August 18, 2010

Pro-life Freedom Riders Prepare for Second Ride: All Can Participate

The Freedom Bus drives by Ebenezer Baptist Church.

The Pro-life Freedom Rides, which were inaugurated last month with a ride from Birmingham to Atlanta, will initiate the second phase of this movement with a nine-week period of prayer and action starting on September 1 and concluding on Election Day. People can sign up at
This period will be marked by the following elements:

   1. A nine-week novena of Prayer for our National Elections (Sept 1 - Nov  2): Sign up at
   2. A national webcast on Tuesday night, September 7, to discuss how   people can participate in their own communities in the activities of these  weeks.
   3. National Voter Registration Sunday on September 12, when Churches are urged to have voter registration drives. Organizations and individuals can promote voter registration in a wide variety of other ways as well. has details of how to carry out these  activities.
   4. The second Pro-life Freedom Ride from Knoxville, TN to Chattanooga, TN on Friday, Oct. 15 - Saturday, Oct. 16.  Sign up at
   5. A national call to post-abortion healing and testimony, symbolized by the event in Chattanooga on Oct. 16 which will be held at the National Memorial for the Unborn. At this site, mothers and fathers from around the world who have lost children to abortion memorialize those children with special plaques posted on the walls. At the October 16 event, Pro-life Freedom Riders will express their solidarity with all who have lost children to abortion. Some will give their testimonies at that event. Meanwhile, everyone can a) spread the word about healing, and b) spread the testimonies in their own circles of influence. We will provide training on how to do this, through the Silent No More Awareness Campaign (
   6. Voter education and Get-Out-The-Vote activities throughout October, with training offered through two more webcasts, one on October 6 and the other on October 27.

These activities are part of the 10 Steps to End Abortion, that provide the practical steps that Pro-life Freedom Riders will implement throughout their various campaigns. This second Freedom Ride emphasizes steps 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 of those 10 steps.

Margaret Sciarrino
Source: Priests for Life
Date Published: August 17, 2010