In the video, three Planned Parenthood officials were asked to explain statements they made in undercover videos published by CMP in 2015.
In one clip from 2015, Planned Parenthood Federation of America senior medical services director Deborah Nucatola suggested that whether an abortionist changed the procedure didn't matter as long as they signed a form saying that they originally did not intend to do so (even if they actually do intend to do so). In her April 2019 testimony, Nucatola walked back her statement by saying that she was simply explaining how some lawyers interpret the law. She also admitted, however, that she would change where she gripped an unborn child with forceps, if she knew that the child's tissue was going to be harvested.
Former Planned Parenthood Los Angeles medical director Mary Gatter similarly admitted to altering the abortion process so more intact fetal tissue could be harvested. Under oath, she said, “Sometimes there was a lively discussion about whether it was permitted or not permitted to change the technique, and we were still debating that in Los Angeles when I left,” she said. “But by the time I met Mr. Daleiden and his associates I had evolved in my thinking to changing the technique to get better tissue was allowed.”
Federal law specifically prohibits changes to the "procedures used to terminate the pregnancy," and the testimony from Planned Parenthood officials further proves that the abortion giant has broken the law to obtain tissue samples from unborn children.