This bill amends the Health Care Right of Conscience Act: provides that notwithstanding any other law, a health care facility, or any physician or health care personnel working in the facility, may refuse to permit, perform, assist in, counsel about, suggest, recommend, refer for, or participate in health care services because of a conscience-based objection.
This bill now undermines Healthcare Right of Conscience by requiring pro-life facilities to refer pro-abort services to other facilities thus violating their morals or beliefs.
Update on SB1564: Today (July 15th) 5 representatives who support SB1564 were absent so it is unlikely that the sponsor will call the bill because she will not have her votes.
However, we will not relent. This is the roll call of the vote taken in the House on July 9, 2015 on the amendment to SB1564.
Y - Denotes Yea
N - Denotes Nay
NV - Denotes No Vote
E - Denotes Excused Absence
Y Acevedo N Davis,M N Kay NV Rita
Y Ammons Y Davis,W Y Kifowit N Sandack
N Andersson NV DeLuca Y Lang N Scherer
Y Andrade N Demmer NV Leitch Y Sente
N Anthony Y Drury Y Lilly Y Sims
Y Arroyo Y Dunkin Y Manley Y Smiddy
N Batinick N Durkin Y Martwick N Sommer
N Beiser Y Evans N Mautino N Sosnowski
N Bellock Y Feigenholtz NV Mayfield Y Soto
N Bennett Y Fine Y McAsey N Stewart
N Bourne Y Flowers N McAuliffe N Sullivan
N Bradley Y Ford N McDermed Y Tabares
N Brady N Fortner N McSweeney NV Thapedi
N Breen NV Franks E Meier N Tryon
N Brown N Frese N Mitchell,B Y Turner
N Bryant Y Gabel Y Mitchell,C N Unes
Y Burke,Daniel Y Golar Y Moeller N Verschoore
Y Burke,Kelly Y Gordon-Booth N Moffitt Y Wallace
N Butler Y Guzzardi E Morrison Y Walsh
N Cabello N Hammond Y Moylan N Wehrli
Y Cassidy N Harris,David Y Mussman Y Welch
N Cavaletto Y Harris,Greg Y Nekritz N Wheeler,Barbara
Y Chapa LaVia N Hays N Phelps N Wheeler,Keith
N Cloonen Y Hernandez E Phillips Y Williams
Y Conroy N Hoffman E Poe Y Willis
N Costello Y Hurley N Pritchard N Winger
Y Crespo N Ives Y Reaves-Harris Y Yingling
Y Currie Y Jackson N Reis Y Zalewski
Y D'Amico N Jesiel Y Riley Y Mr. Speaker
N Davidsmeyer
The purpose of the amendment was to change the effective date to June of 2016 so that the bill would require 60 votes instead of 71. The sponsor needed at least one more yea than the nays to pass the amendment. You can see that she did have enough yeas to pass the amendment but did not receive 60 votes for the amendment. This suggests that she may not have 60 votes to pass the bill. However we must continue to contact representatives. If your representative voted "no" (N) or "no vote" (NV) please contact them and thank them for their vote. We need to let them know that we are grateful for their vote against the amendment and also, ask them to also vote no on SB1564.
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