November 5, 2019

March of Dimes Report Card Gives Illinois D+ for High Preterm Birth Rates. Pro-Life Leader Says Unrestricted Abortion is to Blame.

A recent March of Dimes report card for Illinois gave the state a D+ for its high rate of preterm births. One interesting detail to note in this report is that African American women in Illinois are 52% more likely to give birth before their term is complete than other women. Illinois Right to Life Executive Director Mary Kate Knorr responded to the report:
“It is no surprise that Illinois and Chicago have a preterm birth problem – because Illinois and Chicago have an obvious abortion problem. Abortion procedures do irreversible damage to a woman’s uterine wall and cervix, drastically increasing the likelihood she’ll experience future miscarriages or preterm delivery.”
Studies conducted in the last decade suggest that the more abortions a woman has, the more likely she is to give birth before completing their term.

“Who can be surprised that women struggle to sustain their pregnancies when Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers in our state are willfully ending pregnancies by the tens of thousands every year?” said Knorr. “In fact, I’d like to hear from Planned Parenthood. Are they not a women’s healthcare provider? What do they intend to do to address preterm births, which is clearly a major women’s health issue in communities across our state?”

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