Under Judge Barker's ruling, the state will not be allowed to enforce the following pro-life regulations:
- a restriction preventing abortionists from distributing abortion pills via telemedicine
- a requirement that women visit a physician in-person before they have a chemical abortion
- a requirement that second-trimester surgical abortions occur in hospitals or surgical centers
- a requirement that women seeking abortion are informed that preborn children can feel pain at 20 weeks
- a requirement that women seeking abortion are informed that life begins at fertilization
Barker also upheld several other pro-life laws. These include parental consent laws, abortion reporting laws, and a requirement that women have ultrasounds before they have abortions.
“This is a horrific ruling that will directly lead to a massive expansion of chemical and late-term abortions in Indiana,” said Indiana Right to Life President Mike Fichter in a statement. “The sweeping blockage of these common-sense laws jeopardizes the health and safety of women, leaves women in the dark on issues of fetal pain and the development of human life, and places communities like Fort Wayne and Evansville clearly in the crosshairs for abortion business expansion. This is judicial activism at its absolute worst.”