Pope Francis speaks to the Italian Association of Medical Oncology
Sept. 2, 2019. Credit: Vatican Media. |
Pope Francis spoke against the increasing practice of euthanasia to the Italian Association of Medical Oncology on September 2. He pointed out that the practice of euthanasia reduces the value of human life to convenience. “In reality, it is based on a utilitarian view of the person, who becomes useless or can be equated to a cost, if from the medical point of view, he has no hope of improvement or can no longer avoid pain.” He went on to say that medical professionals should never treat a patient as a burden or a waste, but rather attend patients and loved ones at all stages, "creating a culture and practice more attentive to the value of each person."
He stated that a major issue with medical care is that often doctors explain every possible option to patients from a medical standpoint, but they rarely explain hope. When doctors only treat their patients physically and don't attempt to help them spiritually, mercy hope and love are forgotten. “Inspire everyone to be close to those who suffer, to the little ones above all, and to put the weak in the first place, so that they can grow a more human society and relationships marked by gratuitousness, rather than opportunity,”
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