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In the nation's capital, the District of Columbia, abortion is now legal for any reason, until the moment of birth. Babies are being aborted far past the point in pregnancy at which medical science has demonstrated that they will suffer excruciating pain as they are dismembered by brute force, using stainless steel tools.
Now, National Right to Life has won approval by the powerful House Judiciary Committee of a bill, H.R. 3803, the District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, that would end abortion in D.C. after 20 weeks fetal age (i.e., in the sixth month, and later), except to save a mother's life. But only two weeks remain before the House goes into recess. The bill will die, unless it is acted on immediately. Urge your representative in the House to press for an immediate vote by the full House on this bill.
There is a mountain of scientific evidence that 26 weeks is far past the point at which the unborn baby will feel excruciating pain as the abortionist twists off his or her little arms and legs, using a long steel tool called a "Sopher clamp." And abortions in the District may well be occurring even later -- because it is perfectly legal until birth, and no reporting is required.
Since January, National Right to Life has been urging Congress to act to stop the abortion of pain-capable babies in the nation's capital. Yesterday (July 18), the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives finally approved, 18-14, a bill conceived by NRLC, the District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 3803). The bill will ban abortions in the District of Columbia after 20 weeks fetal age, except to save a mother's life.
The bill is now eligible for action by the full House of Representatives. But this must happen fast, or it will not happen at all! And we are encountering fierce opposition. Well-funded pro-abortion groups such as NARAL and Planned Parenthood are mobilizing their resources to defend D.C.'s abortion-until-birth policy. They know that if they can delay the bill for even two weeks, it will die, because only two weeks remain before Congress goes into recess. The bill must pass the House before August 3 to have a chance of consideration by the Senate in September.
The bottom line is this: We have the votes on the House floor to pass this bill -- but it will die without a vote, unless House Leaders disregard the protests of opponents and put the bill on a fast track immediately.
I am asking you to urge your representative in the U.S. House to demand immediate action on H.R. 3803.
Take Action!