NEWS SHORTS FOR THURSDAY (Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to LIfe is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.) Obamacare Vote Saturday? ![]() It would appear that Shrieker of the House Pelosi, or "She Who Must Not Blink", is confident she can twist enough arms to get enough votes for her monstrous health care bill this Saturday. Will "Big Brother" Barry send Rahm to the Capitol building deliver a few threats over the next two days? How a bout a dead fish wrapped in one of his tutus? H.R. 3962 may pass the House after a Saturday evening vote, and one must wonder if the trial lawyers get their kiss (H/T Teri O'Brien) that same evening or do they wait until after Obama is re-elected (Heaven forbid) and has begun a second term? I suppose those of us who wanted the high costs due to medical malpractice lawsuits addressed (in other words, reasonable people) can view this as a means of addressing the issue. Of course this means of address provides states with an incentive to ensure that they do not cap attorney fees or awards. According to CQ Politics abortion funding is a potential sticking point with some of the Democrats (those who oppose the butchering of the innocent): The House vote is expected at 6 p.m. Saturday. The Rules Committee would have to meet 24 hours before the debate to prepare the bill for floor action, but Slaughter declined to say exactly when Rules would meet. By allowing the Ellsworth language, House Democratic leaders hope to address the reluctance of anti-abortion Democrats to vote for the health bill. Some of those lawmakers say they remain dissatisfied with the language, however. Click here for the full article. No Deal: Pro-Life Democrat Still Vowing to Kill Health Care Bill ![]() ( Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), who has organized a group of about 40 Democrats who are committed to killing the health care bill if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) does not give them a straight up-or down vote on an amendment that would prohibit federal dollars from paying for any part of any health insurance plan that covers abortions, told today that he has not reached an agreement with the speaker and that his group is still poised to kill the bill. Click here for the full article. 32 States Saw Personhood Initiatives in 2009 - Movement Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary ![]() November 5, 2009 marks the one-year anniversary of the inception of Personhood USA. Following the Nation's first-ever Personhood effort to reach an election ballot, Personhood USA was launched by the Colorado campaign's full-time coordinators, Cal Zastrow and Keith Mason. For the first time, Personhood USA is releasing the full list of states participating in Personhood efforts, which is available here. In 2009, Personhood USA exploded into thirty-two states, serving as an advocacy organization for pre- born babies through peaceful activism, legislative efforts, and ballot-access petition initiatives, amassing over 40,000 grassroots volunteers. Personhood USA has seen a staggering number of first-time-ever pro-life volunteers, along with an influx of seasoned pro-lifers who have not participated in pro-life ministry for many years. Click here for the full article. 'Planned Parenthood Pushes Abortion for Profit': Ex-Abortion Facility Director ![]() Abby Johnson, the ex-director of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility who recently made national headlines after converting to the pro-life position, has revealed that Planned Parenthood pushes employees to strive for more abortions to boost profits. She said that she grew uncomfortable with Planned Parenthood when they told her to try to bring more abortions through the door because of the economic downturn. "Every meeting that we had was, 'We don't have enough money, we don't have enough money - we've got to keep these abortions coming,' " Johnson said in an interview with Fox News. "It's a very lucrative business and that's why they want to increase numbers." Click here for the full article. Planned Parenthood trolling for pro-abortion Catholics to oppose U.S. bishops ![]() Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, sent an urgent message this week to the group's base asking for pro-abortion Catholics to defy the U.S. bishops, who are campaigning against the current versions of health care legislation on Capitol Hill because they fund abortion. In the email, Richards says that "as I write this, the bishops have asked all the Catholics in the country to contact their legislators, asking them to alter current health care legislation to include anti-choice amendments." "The bishops have inserted letters into church bulletins and asked priests to include their call to action in their sermons - and even in their prayers - during Sunday services," she says. "One thing I know for sure," the Planned Parenthood president states, "the bishops don't speak for all Catholics. If you're Catholic and you disagree with the bishops, please let your legislators know when you send your message. Your voice as a pro-choice Catholic needs to be heard NOW." Click here for the full article. Pro-abortion group endorses female Catholic politicians for 2010 race ![]() EMILY's List, a pro-abortion political action committee, recently announced the list of the candidates it is supporting for the 2010 elections. Eight of 18 politicians are women who identify themselves as Catholic, a fact that caused one leading pro-life feminist to remark, "Clearly these candidates are out of sync with the teaching of their church." Since 2008, the number of candidates receiving financial backing from EMILY's List and who call themselves Catholic has jumped from four to eight. Click here for the full article. |