Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, will be the celebrant and homilist at the Annual National Mass for Terri's Day Wednesday night, March 31 at the Ave Maria Oratory of Ave Maria University in Naples, Florida.
"On March 31, five years ago, Terri Schiavo died a court mandated and government enforced death," said Fr. Pavone. "I saw for myself, as I held her hand and prayed at her bedside, that this death was not 'peaceful' and 'beautiful' as euthanasia advocates want us to think. Moreover, as health care is placed more and more in the hands of the government, we have to be more vigilant than ever to protect the Terris of today and tomorrow."
"Terri's Day" was established by Terri's family and Priests for Life to foster education, prayer, and activism to counter discrimination against the disabled. We urge Churches, schools, organizations, families, and individuals to observe this day. Suggested prayers and activities are at
The National Mass for Terri's Day will be held on March 31 at 5:00 pm, at 5040 Ave Maria Boulevard, Ave Maria, FL 34142. A light reception will follow.
Contact: Margaret
Source: Priests for Life
Publish Date: March 29, 2010
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