December 23, 2020

University of Pittsburgh used Skin from Scalps of Aborted Children to Study Infection in "Humanized" Mice

Due to the recent controversy surrounding the development and production of some COVID-19 vaccines, pro-life advocates have taken a closer look at how body parts harvested from aborted children are used in research. One disturbing study that was published by the University of Pittsburgh in September used tissue harvested from aborted children to test how the organs of "humanized" mice would respond to staph infection.

Because it is unethical to purposefully infect people with diseases in order to study them, University of Pittsburgh researchers instead obtained "full-thickness human skin," spleens, lymphatic tissue, and other immune system cells harvested from aborted children. The skin was harvested from the backs and scalps of children aborted between the gestational ages of 18 and 20 weeks.

While it may be unethical to purposefully infect others, abortion is also unethical. Two wrongs in this scenario do not make a right.

The pictures below show human hair and skin growing on the backs of mice twelve weeks after the cells from aborted babies were transplanted.

photo from study published on Nature

Pro-life advocate Dr. Stacy Trasancos, Ph.D. wrote for the National Catholic Register about this study as well as two others that involved cells harvested from unborn children. Click here to read more from that article.