Personhood ColoradoThe campaign for passage of the Colorado Personhood Amendment has been launched.
The battle for Amendment 62, which would define life as beginning at conception, will begin with radio ads and will eventually include television. But spokesperson Leslie Hanks reports that an all-star lineup is backing the proposal, including former U.N. ambassador and presidential candidate Dr. Alan Keyes, local pastor and former CEO of Promise Keepers Bishop Phillip Porter, California's personhood co-sponsor Pastor Walter Hoye, and Live Action's Lila Rose.
human embryo babyHanks understands the fight for passage will be a tough one.
"We're David against Goliath. We are fighting the abortion industry right here in Colorado where the whole thing started," the pro-lifer notes. "We were about the first state to liberalize the abortion laws in America, and we feel like whatever started here needs to end here."
About 130,000 Colorado voters signed pro-life petitions, making the state the only one to have a Personhood Amendment on the November ballot this year. Hanks concludes that success in passing the measure this year will depend on a strong grassroots effort.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Date Published: July 31, 2010