Today, barefoot Greeley students will erect 3,300 white crosses on the UNC Greeley Campus

With one of the largest pro-life campus groups in the nation, BEARfoot for Babies is celebrating Life Week barefoot, hosting some of the nation's most prominent pro-life speakers and putting up 3,300 small white crosses on campus grounds in memorial of the 3,300 babies killed by abortion every day in the United States.
The crosses will cover the lawn at the University Center on Wednesday.
"BEARfoot for babies has been an incredible opportunity for UNC Greeley students to stand in solidarity for babies," explained Sonny Longenbaugh, Development Director of Bear Catholic at UNC. "It is amazing how many conversations are started when students are barefoot on campus. Our second year is going better than we anticipated, and we are thrilled to share the message of life and hope with the students at UNC Greeley."
While hundreds of students participate in Life Week by going 'BEARfoot', nationally recognized pro-life speakers are featured at the University Center free of charge to anyone who would like to attend, and include Lila Rose, Carol Everett, former Planned Parenthood abortion provider, Rebecca Kiessling, conceived in rape pro-life speaker, and Brian Gail, New York Times best-selling author of "Fatherless".
Special events include a screening of the new documentary "Blood Money", Outdoor Rosary, and a Healing Mass, in honor of over 54 million human lives lost to abortion in the United States. All week, organizations and resources are available to those who are seeking counseling, alternative options to abortion or volunteer opportunities at the Life Expo.
"It is truly amazing to see so many college students that are passionate for the dignity of life," continued Longenbaugh. "Hundreds of pro-life students are serving as a witness for those lives lost to abortion, simply by going barefoot. This is a wonderful chance to highlight the tragedy of abortion, while at the same time standing together with a message of hope. It is a great feeling to be able to offer these amazing speakers and pro-life resources free of charge to all UNC Greeley students and surrounding communities."
This is the second annual BEARfoot for Babies, which has grown tremendously as the number of active students has increased. Anyone is welcome to attend BEARfoot for Babies events free of charge, as the crosses stand as a silent memorial to the lives lost to abortion.
Click here for the video.
Contact: Sunny Longenbaugh
Source: Barefoot for BabiesDate Published: October 6, 2010