President Obama this week recorded a special video, thanking supporters of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
It's an election-year message to the lobbying arm of the nation's largest abortion seller, in which the president makes several disputable statements.
"We're grateful that through it all you never forgot who you're fighting for: The woman with a new lease on life because a mammogram caught her cancer in time. … So when some professional politicians casually say that they'll 'get rid of Planned Parenthood,' don't forget what they're really talking about — eliminating the funding for preventive care that millions of women rely on, and leaving them to fend for themselves."
Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., called the video "deeply troubling," given the fact that around 330,000 children are killed in Planned Parenthood clinics annually. Since 1977, he says that number tops 5 million.
"In watching the video, I was struck by how he bragged about saying 'No' when efforts were made to defund Planned Parenthood," Smith told CitizenLink. "The context was that he was willing to let the government shut down rather than defund a corporation that is 'Child Abuse, Inc.'
"He ignored what the issue is all about — abortion. Not mammography. We all know they don't do mammography. They might refer someone for it," he added. "For the president of the United States to not even mention what the controversy is about is very disingenuous."
Watch the president's video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naP2FbO8_-c
Contact: Karla Dial
Source: CitizenLink