Six abortion clinics filed a federal lawsuit Friday, challenging two laws which recently passed by overwhelming margins the Louisiana legislature.
One law requires ultrasound exams be given to women considering abortion.
Benjamin Clapper, director for the Louisiana Right to Life Federation, believes the ultrasound bill will withstand legal scrutiny.
“On one hand, we’re frustrated that it slows down the progress towards offering women solid, good information,” Clapper said, “but, on the other hand, we know that the public is going to be educated about this information.”
Gene Mills, executive director of the Louisiana Family Forum, said there’s a sense of desperation among abortion activists, especially in light of unique and advancing technology.
“It’s making it very difficult to hide information from women,” Mills said. “I’m kind of surprised they decided to come against the Woman’s Right to Know law. I believe the court will come down in favor of life and in favor of Louisiana legislative action.”
Source: CitizenLink
Date Published: August 9, 2010