The White House announced a temporary regulation to fix loopholes discovered in ObamaCare that would allow federal funding for elective abortions. However, White House official Nancy-Ann DeParle emphasized that the ban, which applies to a program which itself is temporary, "is not a precedent for other programs or policies."
Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America (CWA), said, "The Obama administration is trying to play both sides. It tried to sneak funding for abortion in one program. Then, when caught, they announced a 'ban,' but at the same time declared the ban as 'temporary' and 'not a precedent' for what it will do in other programs. This leads to one obvious conclusion: temporary fixes don't work. Congress needs to pass a permanent ban on abortion funding."
"Every year a myriad of amendments have to be reauthorized to protect taxpayers from funding abortion. This week, Representatives Chris Smith (R-New Jersey) and Dan Lipinski (D-Illinois) offered a bi-partisan solution. The 'No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act' solidifies existing, annual bans, including the Hyde amendment, conscience protections for health care providers, and bars taxpayer funding of abortions in other countries.
"In announcing the temporary ban, the White House affirmed that the 'President is committed to neither expanding nor scaling back current restrictions on federal funding for abortion.' This new bill fits that promise, as it will uphold current laws, making permanent what has been for too long temporary."
Contact: Demi Bardsley
Source: Concerned Women for America
Date Published: July 30, 2010