Asking for criminal charges against recently suspended abortionists

Operation Rescue has released an investigative report that contains shocking details of an elaborate late-term abortion scheme operated by the notorious abortionist Stephen Chase Brigham that landed one woman in the hospital and resulted in the license suspensions of three abortionists in two states.
The report is largely based on 302 pages of documents released to Operation Rescue by the State of New Jersey through an open records act request and includes redacted medical records and interviews with those involved in the botched 22 week abortion that was started in Voorhees, New Jersey, and continued at a secret abortion clinic in Elkton, Maryland.
The report reveals:
• The two-state late-term abortion scheme violated NJ and MD laws.
• Shows discrepancies in the abortionist's story compared to hospital records and other testimony.
• Reveals the horrific ordeal endured by the abortion patient and her family.
• Shows that abortions as late as 36 weeks were being started in NJ and ended in MD.
• Reveals how evasive abortionists described their suspicious "secret abortion clinic" to stunned emergency room staff.
• Details an encounter with the Elkton police where abortionist Brigham fled the scene to avoid questioning.
• Details a police raid on Brigham's Elkton clinic where Utah abortionist Nicola Riley slipped away to warn Brigham's caravan of women evade police by diverting to a Baltimore clinic, where four late-term abortions were completed.
Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, will be in Annapolis, Maryland on Wednesday, September 15, at noon for a press conference outside the Maryland Attorney General's office where he and other pro-life leaders will remark on this evolving story concerning Brigham and the three other Maryland abortionists whose licenses were suspended this week.
The group of pro-life/pro-family leaders will call for criminal charges against four abortionists in New Jersey and Maryland.
Click here to read the entire report.
Contact: Troy Newman
Date Published: September 13, 2010