June 11, 2020

CBS Poll Gives Interesting Statistics on Support for Roe v. Wade

Photo Credit: Kristin Dos Santos / Flickr
A new CBS poll gives fascinating statistics about public support of legal abortion.

It should be noted at the start that this poll consisted of 331 people who identified as Republicans and 454 who identified as Democrats. The 123-person bias to the Democrat side accounts for some of these statistics.

24 percent of respondents said that they thought abortion "should not be permitted" at all, while 31 percent supported abortion being "available but under limits." Finally, 43 percent said that abortion should be "generally available."

The CBS poll also asked if respondents supported the idea of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. 63 percent said they would prefer the decision to remain, while only 29 percent of the left-slanted poll group supported overturning the decision.

Finally, respondents were asked if they would vote for candidates who disagreed with their position on abortion. 49 percent said that they would, while 42 percent said they could not vote for someone who disagreed on this issue.

While some of these statistics may be disappointing for pro-lifers, it's important to remember the bias included in this poll and consider one silver lining: 55 percent of respondents (including Democrats) said they either believe abortion should be either banned or limited in some way. Pro-lifers may be able to use this common ground to save lives and start discussions that change minds on the value of unborn life.