With the approval of the latest "morning-after" pill, ellaOne, one group was left out of consideration.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved distribution of ellaOne, a drug that aborts fertilized eggs and prevents pregnancy within five days after intimacy. But pharmacist Mike Koelzer of Pharmacists for Life International (PFLI) tells OneNewsNow the FDA first made a mistake in approving Plan B, the morning-after pill that is an abortifacient.
"This one is even further down that road of being a drug that prevents the uterus from accepting a new life," Koelzer contends. "It makes the uterus inhospitable, which then causes that new life to be sloughed off, causing a very early abortion."
In a way, ellaOne acts like the abortion drug RU-486, he explains. But the pharmacist goes on to point out that the newly approved drug has not been fully researched, so the long-term effects or the wreckage that could occur for a woman or girl who uses it repeatedly are unknown.
He further feels the FDA's decision does not take into consideration the pharmacists and doctors who have a pro-life view and want nothing to do with the drugs, so Koelzer notes that those individuals will have to stand up and be counted.
"With prayer, anything's possible. But I think we will have to do this ourselves and [do] our own part to speak on the truth of these drugs," he explains.
During his campaign for office, President Obama made a promise to revise conscience rules to provide some degree of protection for pro-life medical professionals, but the pro-life pharmacist laments that that has yet to happen.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Date Published: September 12, 2010