill Abortion Compromise

Pro-Life Lawmakers Condemn 'Sham' Health Bill Abortion Compromise

Possible game-changer as Rep. Stupak called away from House after sudden death of his mother-in-law


Pro-life lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives have slammed purported compromise language on abortion in healthcare reform as a "sham." The language was proposed in an amendment known as the "Ellsworth amendment" by Democrats desperate to overcome a bloc within their own party that will attempt to bring down the abortion-expanding bill if it is not changed.

The development comes just two days after Rep. Chris Smith warned thousands of listeners on a pro-life webcast that House leadership was likely to come up with language that would appear to lessen the bill's abortion threat.  But, as Smith and other leaders on the webcast insisted, Democrats in the House are not about to give up the "abortion industry bailout" in the bill.

"Today we see yet another phony amendment designed to subsidize and expand the abortion industry cloaked in deceptive language," Smith said following the introduction of the Ellsworth amendment.

"Under the new arrangement, instead of an HHS employee issuing blood money checks for elective abortions, HHS will pay a contractor to issue checks for abortion on demand," Smith explained.  "It is a distinction without a difference.  The public should not be fooled nor should any pro-life Democrat."

In the Ellsworth plan, the government-run public health insurance option would still cover abortion, but would have to contract with private contractors to carry out the administrative functions related to paying for elective abortion.

Congressional pro-life leaders insisted that only Stupak and Pitts' Hyde language would suffice to end the bill's threat.

"If they truly want to keep abortion out of the health care bill, they must accept the Stupak-Pitts amendment, that says clearly and plainly that there can be no funding for abortion and no government subsidies for plans that cover abortion," said Smith.  Pro-life Republican Rep. Joseph Pitts of Pennsylvania called Ellsworth's amendment a "sham."

National Right to Life Committee Legislative Director Douglas Johnson said that, "The pro-abortion House Democratic leadership is using Ellworth's phony language to undercut the real pro-life amendment [from Stupak].

"The Ellsworth language is the legislative equivalent of putting pancake makeup on a cancer, rather than performing lifesaving surgery."

Initially dismissed by President Obama and mainstream media reports on the health bill, the abortion issue has come to the fore in recent weeks as the primary battleground on which Democrats fear the legislation could be defeated.  The bill's potential radical change in federal policy on funding abortion has prompted 40 Democrats, led by Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan, to demand that the full House at least have an up-or-down vote on the Stupak/Pitts amendment, which is similar to the famous Hyde amendment that disallows federal funding of abortion.  Stupak and other sources acknowledge that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not allow the vote opportunity, because the amendment is seen as very likely to succeed.

However, a crucial and unexpected turn of events this week could serve to prevent Stupak from whipping his colleagues, and even from casting his much-anticipated rule vote.

Stupak's mother-in-law, Elaine Olsen, passed away Sunday in Escanaba, MI, and Stupak's office confirmed the Congressman would be out of town and thus cancelled his activities on the Hill for the rest of this week.

An anonymous senior House leadership aide told FOX News that Stupak's absence would not change the shape of abortion negotiations, but another top Democrat had a different take.  When asked if Stupak's absence could make an impact, the lawmaker responded: "Yeah. Big time."

Rep. Pitts, who has worked closely with Stupak to block the bill's abortion expansion, suggested that leaders were pursuing the "compromise" in order to exploit Stupak's absence.

Meanwhile, H.R. 3962 inched closer to its final destination Tuesday evening after leadership filed the so-called "manager's amendment," setting off a 72-hour minimum time buffer to allow lawmakers to read the bill before it is put to a vote.  The House Rules Committee will meet at 2 p.m. on Friday to determine the rules for the final debate, in preparation for a possible vote Saturday evening at 6 p.m.

Though House Democrats are working hard to ram the bill through on a tight schedule, there has been an increasing fear that their swift action will not be reflected in the Senate.  Senior Congressional Democrats told ABC News today that getting the health bill done by the end of the year was "a no-go."

Only a week ago, President Barack Obama said at a fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that he was "absolutely confident" he'll have a health bill to sign by the end of the year.

Asked directly by ABC News, "Will you pass health care reform this year?" Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid simply replied "We are not going to be bound by any timetables.  We are going to do this as quickly as we can."

It is considered generally easier to pass controversial legislation in non-election years such as 2009, when lawmakers faced with tough votes are less concerned about assuaging their constituency back home.  Also, House Democrats are likely to be more reticent about voting on the contentious bill if they have no feel for how their counterparts in the Senate will vote.

Contact: Kathleen Gilbert
Publish Date: November 4, 2009
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Suicide Nation: Healthy UK Couple Commit Joint Suicide–Blame Anti Assisted Suicide Law

Suicide Nation: Healthy UK Couple Commit Joint Suicide–Blame Anti Assisted Suicide Law

This is where suicide advocacy leads. In the UK, an aging but healthy couple have committed joint suicide–and blamed the anti assisted suicide law.  From the story:

A couple who wrote to the BBC to say they had chosen to take their own lives and criticised British laws on assisted suicides have been found dead at their home, police said last night . Dennis Milner, 83, and his wife Flora, 81, from Newbury, Berkshire, sent a letter and statement to the BBC saying they had "chosen to peacefully end our lives" to avoid "a living death". The letter was received by the broadcaster yesterday . The couple's bodies were discovered on Sunday, Thames Valley police said. In the note, the couple said they hoped to draw attention to the "serious human dilemma" faced by those who want to end their lives. In handwritten notes below a typed section of the letter, Dennis Milner wrote: "Arranging this so that it does not fail has been very difficult and traumatic for us. This need not and should not be the case."

In a statement with the letter they said that they had enjoyed "a happy, loving and exciting life" and thanked the NHS for extending their lives. But they said they had "just one serious and disappointing criticism of our society "Today we have been denied what we believe to be our basic human right – to terminate our own lives, in our own home, at our own choosing, with our loved ones around us, without anyone having to face any legal possibilities or harassment," they said. The couple's daughter, Chrissy, told the BBC her parents were in good health but wanted to end their lives before they were unable to care for themselves.

What kind of a society are we developing when needing care is deemed a fate worse than death? This story is a warning of the zeitgeist of our times: Once the meme sinks into the public's consciousness that suicide is a "right" and self killing is an acceptable answer to suffering–or even the fear of future suffering–then there are no lines that can be drawn and this kind of tragedy becomes inevitable.

Contact: Wesley J. Smith
Source: Secondhand Smoke
Publish Date: November 4, 2009
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Obamacare Vote Saturday?

It would appear that Shrieker of the House Pelosi, or "She Who Must Not Blink", is confident she can twist enough arms to get enough votes for her monstrous health care bill this Saturday. Will "Big Brother" Barry send Rahm to the Capitol building deliver a few threats over the next two days? How a bout a dead fish wrapped in one of his tutus?

H.R. 3962 may pass the House after a Saturday evening vote, and one must wonder if the trial lawyers get their kiss (H/T Teri O'Brien) that same evening or do they wait until after Obama is re-elected (Heaven forbid) and has begun a second term? I suppose those of us who wanted the high costs due to medical malpractice lawsuits addressed (in other words, reasonable people) can view this as a means of addressing the issue. Of course this means of address provides states with an incentive to ensure that they do not cap attorney fees or awards.

According to CQ Politics abortion funding is a potential sticking point with some of the Democrats (those who oppose the butchering of the innocent):

    The House vote is expected at 6 p.m. Saturday. The Rules Committee would have to meet 24 hours before the debate to prepare the bill for floor action, but Slaughter declined to say exactly when Rules would meet.

    By allowing the Ellsworth language, House Democratic leaders hope to address the reluctance of anti-abortion Democrats to vote for the health bill.

    Some of those lawmakers say they remain dissatisfied with the language, however.
Click here for the full article.

No Deal: Pro-Life Democrat Still Vowing to Kill Health Care Bill

(  Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), who has organized a group of about 40 Democrats who are committed to killing the health care bill if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) does not give them a straight up-or down vote on an amendment that would prohibit federal dollars from paying for any part of any health insurance plan that covers abortions, told today that he has not reached an agreement with the speaker and that his group is still poised to kill the bill.
Click here for the full article.

32 States Saw Personhood Initiatives in 2009 - Movement Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary

November 5, 2009 marks the one-year anniversary of the inception of Personhood USA. Following the Nation's first-ever Personhood effort to reach an election ballot, Personhood USA was launched by the Colorado campaign's full-time coordinators, Cal Zastrow and Keith Mason.

For the first time, Personhood USA is releasing the full list of states participating in Personhood efforts, which is available here.

In 2009, Personhood USA exploded into thirty-two states, serving as an advocacy organization for pre- born babies through peaceful activism, legislative efforts, and ballot-access petition initiatives, amassing over 40,000 grassroots volunteers. Personhood USA has seen a staggering number of first-time-ever pro-life volunteers, along with an influx of seasoned pro-lifers who have not participated in pro-life ministry for many years.
Click here for the full article.

'Planned Parenthood Pushes Abortion for Profit': Ex-Abortion Facility Director

Abby Johnson, the ex-director of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility who recently made national headlines after converting to the pro-life position, has revealed that Planned Parenthood pushes employees to strive for more abortions to boost profits.

She said that she grew uncomfortable with Planned Parenthood when they told her to try to bring more abortions through the door because of the economic downturn.

"Every meeting that we had was, 'We don't have enough money, we don't have enough money - we've got to keep these abortions coming,' " Johnson said in an interview with Fox News. "It's a very lucrative business and that's why they want to increase numbers."
Click here for the full article.

Planned Parenthood trolling for pro-abortion Catholics to oppose U.S. bishops

Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, sent an urgent message this week to the group's base asking for pro-abortion Catholics to defy the U.S. bishops, who are campaigning against the current versions of health care legislation on Capitol Hill because they fund abortion.

In the email, Richards says that "as I write this, the bishops have asked all the Catholics in the country to contact their legislators, asking them to alter current health care legislation to include anti-choice amendments."

"The bishops have inserted letters into church bulletins and asked priests to include their call to action in their sermons - and even in their prayers - during Sunday services," she says.

"One thing I know for sure," the Planned Parenthood president states, "the bishops don't speak for all Catholics. If you're Catholic and you disagree with the bishops, please let your legislators know when you send your message. Your voice as a pro-choice Catholic needs to be heard NOW."
Click here for the full article.

Pro-abortion group endorses female Catholic politicians for 2010 race

EMILY's List, a pro-abortion political action committee, recently announced the list of the candidates it is supporting for the 2010 elections. Eight of 18 politicians are women who identify themselves as Catholic, a fact that caused one leading pro-life feminist to remark, "Clearly these candidates are out of sync with the teaching of their church."

Since 2008, the number of candidates receiving financial backing from EMILY's List and who call themselves Catholic has jumped from four to eight.
Click here for the full article.

November 4, 2009

Medical Board Doctors Defy Lawyers & Lift Moratorium on Parental Notice

All Eyes on 3pm Hearing Today in Circuit Court

In a surprise move this morning, the doctors of the Medical Board - some saying that they are not "babysitters" for the Illinois Courts - refused to extend their "grace period" against enforcement of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Legal Counsel for the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation had tried to convince the doctors to extend the "grace period" for another 180 days. The doctors unanimously refused that request.

Robert Fernandez, a non-doctor member of the Board and an attorney for Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, tried to save the "grace period" by proposing that the Board extend for just 90 days. (The Sonnenschein law firm serves as outside counsel for Planned Parenthood of Illinois, the state's largest abortion provider.) The doctors of the Board rejected that proposal, as well.

Now, all eyes turn to the Cook County Circuit Court, where at 3p.m. today, attorneys for the ACLU, the State of Illinois, and the Thomas More Society will face off on the ACLU's attempt to read a broad right to abortion into the Illinois Constitution. The federal courts have already ruled that the Parental Notice Act is valid and constitutional under the U.S. Constitution, and the Illinois Supreme Court has instructed [PDF of letter] that "our state courts are prepared to proceed to apply the law as enacted."

(As an aside, persons manning the phones at the Governor's office today are telling callers that the Parental Notice Act is in-force - some staffers have mentioned that the office has received "a ton" of calls from Illinoisans urging the Governor to uphold Parental Notice.)
Source: Thomas More Soceity

Pro-Lifers Capture New Jersey and Virginia Governorships

Pro-Lifers Capture New Jersey and Virginia Governorships

Pro-Life Pro-Family Candidate Chris Christie Captures New Jersey Governorship

Incumbent Democrat Gov. Jon Corzine conceded defeat last night to pro-life, pro-family Republican Chris Christie in New Jersey's governor's race.

Christie fought a hard-won battle against the incumbent Corzine and third-party candidate Chris Daggett, winning 49 percent of the vote. Corzine, whose bid for re-election received huge assistance from President Barack Obama, who personally campaigned for him in New Jersey, came in second with 45 percent of the vote, with Daggett trailing in third with six percent.

President Obama had attempted to rally support behind Corzine by tapping into the popularity that garnered the President 57 percent of the vote in New Jersey in 2008. However neither Obama's personal charisma, nor Corzine's outspending Christie by almost 3-1 - $30 million to $11.5 million - could save the incumbent governor from defeat in an election that mainly turned on the economy and job stagnation, crippling fees and taxes (especially sky-high property taxes), and fiscal irresponsibility in Trenton that has run rampant during Corzine's tenure.  Click here for more...

Pro-Life Candidates Make Triple Sweep in Virginia Elections

Virginia's state elections saw a sweep for pro-life candidates into the state's highest offices. Pro-life Republicans captured the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general by wide margins.

Pro-life Republican Bob McDonnell handily beat his pro-abortion Democratic opponent Creigh Deeds. Election night returns showed McDonnell cruising to victory, garnering 59 percent of the vote to Deeds' 41 percent with 99 percent of precincts reporting in.

"Eight months ago I applied for the job of governor of Virginia, tonight you have hired me," said Governor-elect McDonnell to cheering supporters.

McDonnell took the podium addressing the people of Virginia for his victory, saying he was both "humbled" and "honored" with their decision to send him to the governor's office. But McDonnell also mentioned his special gratitude to God.

"I thank God for his grace goodness and divine providence in my life," continued McDonnell, before pledging to go to work for Virginia.  Click here for more...

Contact: Peter J. Smith
Publish Date: November 3, 2009
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Former Planned Parenthood director to appear on O'Reilly Friday

Former Planned Parenthood director to appear on O'Reilly Friday

The 40 Days for Life blog is reporting that Abby Johnson, the former director of the Bryan, TX, Planned Parenthood who quit her job earlier this month and is now a pro-life convert, will appear on The O'Reilly Factor Friday night.

Read my previous post giving Johnson's backstory here.

The Associated Press has an update on PP's attempted restraining order against Johnson...

The injunction... prevents Johnson and the [Brazos Valley C]oalition [for Life] from releasing anything that Johnson, who was executive director for about 2 years, may have retained while working at PP - at least until the hearing.

Coalition Director Shawn Carney [pictured left] said Monday that there was not a campaign to reveal private information. He said PP's actions were unnecessary and an overreaction.

Lawyers for PP wrote in court documents filed Friday that Johnson was seen copying confidential personnel files and possibly other documents in the days before she abruptly resigned on Oct. 6. The clinic's lawyers expressed worry in the filings that Johnson might release clients' medical records, information about doctors who work at the clinic and the clinic's security measures.

Johnson said in a telephone interview with The Eagle that she didn't turn over any documents to the Coalition for Life.

"I didn't provide any because I don't have any," she said.

Contact: Jill Stanek
Publish Date: November 3, 2009
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Planned Parenthood's President Lashes Out at USCCB

Planned Parenthood's President Lashes Out at USCCB

Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, sent an email to her supporters on Monday, complaining of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) campaign against the abortion-funding health care bill. Richards begged for quick action from abortion supporters to counter the bishops' influence and push the bill through Congress.

Richards' attack was spurred by the nation-wide campaign the USCCB has recently launched, seeking to mobilize parishioners and clergy to call their representatives and senators to defeat the abortion-funding health care bill in Congress.
In the email, Richards breathlessly avers that "every group opposed to a woman's right to choose is pulling out all the stops this week to bring all the progress we've made on health care reform to a grinding halt."
She then urges abortion supporters to contact their senators and representatives and tell them to continue to work for the health care bill. "I know that you've likely e-mailed and called before," she writes, "and I'm asking you to do it again today - and it won't be the last time."
The email links to tools to help supporters of abortion contact both their senators and their friends.  The form email to representatives and senators urges them to protect the "current House bill [that] ensures access to reproductive health care."
However, the statement from Richards appears to clash with the earlier denials by President Obama, members of Congress, and Cecile Richards herself, that the proposed health care bill would not bring about federal funding of abortion.  In early August, Richards wrote that it was a myth that "taxpayer money would be used to pay for abortions in the public plan." At the same time, however, Richards is now bitterly fighting the U.S. bishops' campaign against the abortion-funding provisions in the bill, despite the fact that the bishops have expressed support for healthcare reform without abortion funding.

In addition to urging pro-aborts to lobby Congress, Richards goes on to say that the U.S. bishops "don't speak for all Catholics."  She then includes a quotation from a "Catholic" supporter of abortion, saying that "hundreds of thousands" of people die because they lack insurance, and that the Catholic bishops "don't represent me, and they don't represent my beliefs.  I'm speaking out, and I'm asking my Catholic friends and family to do the same."
Richards then goes on to urge any Catholics who disagree with their bishops to speak to their legislators.
Richards has previously attacked the U.S. Bishops in a similarly hyperbolic fashion.  In an August 18 editorial in the Huffington Post, Richards accused bishops of endangering "millions" of women's lives with their "hard-line opposition the women's rights," and said that if they had their way "the national health care system would make American woman second-class citizens."
Richards ends her most recent email by assuring Planned Parenthood supporters that they are "doing all we can."
"Every time a group tries to limit the care and rights of women and their families, we will be here for them," she writes.  "And we know that you, too, will be right here with us."

Contact: James Tillman
Publish Date: November 3, 2009
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Amendment to Health-Care Bill Would Undercut Pro-Life Proposal

Amendment to Health-Care Bill Would Undercut Pro-Life Proposal

U.S. Rep. Brad Ellsworth, D-Ind., who has a consistent pro-life voting record, reportedly has proposed an amendment to the House health-care reform bill that would undercut a pro-life amendment to the bill.
"(The) proposed language will allow the new federal government insurance program — the 'public option' — to pay for abortion on demand," said Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee. "The pro-abortion House Democratic leadership is using Ellsworth's phony language to undercut the real pro-life amendment, proposed by Reps. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., and Joe Pitts, R-Pa."

The Stupak-Pitts Amendment would prohibit federal funding of abortion except in rare cases. If the Democrat leadership refuses to allow the amendment to be offered, Stupak and 40 other Democrats have pledged to prevent the health-care bill from coming to the floor for a vote.

Contact: Jennifer Mesko
Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: November 3, 2009
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Pharmaceutical company cites Vatican document to defend its use of aborted baby

Pharmaceutical company cites Vatican document to defend its use of aborted baby

A pro-life group is criticizing pharmaceutical company Neocutis' defense of its use of cells harvested from an aborted fetus in the development of burn treatments and anti-aging creams. While the company said it takes seriously concerns about the dignity of human life—going so far as to cite a Vatican document—the pro-life group is questioning Neocutis' version of the facts.

Last week the organization Children of God for Life released a statement criticizing Neocutis' use of cells harvested from an aborted fetus in the development of anti-aging creams. The group also called for a boycott.

The "Processed Skin Proteins" (PSPs) being used in Neocutis' burn and wound treatments were reportedly taken from an electively-aborted 14-week-old male fetus donated by the University Hospital of Lausanne in Switzerland.

The baby's cells were used to create a working cell bank by laboratory cultivation. The cells now number in the hundreds of millions.

Though the University Hospital of Lausanne said the cells were originally established for wound healing and burn treatments, Children of God for Life charged that they are now being used for cosmetic products.

Neocutis defended its procedures in a recent statement which professed respect for differing views. It said the important question is how to conduct research and development in a way that is "respectful of the dignity of human life, and that is conducted in a highly controlled and responsible manner."

"This is an understandable concern that we take very seriously," Neocutis said. "The small skin donation that, ultimately, made the development of our treatment possible originated from a single terminated pregnancy that could not survive to term and was deemed medically necessary by the attending physicians."

According to the company, the "voluntary donation to medical research" was made by the parents and was performed in adherence with "strict Swiss laws."

"To be clear, our products do not directly use the originally donated tissue in any way," the company added. The cells used were not embryonic stem cells, it reported, saying that no other donation will ever be necessary and that the cell bank enables the production of about 900 million biological bandages for patients with severe wounds, burns and other serious skin conditions.

The company said it believed "extremely limited use" of fetal skin tissue obtained in a respectful manner can lead to "significant medical benefit."

In a Nov. 3 statement, Children of God for Life Executive Director Debi Vinnedge charged that the company was "not being honest." The group cited evidence that the company was using fetal cells since 1995, long before the 2004 abortion used to provide fetal material.

The organization also questioned Neocutis' claims, made in other responses to public inquiries, that the abortion was performed on a pregnancy that could not come to term in which the mother's life was in danger. These facts were not documented in a 2009 research paper published in Experimental Gerontology, the pro-life group says.

Vinnedge criticized as "unconscionable" other comments by Neocutis President Mark Lemcko that he had "felt comfortable with his decision" after studying a 2005 document by the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life.

In Vinnedge's view that document, "Moral Reflection on Vaccines Prepared From Cells Derived from Aborted Human Fetuses," allowed the use of fetus-derived treatments only in temporary situations of "grave inconvenience" or "considerable danger" to the health of children and would not apply to cosmetics.

The issue is one of "health versus pure vanity," Vinnedge insisted.

Source: CNA
Publish Date: November 4, 2009
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UK Court to Rule Whether Baby Better Off Dead Than Disabled

UK Court to Rule Whether Baby Better Off Dead Than Disabled

Most contested cases of removing babies or profoundly disabled adults from needed life support have involved those with serious brain injuries or cognitive impairments. But once the idea that dead is better than disabled takes hold, it will soon spread to those with physical disabilities.

Now, in the UK, parents are fighting over withdrawing life support from a seriously disabled one-year-old child who is cognitively normal. From the story:

The mother of a chronically ill baby has defended her court battle with the child's father to have his life support machine turned off. The boy, known only as RB, has congenital myasthenic syndrome, a rare neuromuscular condition that severely limits limb movement and the ability to breathe independently. He has been hospitalized since birth. Doctors want to take the 1-year-old off a ventilator, which helps him breathe, but the boy's father, who is separated from his mother, opposes the plan. The hospital trust which provides his care has taken the case to the High Court. If the trust wins, it would be the first time a British court has ruled against the wishes of a parent whose child does not suffer from brain damage.

In a statement, the mother's lawyer, Anthony Fairweather said: "RB's mother has sat by her son's bedside every day since he was born. "In her mind the intolerable suffering experienced by her son must outweigh her own personal grief should she lose her child," the statement said. But lawyers for the father argue the baby's brain is unaffected by the condition and that he can see, hear, feel and recognize his parents. They will submit video footage, which they say shows Baby RB playing with toys, enjoying and listening to music and interacting with his parents. The father argues that a tracheotomy, where a hole is made in the neck to allow air to reach his lungs, would allow his son to leave hospital and be cared for at home.

This is an important case. First, shouldn't the benefit of the doubt go to life?  Second, shouldn't everything be done to try and help the boy live instead of die?  Third, that a hospital arguing to end life is very alarming.  Finally, if the hospital/mother win the case, the message that would be sent by taking a child out of life against the wishes of a parent solely because of disability is that dead is better than disabled.  As a society, do we really want to accept that meme?

Contact: Wesley J. Smith
Source: Secondhand Smoke
Publish Date: November 4, 2009
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Study Ties Common Anitbiotics with Birht Defects

CHICAGO -- Researchers studying antibiotics in pregnancy have found a surprising link between common drugs used to treat urinary infections and birth defects. Reassuringly, the most-used antibiotics in early pregnancy—penicillins—appear to be the safest. Bacterial infections themselves can cause problems for the fetus if left unchecked, experts said, so pregnant women shouldn't avoid antibiotics entirely. Instead, women should discuss antibiotics choices with their doctors.
Click here for the full article.

'Baby Killing Nun' Suspends Clinic Escort Activity

For decades, Sister Donna Quinn has championed the rights of women to use contraception, seek ordination and end unwanted pregnancies. The Dominican nun has picketed for abortion rights in Washington, petitioned the pope for a female archbishop and escorted women into abortion clinics. But as the Vatican turns up scrutiny of the nation's nuns and U.S. Roman Catholic bishops refuse to support universal health care if it covers abortion, Quinn has put her crusade on hold. "I want to be clear that this is my decision," she said in a statement today, announcing she would suspend her activity as a peacekeeper outside the ACU Health Clinic in Hinsdale. "Respect for women's moral agency is of critical importance to me, and I look forward to continuing to dialogue with our congregation on these matters as a way of informing my actions as well as educating the community."
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Honduran Congress prohibits morning-after pill

A new law has taken effect in Honduras prohibiting the consumption and marketing of the morning-after pill in the Central American country.

The law was passed by the Honduran Congress at the beginning of the year with backing from the Medical College of Honduras, which pointed out that the pill has an abortifacient effect making it unconstitutional.

The Honduran Congress argued that the drug would "gravely endanger the health of the Honduran population, especially women who are able to get pregnant."

Lawmakers pointed to a 2008 report by the Medical College of Honduras that warned of the drug's anti-implantation effect, making it an abortifacient.  The new law prohibits "the promotion, consumption, sale and purchasing of the emergency contraceptive pill, as well as its distribution, whether for sale or free-of-charge."
Click here for the full article.

To Planned Parenthood: Election Results Got Your Tongue?

"Every time an election is held and pro-abortion candidates win, Planned Parenthood runs to the media to say the results show great support for its agenda. But the hierarchy of the abortion-committing group is silent now that voters in New Jersey and Virginia have soundly rejected the politics of death espoused by Planned Parenthood-endorsed candidates," said Douglas R. Scott, Jr., president Life Decisions International (LDI).
"Many Planned Parenthood-endorsed candidates, including Creigh Deeds in Virginia, made unrestricted abortion the keystone of their campaigns," Scott said. "They saw the issue as the Achilles' Heel of pro-life candidates. But the people have seen through the ruse that Planned Parenthood and its legions have employed for decades."
Click here for the full article.

Over 200 Christendom College Students Protest Abortion at Planned Parenthood Clinic

Christendom College's pro-life student group, Shield of Roses, held its biggest protest in over 30 years of its existence this past Saturday. On October 31, over 200 students, faculty, staff, and visitors traveled to Washington, D.C., to peacefully protest abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinic, located just north of the White House, on 16th Street.

The group protests at this same clinic each Saturday morning during the academic year, but normally only around 20-30 students make the trek into D.C. on a weekly basis. Once a semester, however, the group's leadership organizes what it calls a "Mega Shield" event and encourages as many of the members of the College community as possible to participate. Last year, Mega Shield events drew as many as 125 students, and prior years' saw up to 150 participants.
Click here for the full article.

Catholic association calls for registration of doctors who perform abortions

The president of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations, Dr. Jose Maria Simon, said last week that instead of creating a registry of doctors who refuse to perform abortions, the Collegial Medical Organization should create one for those who do.

In his judgment, it would be easier to register those who practice abortions, since "they are much fewer in number." In addition, he believes that this would make it easier to keep the practice under control since it is still a crime, "although it has been legalized in certain cases."
Click here for the full article.

November 3, 2009

Parental Notice Hanging By a Thread in Illinois

Parental Notice Hanging By a Thread in Illinois

TMS Attorneys in Court Wednesday Afternoon

Wednesday Morning Medical Board Meeting Key

On Monday afternoon, Thomas More Society attorneys Tom Brejcha and Peter Breen were in Court on behalf of Illinois state's attorneys to oppose the ACLU's latest attempt to overturn the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act - and to read an unlimited right to abortion into the Illinois Constitution. The ACLU is representing the plaintiff in the case, Hope Clinic v. Adams, with the Illinois Medical Disciplinary Board and the Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation as defendants.

The Parental Notice Act was ruled valid and constitutional by the federal courts earlier this year, and our own Illinois Supreme Court had previously instructed [PDF of letter] that "our state courts are prepared to proceed to apply the law as enacted."

TMS attorneys thought they would be joining the defendants to defend the Parental Notice Act. Instead, upon arriving in Court, the attorneys were handed a memo [PDF of memo] saying that the Medical Board would now "review evidence" on the constitutionality of the Act and intended to extend a "grace period" against the enforcement of parental notice. (Of course, the Medical Board does not have the authority to stop valid Illinois laws from being enforced, but that hasn't stopped them thus far.)

That puts the Thomas More Society in an odd spot in this case - against both the plaintiffs, the ACLU, and the defendants, the Illinois government. They knew it was going to be a long day when the representative from Personal PAC - the political arm of Illinois' abortion providers - warmly introduced himself to the attorneys for the Medical Board (from the office of Illinois Attorney General, Lisa Madigan). Personal PAC sat right behind these lawyers in Court.

At the hearing, the Medical Board's lawyers told the judge that it would be meeting on Wednesday morning [PDF of agenda] at 9a.m. to consider the matter - to either lift the (illegal) "grace period" or to continue it. So you might wonder, will we finally be done on Wednesday morning? Will the 14-year wait for this parental notice law - something 80% of Illinoisans support - be over?

The medical administrative process is supposed to proceed in a two-step: first, the Medical Board adopts a recommendation and, second, the Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation approves the recommendation, at which point the recommendation becomes effective.

Here's the problem: TMS has learned that one of the six members of the Board, Robert Fernandez, is a partner in the firm of Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal in Chicago. That firm's lawyers serve as Outside General Counsel to Planned Parenthood of Illinois. (The Thomas More Society is up against Sonnenschein in the Scheidler v. Trombley defamation lawsuit, now pending in the Illinois Appellate Court.)

And, it gets worse. Brent Adams, Secretary of the Department of Professional Regulation and the lead defendant in this lawsuit, is on the Executive Committee for Personal PAC, the political arm of Illinois' abortion providers, and he has served on its Board of Directors since 1999. And, his resume [PDF] lists him as a past member of the Board of Directors of the ACLU of Illinois, the lawyers for the plaintiffs in this case.

Various groups are urging activity today. Via email, some Churches have asked people of good will to "call the Governor's office and urge him to instruct the Department to end the delay and finally allow parental notification to go into effect in Illinois.  His number is 217-782-0244 in Springfield and 312-814-2121 in Chicago."

This morning, the Chicago Tribune editorialized that, "This had better be a routine hearing. The legislature passed this law in 1995. Enough with the delays."

No matter what, the Thomas More Society will be in Court on Wednesday afternoon - if necessary, standing alone against the Illinois government and the ACLU - to defend the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act.

Source: Thomas More Society
Publish Date: November 3, 2009
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11,000 on Abortion Mandate Webcast Warned against Phony Compromises in Healthcare Bill

11,000 on Abortion Mandate Webcast Warned against Phony Compromises in Healthcare Bill

Over 11,000 pro-lifers tuned in last night to an emergency webcast by, where national pro-life leaders briefed listeners on the extent of the threat to human life posed by the House health care bill.

According to coordinator David Bereit, although news of the webcast went out only 13 hours before it began, 11,243 people joined in.  Speakers included Rep. Chris Smith, Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life, Kristen Day of Democrats for Life, Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America, Douglas Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee, Deirdre McQuade of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' pro-life secretariat, and Christian Medical and Dental Associations CEO Dr. David Stevens.

"You know as well as I, ladies and gentlemen, that killing human babies by abortion is not health care," said Congressman Smith of New Jersey, the chairman of the House's pro-life caucus.  The congressman noted that prohibiting federal funding of abortion has been the status quo "across the board," including for the Medicaid Program, the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, SCHIP, the Department of Defense, and even the Veterans Health Administration.

Smith warned that, included in the language of the "manager's amendment" that will be introduced to try to bridge divides in order to pass the bill, "will almost certainly be a new phony compromise that does nothing but put window dressing on the deadly abortion funding already in the bill."

The leaders once again made clear the bottom line regarding the 1,990-page bill's treatment of abortion funding.  The Capps amendment, proposed as a "compromise" measure in July by the radically pro-abortion Rep. Lois Capps, does three key things: it allows abortion-covering insurance plans to receive government subsidies, establishes a government-run insurance plan that must cover abortion, and requires all U.S. regions to offer at least one abortion-covering health plan.

"They are wanting to make it as complicated as possible," said Americans United for Life President and CEO Charmaine Yoest, "in order to obscure the fact that there is a very simple truth underneath it all: this is a huge expansion in abortion funding and coverage by the federal government, which changes the way that we've approached abortion policy in this country for the last 30 years."

Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak, whose efforts at a pro-life amendment have posed a significant threat to the bill's abortion expansion, earned praise from the webcast speakers.  Stupak has threatened to arrange like-minded Democrats to block passage of the bill's rule - which must be passed before the bill can be considered by the House - unless Democrat leadership allows a vote by the full House on a Hyde-like amendment for the measure.  Kristin Day, the president of Democrats for Life, called Stupak a "hero."

"Pelosi has made it very clear so far that she has no intention whatsoever of allowing a vote on the Stupak/Pitts amendment," said Rep. Smith, referring to the pro-life amendment.  "She wants to keep this issue quiet, and silence the pro-life members of congress who oppose government funding for abortion."

Douglas Johnson, the legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee, focused on the public option and the "powerful legal formula" in the Capps amendment that protects the public option's coverage of abortion.  "Will the Obama administration use that sweeping authority if Congress provides it?  You bet they will," he said.  "And will they use federal funds to pay for those abortions?  Why, certainly they will.  Because the federal agency can spend nothing other than federal funds."

"The claim which has been disseminated by pro-abortion lawmakers and by some of their apologists in the media, that this federal program would pay for abortions but with private funds - although accepted and repeated with a straight face by some gullible journalists - is absurd on its face," he added.  "It's a political hoax."

The leaders noted that the pro-life lawmakers have a formidable opponent in House Speaker Pelosi, who, according to Rep. Smith, has "no intention whatsoever" of allowing the House an opportunity to vote on the pro-life amendment.   "Indeed, Speaker Pelosi believes that if the full House were allowed to vote on the Stupak/Pitts amendment, it would pass, and so she is determined not to allow that vote," noted Johnson.

Deirdre McQuade from the USCCB affirmed that the U.S bishops are "responding clearly and vigorously" to the health care bill.  The USCCB recently began an all-out campaign against the abortion-laden bill, and asked all American U.S. prelates to join the effort to stop the abortion mandate earlier this month.

Dr. David Stevens, CEO of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations, said that the bill's conscience language protecting doctors objecting to abortion was weak, and liable to be scrapped when the House and Senate bills undergo a merging process.  "I don't think it's any time to relax or celebrate," Stevens said.

In addition, Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America noted President Obama's ambiguity on the abortion mandate.  Though claiming that he is personally opposed to federal funding for abortion, Wright reports that Obama "has been personally and aggressively lobbying members of Congress to vote for the current bills," all of which include such funding.

Ultimately, according to the speakers, the pro-life effort against the rules vote - due to occur either today or Wednesday - is the "do or die" moment.

"I believe we can and I believe we will win, but we have to out-think and outwork the abortionists as never before," said Smith.  "Clearly, this is the big one."

Contact: Kathleen Gilbert
Publish Date: November 3, 2009
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