Tennessee House Strikes Blow to ObamaCare Abortion Coverage

A strong bipartisan majority in the Tennessee House of Representatives voted to exercise its right to opt the state out of the abortion mandate in the new national health care reform law. The measure approved by the House forbids insurance companies receiving public subsidies in the state-run health exchange from offering or requiring abortion coverage.
The House passed HB 2681 on the floor Monday by an overwhelming 70 votes in favor, with 23 against. The legislation states: "No health care plan required to be established in this state through an exchange pursuant to federal health care reform legislation enacted by the 111th Congress shall offer coverage for abortion services."
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Support for Repealing Health Care Law Rises to 58%: Rasmussen

Nearly three weeks after President Obama signed the federal health care bill into law, more U.S. voters hope to see it repealed than not, according to a Rasmussen poll.
58% of respondents in the telephone survey said they favored repeal for the measure, including a solid half of U.S. voters who "strongly favor" repeal, reported the pollster Monday morning. Thirty-eight percent of voters oppose repeal, with 32% strongly opposing it.
In surveys conducted in the first two weeks following the bill's passage, 54% of voters favored repeal while 42% opposed it.
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Warning: The Danger of People

In a recent article entitled "Say it loud: I'm childfree and I'm proud," author Lisa Hymas suggests that the population of the United States must be controlled -- through what means, she does not say. In the article, Hymas refers to the amount of carbon dioxide each American person causes to go into the Earth's atmosphere, which she alleges contributes to the destruction of the Earth's environment and atmosphere. To Hymas, the best solution is for people to stop having children: "A person who cares about preserving a livable environment has lots of options for doing her bit, and you've heard all about them.... But even in aggregate, all of these moves don't come close to the impact of not bringing new human beings -- particularly new Americans -- into the world."
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Planned Parenthood Office Overreacts to Package That Turns Out To Be Mail

A package left at the Planned Parenthood offices on East Genesee Street in Syracuse this morning brought a quick response from police. Authorities were called about 9:55 a.m. about the box. Police X-rayed the box, which turned out to be filled with mail, Sgt. Tom Connellan said. It turns out the mail was delivered to the wrong address, Connellan said. The people who received the mail by mistake delivered it to Planned Parenthood in the package that they left at the door, Connellan said.
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Birth Control Pills Kill Bank Worker

Jenna Morris, of Poulton, Wirral, died after a deep vein thrombosis developed in her legs and spread to her lungs. Before she collapsed Miss Morris complained of shooting pains in her legs and within hours her mother Christine found her daughter's body at her home in Merseyside. A post mortem revealed she died of a blood clot, possibly caused by the contraceptive pills which she had been taking since she was a teenager. At the time of her death Jenna was planning a wedding to her fiance, Luke Hawson. who proposed to her on her 28th birthday in November last year.
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Black Pro Life Activists Picket Planned Parenthood's Chief Fundraiser

Move-On-Up.org and St. Louis area pro life activists, picket the luncheon speaker for the The Saint Louis Planned Giving Council. The SLGC was holding a workshop for charitable gilt planners. According to the (SLPGC) website, the organization is the 'professional association for charitable gift planners in the greater metropolitan St. Louis region." The luncheon speaker was Dianne Armstrong, CFRE, of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. The topic of her talk was: "Best Practices in Donor Visits.
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