Pro-Life Advocates Throughout Chicagoland Join for Common Purpose
On Sunday, January 19, 2014, pro-life groups from all over Chicagoland will come together to proclaim the sanctity of human life and mark the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States.
The 9th annual March for Life Chicago begins at 1 pm Central at Federal Plaza located at 50 W. Adams, Chicago. Over a thousand expected participants will march from there to the James R. Thompson Center located at 100 W. Randolph, Chicago. March for Life Chicago brings together political figures, religious leaders and media personalities in a multi-faith, multi-cultural demonstration of pro-life values that denounce abortion and decry the harm it has caused society over the past four decades. Complete details about March For Life Chicago 2014 are available at www.MarchForLifeChicago.com
WHAT: 9th annual March for Life Chicago, including rallies at the start and culmination
WHEN: Sunday, January 19, 2014, from 1 to 3 p.m. Central
WHO: Pro-life groups and individuals from throughout Chicagoland, and Midwest
WHERE: Assembling at Federal Plaza, 50 W Adams, Chicago, MAP: goo.gl/maps/Zu1lI, marching to James R. Thompson Center, 100 W. Randolph, Chicago, MAP: goo.gl/maps/zpzQC
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: www.MarchForLifeChicago.com
Speakers including Francis Cardinal George and Congressman Dan Lipinski, along with WLS personality Dan Proft and Relevant Radio's Sheila Liaugminas who will emcee the rallies at the March start and culmination.
Confirmed speakers include:
Federal Plaza
Francis Cardinal George, Archdiocese of Chicago
Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos, Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago
Pastor Ceasar LaFlore, New Community Church, National Black Pro-Life Union member
Fr. Marco Mercado, Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe of Des Plaines, Illinois
Linda Couri, former Planned Parenthood employee
Anna Slater, Students for Life of Illinois
Dan Proft, WLS-AM
State of Illinois Building
Congressman Dan Lipinski (D-IL)
Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL)
Patrick McCaskey, Chicago Bears
Jill Stanek, JillStanek.com
Brittaney Campbell, Aid for Women client
Sheila Liaugminas, Relevant Radio
"The March For Life Chicago draws students and senior citizens, Latinos, African Americans, Catholics, evangelicals, moms, babies, business people, professional athletes and musicians...this is a diverse group with a common purpose, to proclaim the sanctity of all human life," said Mary Hallan-FioRito, spokesperson for the March For Life Chicago planning committee. "We want to see an end to abortion and the damage it causes our nation," she added, "We're honored to join with March For Life events across the country from Washington DC to San Francisco."
Presenting organizations include:
Archdiocese of Chicago
Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life
Relevant Radio
Illinois Right to Life
Pro Life Action League
Students for Life of Illinois
Renovación Carismática Católica Hispana
Sponsors include:
Knights of Columbus
Moody Radio Chicago
Lake County Right to Life
Families in Christ Jesus
For more about March For Life Chicago 2014 visit www.MarchForLifeChicago.com.
Contact: Tom Ciesielka, March For Life Chicago