August 23, 2010

UNC pro-lifers call for healthcare investigation

      University of North Carolina (UNC)

Recent revelations have led Students for Life of America (SFLA) to request an investigation into the University of North Carolina (UNC) system, but the pro-life group is now requesting intervention from higher authorities.

The situation arose over mandatory student health insurance, which includes paying for abortion. The pro-life group convinced the school system to give students the choice to opt out of the coverage, but it has recently been discovered that student premiums will not decrease as a result. SFLA executive director Kristan Hawkins tells OneNewsNow her group has taken a further step after not getting straight answers about their concerns. (See earlier story)

A letter has been sent to the state's governor, to North Carolina's U.S. congressional delegation, and also to UNC system president Erskine Bowles. "We've asked them all to investigate this matter and to come back with us with answers," Hawkins explains.

Since student insurance that includes abortion coverage is considered part of the cost of education, the concern is that the inflated amount is being used to qualify students for federal grants -- and that, says Hawkins, has caught the attention of some members of Congress.

"I have staffers on the Hill looking into this," the SFLA executive director reports. "They are concerned this could be abortion funding from the federal government."

While Hawkins is waiting for a clear explanation, she tells OneNewsNow her group's investigation reveals the problem extends far beyond just the University of North Carolina system.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Date Published: August 23, 2010