Personhood measures have been introduced in three states, passed the House in North Dakota, and passed the Iowa House subcommittee.
The subcommittee of the Iowa House approved the personhood bill at a 2:1 vote, sending it to the full committee for the next vote in the near future. The Iowa personhood bill, like all personhood efforts, will recognize the value and dignity of every single human being, protecting every child by law.
In North Dakota, The Defense of Human Life Act, HB 1450, passed in the North Dakota House with an overwhelming majority of 68 - 25. Introduced by Representative Dan Ruby, the text defines: "Human being" as "an individual member of the species homo sapiens at every stage of development."
"The Personhood movement is growing rapidly, and we expect victory in every state. Personhood USA is in it to end it, and as we continue to see new personhood amendments and legislation, we are witnessing a historical movement to finally end the destruction of human lives and to protect women and children at all stages of life," stated Keith Mason, cofounder of Personhood USA.
Montana introduced a personhood amendment, recognizing the personhood rights of all human beings, seeking to make Montana safer for women and children. Introduced by Representative Wendy Warburton, the Montana legislature heard moving testimony from Rebecca Kiessling, a woman conceived in rape. Rebecca's testimony includes, "I may not look the same as I did when I was four years old or four days old yet unborn in my mother's womb, but that was still undeniably me and I would have been killed through a brutal abortion."
Texas has introduced HB 1109, which amends the Texas Health and Safety Code by recognizing that preborn children have "the rights, protections, and privileges accorded to any other person in this state."
Oklahoma has also introduced a Personhood Amendment, introduced by Representative Blackwell and Representative Vaughan. "Protecting everyone, including the preborn, is consistent with the vision of our Founding Fathers," stated Representative Blackwell.
Click here for the Chicago Tribune article.
Click here for the story from KULR8 (NBC Affiliate in Billings, Montana).
Contact: Keith Mason
Source: Personhood USA
Illinois Federation for Right to Life
2600 State Street, Suite E
Alton, IL 62002
Phone: 618-466-4122
Fax: 618-466-4134
Web: www.ifrl.org
E-mail: mail@ifrl.org