4th Pro-Life World Congress Calls Abortion "Mega-Genocide"![]() SARAGOSSA, Spain, - The representatives of national and international pro-life organizations who gathered in Saragossa, Spain from November 6 to 8, 2009, in the Fourth Pro-Life World Congress, have issued a statement - the so-called Declaration of Saragossa - that has condemned the slaughter of the unborn by abortion as a "mega-genocide." Comparing the six million "legal" deaths in the Nazi concentration camps, which constitute the international crime of genocide, to the "eight hundred million deaths, provoked, up to the moment, by means of 'legal' abortions, in the countries of the world that have authorized it," the Declaration states that "for its number and extension" abortion "constitutes a crime against humanity, a mega-genocide." The Declaration identifies the UN and its agencies, various international organizations such as the Rockefeller, Ford, Gates, and Soros Foundations and the International Federation of Family Planning (IPPF), as well as "the current president of the United States of America and the bureaucracy of the European Union, among other groups of global power," as the main elements that encourage, "sometimes in a direct way and sometimes using euphemisms," this mega-genocide. The pro-life representatives make a distinction between the lives lost to direct abortion, and the "hardly determinable number of victims" of "diverse contraceptives capable of killing human beings in their first days of life," such as intrauterine devices (IUDs), the "morning after" pill, systemic use contraceptive pills, injectable or subdermal implants, and the chemical abortifacient drug misoprostol. Artificial fertilization also falls within this category of "invisible mega-genocide," since, according to statistics, only 4% of embryos conceived in "extracorporeal fertilization" (e.g. IVF) are born. Demanding respect for life from conception to natural death, the Declaration calls for the promotion of rational solutions, respectful of life, for human needs, the penalization of abortion, euthanasia, eugenic practices and the manipulation of human life, and the protection of conscience of doctors and health care workers who refuse to participate in the killing of innocent human life. The Declaration concludes with the warning that, "A society that tolerates with indifference the mega-genocide of abortion, be it surgical or chemical, loses the most elementary sign of humanity, and sooner or later it will be inclined to damage in a violent way some other human rights of its citizens." The full English text of the Declaration of Saragossa will be available on the Pro-Life World Congress website as soon as it is translated. Contact: Thaddeus M. Baklinski Source: LifeSiteNews.com Publish Date: November 10, 2009 Link to this article. Send this article to a friend. |